GLAM/Newsletter/July 2023/Contents/UK report
Roads, Kingdoms and Assassins
ByKhalili Foundation

The main activity this month has been continued rewriting and improvement of articles relating to cultural diversity. The article on Cultural diversity, in particular, reads differently to how it did a month ago and has reached a higher quality level. I have also written about each painting in the Khalili Falnama, for an article that is presently in draft.
On Wikidata, I am gradually adding details of paintings in the Khalili Collection of Islamic Art. This month I added fifteen paintings in the Shahnamah of Prince Murad Bakhsh. So, for example, if we ask Wikidata about the character Afrasiab, it tells us that Khalili Collections MSS 466 26a and MSS 145 342b are paintings that depict him.
In the past month many outlets reported that the Khalili Collections are among the institutions contributing images to the forthcoming Assassin's Creed Mirage computer game to educate players about the setting of 9th century Baghdad. This is now reflected in the article about the game, as well the articles on Khalili Collections and Khalili Collection of Islamic Art.
A review earlier this year raised the issue that some images uploaded from the Khalili Collection of Hajj and the Arts of Pilgrimage might not be free content. The Khalili Collections are happy to share them freely, but the original material might not be out of copyright. This is my fault for not checking carefully enough when uploading. I have now done that thorough review, and requested deletion for seven images. The other 250 images from the collection are fine to stay. There were no new image uploads this month.
A volunteer created summary Urdu translations of the Anis al-Hujjaj and Muhammad Sadiq (photographer) articles, bringing the total of articles created by this project to 48. Another volunteer translated the Nasser David Khalili navigation box into Urdu.
The Wikimedia Research team released a tool, WikiNav, that illustrates user pathways into and out of Wikipedia articles. It gives interesting visualisations of how articles created by this project join with the rest of Wikipedia to form a web of knowledge. Looking at the article on the Khalili Collections, it shows that readers are coming to this via articles such as Bactrian language and Astrolabe. For the article about the exhibition Hajj: Journey to the Heart of Islam it shows that readers of this article followed links to articles about the British Museum, Nasser Khalili, and Khalili Collection of Hajj and the Arts of Pilgrimage.
Not my own work, but worth noting, is that a volunteer improved the article Book of Roads and Kingdoms on English Wikipedia and got it through Did You Know review. It was linked from the front page of Wikipedia on 23 July, getting more than 23,000 views over two days. The article's lead image, and another image in the gallery, are from the Khalili Collections.
GLAMorgan reports 4,699,823 image views for the month of July.