GLAM/Newsletter/February 2015/Contents/Finland report
Hacking Heritage
ByWiki Loves Maps

We hosted Wiki Loves Maps seminar and a hackathon in Helsinki 5–8 February. The event brought together Wikipedians, GLAM professionals, city officials, hackers, historians and GIS enthusiasts from Finland and the neighbouring countries to talk together and learn from each other about using old maps and geodata in applications. The keynote speakers were Mauricio Giraldo from the New York Public Library and Peter Neubauer from Mapillary, and there were altogether 18 speakers from 6 countries. The sessions dealt with collaboration between GLAMs and Wikimedia chapters, geohacks, cultural hackathons #Hack4DK, #Hack4NO and #Hack4FI and platforms and projects for citizen historians or DIY historians in the Nordic landscape.
The 3-day hackathon was part of the first Finnish cultural hackathon #Hack4FI. There is a blog post about the event, and the documentation stream can be watched in the event pages.
The theme for the events, Historical Aleksanterinkatu, was created in collaboration with the City of Helsinki. The oldest street in Helsinki is the scene for many aspects of Finnish history.
This was the last of the events in the Wikimaps Nordic project, while development still continues with the Wikimaps Warper user interface.
Hacking continues in the Gallen-Kallela Museum
Finnish GLAMs are arranging events in the context of the #Hack4FI hackathon's production period, which ends in late March. The Gallen-Kallela Museum in Espoo hosted a small hackathon of their own. Wikimedia Finland Board member and GLAM activist Heikki Kastemaa introduced Wikimedia practices to the participants. The Museum celebrates the 150 th anniversary of the artist and has opened a collection of over 400 photographs from the artist's collection to Flickr. Wikimedia Finland is in the process of uploading the images to Wikimedia Commons with the help of the Flickr2GWToolset tool, that can help sort out data to different properties in Wikimedia Commons from the fuzzy description fields in Flickr.