GLAM/Newsletter/February 2016/Contents/Germany report
30 GLAM volunteers in museums and libraries
By30 volunteers at GLAM on Tour in Dresden

From march 4-7, the ninth event of the GLAM on Tour project took place in Dresden. This time, two cultural institutions, Technische Sammlungen Dresden and Verkehrsmuseum Dresden, invited 30 Wikipedians to write new articles and take pictures for Commons.
Both of the institutions opened their doors for free tours for the volunteers, edit-a-thons and foto excursions to explore their numerous collections. A Wikipedia workshop for newbies and staff of the institutions was part of the programme, too. There also was a high amount of media coverage, TV and radio contributions including calls for volunteer engagement in the Wikimedia projects. See the documentation page for media coverage and, more important, the ongoing photo uploads and article-work (in German).
Wiki-Worldcafé at library congress
On March 14, a "Wikiversum Weltcafé" (engl.: Wikiverse Worldcafé) will be held at the German library congress in Leipzig. This is a GLAM format we developed and tested during 2014 and 2015 with GLAM volunteers on different occasions, such as conferences about cultural heritage and digitization. After an input talk that informs about the Wikimedia projects and possibilities to cooperate with volunteers in the GLAM sector, three or four volunteers present to the participants "their" Wikimedia projects, mostly Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata. On monitors, the congress participants are informed as to how the projects work and how they can participate. This way, a large group of potential interested people from cultural heritage institutions get a first insight in the Wikiverse and are able to directly connect with the volunteers themselves.
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