GLAM/Newsletter/January 2015/Contents/Germany report
GLAM on Tour in Wuppertal
By30 participant event during impressionist art exhibition at Von der Heydt Museum Wuppertal
The project GLAM on Tour, which aims to initiate cooperations between GLAM volunteers and cultural heritage institutions, dropped anchor in the city of Wuppertal from January 29 to february 1. The well known and prestigious Von der Heydt-Museum served as a host institution for 30 Wikipedia authors from January 29 to February 1, during the exhibition "Camille Pissarro - The father of impressionism". During an editathon in the art library of the museum, articles around the institution, impressionism and works of artists were created or extended. The museum also provided free tours for the exhibition, to learn more about the historic context of pissarro and his work.
Part of the event, as always, was a Wikipedia workshop for interested newbies around the institution. After an introduction, a vivid discussion about the conditions for cooperations between cultural institutions and Wikipedia. This question also served as the central topic at the "Wikipedian Salon", a regular event for discussing relevant issues of the Wikiverse, which took place in Wuppertal this time. The curator of the museum, a cultural editor and Wikipedia authors who write about art a lot discussed about perspectives, threats and advantages of a close collaboration between museums and Wikimedia projects. In the end, all the participants agreed that all the involved players can benefit from a further cooperation. Find more information from a participants perpective on the event in the WMDE blogpost (in german).