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GLAM/Newsletter/Categorization drive

From Outreach Wiki
This page is currently a draft.
Material may not yet be complete, information may presently be omitted, and certain parts of the content may be subject to radical, rapid alteration. More information pertaining to this may be available on the talk page.

What are we doing?


The GLAM-Wiki community has a lot of documentation, and a lot of experience executing different kinds of program models. However, the main way in which we document this material, the GLAM-Wiki Newsletter, has gotten bigger and harder for all GLAM participants to navigate and have a grasp of. New contributors to GLAM-wiki rarely can gauge if their approach to a project is entirely new, or if there are representative case studies and structures for doing that work. Similarly, experienced GLAM-Wiki contributors have trouble finding the best examples or models for their own ideas or projects and GLAM coordinators for affiliates often create repeat infrastructure for their projects (handouts, workshops, and other materials).

Stuart Prior at WMUK initiated an evaluation of some of this documentation by initiating mapping of the different workflows that they have been using in the UK, and more broadly across GLAM communities. Paired with mapping the GLAM-Wiki newsletter, our hope is that we can do several projects: first provide a front-end overhaul of the GLAM-Wiki portal on Outreach so that the materials within it are easier to access, and provide greater utility for different audiences; integrate a portal into the Wikimedia Resource center for community members; and provide a basic understanding of what folks are including in GLAM-Wiki. We want to be able to point to the appropriate resources for each of these major activities, so that folks implementing GLAM-Wiki projects can do so with the best materials available.

Moreover, we expect that as an international community, we have “missed” best practices or activity types that have been developed by local communities. By doing a full mapping of this content, we will expose what both fits and doesn’t fit within our more common models for GLAM-Wiki.

Other benefits


We hope that it will:

  • Create a baseline, imperfect metric of how many months communities have reported each activity type.
  • Creating another strategy for navigating This Month in GLAM
  • Facilitate deeper analysis of what strategies/types of institutions are associated with activities -- allowing folks to discover models and contacts within GLAM-Wiki community, and deeper evaluations of the project types.

How are we doing it?


We have sketched a category tree below which should include most of the anticipated “tactics” for GLAM collaborations around the common ways in which GLAM-Wiki is practiced and used in our more experienced communities. Like all things on-wiki its preliminary, and definitely could include other categories as we go. If you think one of the categories doesn’t work, please comment on the talk page.

Activity/Tactics categories


This categories are based, in part on the mapping of case studies on the GLAM/Digital Collections and GLAM/Sharing Knowledge.

Category This Month in GLAM by project type not found

Institution type


Note: Galleries have been included under the category "Art Museum" since its hard to distinguish between the two when examining the groupings internationally.

Category This Month in GLAM by institution type not found

Level of information in the newsletter


Only include these categories, when there is significant discussion of the content in that report.

Category This Month in GLAM by content type not found

Where do I start?


Pick one of the issues below and, by signing your name to the issue to claim it. Once you have finished categorizing the issues, add the {{done}} template afterwards.

Try to categorize each page in that issue as thoroughly as you can. If you can’t determine the appropriate subcategory for a page, put it in a level-one category that is close to the topic. We can sort “non-standard” or “hard to determine pages” from these higher level container categories later -- but each page needs to have at least one category for each of the institution and project categories. If you still aren't sure, place the items in the generic "other" categories, such as "Other projects" and "Other Institutions".

We recommend enabling hotcat in your gadgets

Note: adding categories to a report page using Hotcat, will sometimes add other pages to the category, because they have been transcluded and the categories are not in a <noinclude></noinclude>. Don't worry about that in the first pass of the categorization Astinson (WMF) (talk · contribs) plans to add the noinclude tags using AWB/JWB after we finish the drive.



AStinson (WMF) will be hosting several categorization drives over the course of several weeks in June, where others can join and help with the categorization efforts.



2017 - Volume VII


2016 - Volume VI


2015 - Volume V


2014 - Volume IV


2013 - Volume III


2012 - Volume II


2011 - Volume I
