GLAM/Newsletter/February 2013/Contents/Germany report
Reach out for cooperation
ByA silver-aged edit-a-thon
As part of the cooperation we perform with the Museum village of Düppel we held in February our first edit-a-thon. In the end of the day we could happily edit together on the article on the museum itself. And we plan more actions for the future. This is a small progress, indeed. But it is worthwhile as the museum is Europe wide a leading institution in experimental archeology and has particulary in the field of medieval crafts quite some knowledge to liberate. It also interesting as we learn what special needs do silver agers (65+) face when entering the universe of Wikimedia. It simply takes more time to overcome old beliefs and to dare to try something new. We hope that a video documentation of the medieval crafts will spur the cooperation further.
Science 2.0 at the Leibniz Society
Wikimedia Deutschland attended as partner the kick-off for the research Science 2.0 of the Leibniz-Society. Many of the presented 26 research projects will focus in one way or the other Wikimedia projects. Wikimedia Deutschland will cooperate not only as an object of scientific research but as an active researcher. Some of the questions raised are: How does Citizen Science influence modern research? How to deal with social media platforms? And what strategy do researchers apply dealing with Wikipedia as a publication platform? Please read the German blog for more details.
More than 1000 pennies linked to Wikipedia
Sometimes cooperation is not a glamourous show but simply transforming Wikipedia links into the most normal routine in basic research tools. Some Wikipedians around Mathias Schindler developed a sober tool called BEACON. This tool enables now the Berliner Münzkabinett, that holds more than 500.000 historical coins in its valuables collections to link her collection to the Wikipedia. As every coin has its master, and almost every known master has his identifier in the catalogue of persons of the German National Library it is possible to link every recognized master by its identifier to the Wikipedia-article on that person. Over a 1000 persons have been linked by now and the picture of the coins are available in Wikimedia Commons. The effect of the transaction is fair enough. Researchers will be informed by Wikipedia as a first source.
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