GLAM/Newsletter/December 2012/Contents/Italy report
WikiAfrica and Share Your Knowledge welcome 2013 with great achievements
As announced last month, the WikiAfrica and Share Your Knowledge projects managed to reach their goals on Wikimedia projects. The report for December 2012 reveals that the astonishing figure of 34,000 African contents will probably be reached soon. As a matter of fact, the project is not over, as multiple Wikipedia projects are still importing articles from a database about Botswana villages and municipalities.
This month's articles are about two international institutions which are well known among Wikipedians and Commons users. The Tropenmuseum contributed over 4,000 historical files about African people, places and items. The Dutch museum joined the project after previous mass image donations over these years. The Smithsonian Institution Archives opened their Washington archives as well, allowing dozens of pictures of the last century to be uploaded and a few interesting stories to be told. The Italian version of the case studies is linked on each page; more translations will be available soon.
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