GLAM/Newsletter/December 2014/Contents/Sweden report
Central Museums and Glöggmingel
ByHow can we get them to commit? Developing new ways to work with the Central Museums

The collaboration between Wikimedia Sweden and the Council of the Central Museums continues on it's fourth year in 2015, and on a meeting with the directors in the beginning of December an evaluation of activities performed 2014 and road map for 2015 was presented. The evaluation shows that the amount of work done within the Wikimedia projects varies a lot among the GLAMs. We are still struggling with getting all GLAMs involved in editing, contributing content hosting edit-a-thons and other activities. A slight change of focus for 2015 will be to do more edit-a-thons and activities involving two or more GLAMs and more work on producing content rather then to do beginners training.
Wikimedia Sweden organized a glöggmingel (social gathering where we drink mulled wine and eat ginger snaps) before the winter holidays where we invited volunteers, friends and partners. This, as well as previous years glöggmingel, was a great way to talk about events that has happened during the year and to try out some new ideas for the coming year. Among others, the Director-General of the National Archives of Sweden attended, and we talked about their release of Coat of Arms and where to go next. We also discussed with librarians and teachers about how to develop Wikiversity and a consultant at SIDA about how to get stats and facts to Wikidata in an easy and convenient way.