GLAM/Newsletter/August 2021/Contents/Italy report
Summer school in July and two new WiRs in August
BySummer School 2021

From 12th to 16th of July Wikimedia Italia organized the third edition of the "Wikimedia project for GLAMs" summer school, dedicated to operators of museums, archives and libraries and university students who intend to work within the cultural institutions. The summer school, that was held online, offers a complete overview of Wikimedia projects and their possible use in the sharing and dissemination of the contents belonging to the institutions. The students followed a full week about Wikipedia, Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons and Wikisource and their uses in partnerships with cultural institutions. Here you can find the full program (in italian).
Guided by italian Wikipedian experts, participants learned non only the basic rules to contribute to Wikimedia projects, but also the main technical tools developed by volunteers active on Wikimedia projects to help professionals in the cultural sector to "free" their collections on wiki projects more easily, monitoring also the impact of the activity in terms of audience reached, calculating the views of pages, access and clicks on shared content in the form of open data.
Two new italian Wikimedian in Residence

In August two new WiR began to work with italian institution, BEIC (with whom we collaborate since 2014) and the University of Padua. The University of Padua is the first Italian university hosting at the same time two Wikipedians in residence, opening its classrooms and archives to the figures responsible for accompanying cultural institutions in the world of Wikipedia and all other Wikimedia projects. This collaboration has enabled us to giving space to Wikipedia tools in 40 university courses and involving over 1200 students in writing and reviewing hundreds of free encyclopedia entries in all fields of knowledge. This will allow to bring the results of the collaboration beyond Wikipedia, enhancing the historical and artistic heritage of the University of Padua, its libraries and museums, and developing new tools for teaching.