GLAM/Newsletter/July 2024/Single
For what matters most for your community
During the summer, Wikimedians of Albanian Language User Group focused on what’s most important for the community by sharing some of the most interesting projects and activities on social media posts.
Below are some of the accomplishments that we have featured so far.
- Posting personal stories from our community members
This summer, we have shared inspiring stories of community members who have participated in and contributed to different projects to strengthen our Wikipedian community in Albania and Kosovo. Through this initiative, our members serve to increase further connections and interactions among each other.
- Drawing attention to main projects
For the first part of this year, we have developed many activities and initiatives that enriched the content on Wikipedia. We utilized social media posts to share everything from edit-a-thons to special GLAM projects like Wiki Loves Living Heritage in Albania and Kosovo, Wikimedian in Residence, and contributions from our members that publish articles on different portals about the role of Wikipedia in Albanian society. All these helped us expand our outreach and impact.
Looking back at our social media updates, we can see the real outcomes of our work. We have noticed more people joining our events and activities and more interactions on our posts.
Social media
- We have a public Telegram channel (language used mostly Albanian) if you want to join and discuss Wikimedia projects.
If you want to see more about our activities, you can:
- Like our Facebook page, follow us on formerly Twitter or X or Instagram.
Mid-term digitization update
Digitization project: first semester updates
Academia Argentina de Letras
We have been working for the last nine years on the digitization of argentinian literature, so far this year we uploaded 36 book from authors like: Cisneros, Holmberg, Payró, Rawson, Oronio, Ceppi, Mitre, Estrada, Funes, and others.
Find more at:
Museo Regional "Palacio Arruabarrena"
We uploaded a second batch of 963 photos and postcards from Concordia, Entre Rios province. We already have more than 1500.
Find more at:
Academia Nacional de la Historia
We are still working with the largest academic institution when it comes to american and argentinian history, so far this year we uploaded 23 books and 420 historical documents (400 more ready to upload this month!). All uplods were made with OpenRefine.
Find more at:
Museo de la Ciudad de Rosario «Wladimir Mikielievich»
We uploaded 100 documents (autographed postcards) and 4 magazines from Rosario.
Find more at:
Structuring Wiki Loves Monuments through a Wikidata portal
Wiki Loves Monuments (WLM) is an annual photo competition organized by members of the Wikimedia community around the world. Wiki Movimento Brasil organize the national phase of Wiki Loves Monuments contest since 2019 (above you may see the winner of each year).
During this period, we invite anyone who has photographs of their own, current or from other years, which depict monuments and historic buildings, to upload these images to Wikimedia Commons. With this simple act, each photographer contributes to increasing the visibility of the built heritage of Brazil's cities, reinforcing their historical and cultural importance and, most importantly, preserving local memory and recording the passage of time. By uploading the images under a free license, there is also the potential for them to illustrate Wikipedia, academic papers, teaching materials and other resources worldwide.
Recently, we've created a wikidata portal gathering information on how we organize the wikicontest in Brazil: Wiki Loves Monuments Brasil.

This page aims to document the accurate modeling of Brazilian monuments in Wikidata, with dynamic quality control. It is a resource for the community to monitor the status of the data underlying the Brazilian stage of the Wiki Loves Monuments competition, with special attention to the quality and completeness of the data added to the Wikidata items of each participating monument.
The page also coordinates information on the institutions that carry out heritage listings or inventory data and links to heritage lists, inventories of properties of historical interest, etc. that serve as sources of data on listed properties and properties of historical interest throughout Brazil. The eight tabs are:
- Home: general information on the Wiki Loves Monuments Brasil contest and this portal;
- Structured data: overview tables of properties that are commonly used in Wikidata items related to listed properties or properties of historical interest;
- Common errors: examples of common errors and ontological violations when adding items or properties to items of monuments on Wikidata;
- Typologies: typologies of monuments (listed assets and items of historical interest) and preservation agencies;
- Data sources: overview of the data sources from which we have been importing information on Brazilian monuments;
- Use cases: example of apps and pages that use the metadata on Monuments we have been uploading to Wikidata;
- Resources and references: links to videos, presentations and papers where you can find more information about the Brazilian stage of the Wiki Loves Monuments competition;
- Statistics: quality and completeness of the data added to the Wikidata items of each participating monument.
The best case of use of these metadata is the map for our Wiki Loves Monuments contest.

Its interface is an interactive map divided into Brazilian states, where the suggested assets are georeferenced (red pins for assets that don't have photographs, green pins for the ones that have at least one photo). The app runs on the browser, so it is easier to use, as you only need to log in and upload images stored on your cell phone or computer. Images can also be uploaded on the spot, for example while on a photowalk.

New partnership with Criola and its first batch
On July 10, 2024, the Wiki Movimento Brasil User Group entered into a GLAM-Wiki partnership with the NGO Criola. This civil society organization, located in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, has been working for 30 years to combat racism and fight for women's rights.
The WikiCriola Project aims to amplify and expand the voices of Black cis and trans women in the fields of new technologies and racial equity. Through a series of videos and transcriptions produced by nano influencers from all over Brazil, the stories of several notable women will be shared, promoting open access and the democratization of knowledge.
The project was funded by the Wikimedia Foundation and supported by Wiki Movimento Brasil User Group for its availability on Wikimedia Commons. This has resulted in the upload of 13 videos and 59 transcriptions to date, as the one where Gabriela Feitosa Menezes interviewed "ABAYOMI Juristas Negras" (ABAYOMI Black Jurists), presented below:
We will also support the holding of an edit-a-thon on August 16th and 23rd to create Wikipedia articles about the notable women researched in the context of the project.
See the Criola's GLAM page and the uploaded media.
New huge upload from INMA
Especially for people who love plants and for Biologists!
The Instituto Nacional da Mata Atlântica (INMA) made available its collection from the system Reflora and we uploaded 7,152 images that are part of the Museu de Biologia Mello Leitão (MBML) Herbarium collection. Now a total of 26,155 images of plants from the State of Espírito Santo (mainly from Atlantic Forest) are available on Wikimedia Commons.
INMA is our partner since 2022, when we held the Wiki Loves Espírito Santo. And now we are harvesting the fruits (leaves, flowers, roots and all other plant parts) of this partnership.
See the INMA's GLAM page and the uploaded media.
New batch from NeuroMat
RIDC NeuroMat (Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics) is a long time GLAM partner of Wiki Movimento Brasil and it keeps supporting several other Wiki partnerships, GLAM projects, events, edit-a-thons, and technical training. And, of course, registering these events and uploading images and videos to Wikimedia Commons. Now you may find 356 new media files from this partnership that only exists because of Professor Galves, a person really committed to open science and the free dissemination of scientific knowledge.
Tribute to Antonio Galves

Jefferson Antonio Galves (18 June 1947 – 5 September 2023) was a Brazilian mathematician, professor of the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of São Paulo (USP) and member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. His field of studies was related to statistical models, in particular models that have stochasticity and variable range of memory. Galves was also the leader of NeuroMat, a research center established in 2013 at USP that is dedicated to integrating mathematical modeling and theoretical neuroscience.
The history of CEPID NeuroMat is solidly linked not only to the recent history of open science in Brazil, but also to the history of the WMB itself. Many of the people who work professionally at the WMB today came from CEPID NeuroMat, which, in a rigorous and visionary way, led to various actions in favor of open science using Wikimedia projects. In this context, NeuroMat promoted edit-a-thons, incubated Wikidata Labs and promoted some of the first GLAM partnerships in Brazil, especially with cultural institutions at the University of São Paulo.
On June 26, 2024, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of São Paulo (USP) renamed the room where CEPID NeuroMat was located in honor of Professor Antonio Galves. Several wikimedians took part in the unveiling of the plaque in his honor at USP.
See the CEPID NeuroMat's GLAM page and the uploaded media.
Outstanding Professional Advancing Open Access to Cultural Heritage

We are happy to share with you that Solange Ferraz de Lima as the , our GLAM-Wiki partner from the Museu Paulista in São Paulo, was awarded the “Outstanding Professional Advancing Open Access to Cultural Heritage” Award; and she attended the Wikimania.
“ | This award has the goal to recognize outstanding cultural heritage professionals and activists that are tightly working with the Wikimedia communities to make more cultural heritage available online as open access. [...] The award serves as a way to honor Wikimedia’s movement friend Effie Kapsalis. Effie’s legacy to the world includes spearheading the Smithsonian Open Access initiative [...]. | ” |
Solange Ferraz de Lima is a Brazilian historian and professor in the Department of History at the University of São Paulo. She researches visual culture and urban representations. She was director of the Museu Paulista from 2016 to 2020, at a time when the museum were closed to visitors. In this period, one of her main lines of action was the transfer of the collection to other spaces, so the institution could continue its educational activities. The GLAM-Wiki partnership with WMB was the solution for giving the wide public access to the collections, and Museu Paulista keep being one of our greater partners: 33,538 mídia with a monthly average of 1,415,623 views.
Read the announcement in DIFF
See the Museu Paulista's GLAM page and the uploaded media.
A note on WMB & Libraries by Laurie Bridges

On July 29, 2024, Laurie Bridges published the article "An Open Knowledge Partnership: Wiki Movimento Brasil and Libraries: A model for open knowledge" presenting fresh information on WMB strategy for widening its work with libraries in Brazil.
“ | What makes WMB unique is the more recent focus on libraries, which is based on their successful, ongoing partnerships with museums. In 2023, WMB began the first stage of a three-year initiative to partner with libraries in Brazil to expand the reach of open knowledge. | ” |
Some of the initial results are:
- Establishing a GLAM-Wiki partnership with a public school library in the community of Jardim América, a neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro.
- Creating an online page for supporting the engagement of Brazilian libraries.
- Promoting and hosting 16 in-person events in April at libraries across Brazil for the #EveryBookItsReader Wikimedia global campaign.
Laurie Bridges is an instruction and digital initiatives librarian at Oregon State University. She is a founding member of the Wikimedia #EveryBookItsReader campaign, co-editor of the 2021 open access book "Wikipedia and Academic Libraries: A Global Project", and uses Wikipedia in information literacy instruction.
CCA Hosts Inaugural Wiki Edit-a-Thon

(Le français suit)
CCA Hosts Inaugural Wiki Edit-a-Thon
The Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) held its first ever Wiki edit-a-thon on May 22 in our Study Room. We selected a topic that would be of interest to our local public, as well as to those who may not yet be familiar with the CCA: Women photographers whose works in our collection are architecture-adjacent. We reached out to recent graduates from nearby schools of art history, photography and library sciences.
We set aside 2 hours for editing, which proved to be not enough for attendees, who were mostly first-time editors. We also had a featured guest speaker – Clara Gutsche who was recently awarded the Scotiabank Photography Prize – who gave an engaging talk during the editing portion of the event. Also in the Study Room were selections of photographs from several of our featured women photographers, along with many book and encyclopedia sources from our collection.
Towards 5pm, the group migrated to historic Shaughnessy House where they had drinks and refreshments, socialized, and were offered tours of our current exhibitions in the gallery. Attendees told us they planned to keep editing on Wikipedia, but that it took a while to really grasp what it’s all about and how it works. Participants also said they learned more about the CCA, what we offer, as well as asking when our next Wiki event would be. We were thankful to have some great How to Edit slides prepared by Wikimedia Canada, in English and French, we learned a lot about how to run an edit-a-thon, and we are already planning the next one.
- 16 Total Edits made the day of
- 13 Editors participated
- 167 Words Added
- 3 References (citations) were added
- 452 Article Views in the 2 weeks following the event.
Le CCA organise son premier edit-a-thon
Le Centre Canadien d'Architecture (CCA) a organisé son tout premier edit-a-thon le 22 mai dans notre salle d’étude. Nous avons choisi un sujet susceptible d’intéresser le public local, ainsi que ceux qui ne connaissent peut-être pas encore le CCA : les femmes photographes qui, dans notre collection, ont des œuvres liées à l’architecture. Nous avons sollicité des jeunes diplômés des écoles d’histoire de l’art, de photographie et de bibliothéconomie de la région.
Deux heures étaient consacrées à l’édition, ce qui s’est avéré insuffisant pour les participants qui, pour la plupart, éditaient pour la première fois. Nous avons également invité une conférencière de marque – Clara Gutsche, qui a récemment reçu le prix de la photographie de la Banque Scotia – qui a donné une conférence captivante pendant la partie de l’événement consacrée à l’édition. Dans la salle d’étude se trouvaient également des sélections de photographies de plusieurs des femmes photographes que nous avons présentées, ainsi que de nombreux livres et encyclopédies de notre collection.
Vers 17 heures, le groupe s’est rendu dans la Maison Shaughnessy, un bâtiment historique, pour y boire des rafraîchissements, socialiser et visiter les expositions en cours dans la galerie. Les participants ont indiqué vouloir continuer à modifier Wikipédia, mais qu’il leur avait fallu un certain temps pour en comprendre les tenants et les aboutissants. Les participants ont également dit qu’ils en avaient appris davantage sur le CCA et sur ce que nous offrons, et ont demandé quand aurait lieu notre prochain événement Wiki. Nous remercions Wikimédia Canada de nous avoir fourni une excellente présentation sur l’édition de Wikipédia, en anglais et en français. Nous avons beaucoup appris sur la façon d’organiser un édit-a-thon et nous sommes déjà en train de planifier le prochain.
- 16 modifications effectuées le jour de l’événement
- 13 rédacteurs ont participé
- 167 mots ajoutés
- 3 références (citations) ont été ajoutées
- 452 consultations des articles dans les deux semaines qui ont suivi l’événement.
Photo credit / crédit photo : Foregrounding Women Photographer Wiki edit-a-thon, Centre canadien d’architecture, 2024 - Mathieu Gagnon - CC-BY-SA-4.0
The flight over the "Rosinenbomber" - drone deployment for Free Knowledge; Kicking off a German-language community of practice for building cultural heritage linked open data with the wikimedia projects
Co-operation with the Stiftung Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin
As part of a co-operation with the Stiftung Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin, some great photos were taken of the Rosinenbomber at the Technikmuseum. Also photos of the museum and its outdoor facilities. For the first time, drone shots were also taken inside the museum building. The photos taken there in the museum's shed will also be published and available on Wikimedia Commons.
A blog post about the project has also been published (in German). More photos in the corresponding category on Wikimedia Commons.
Kicking off a German-language community of practice for building cultural heritage linked open data with the wikimedia projects

Over recent years we have been observing the growth of use of wikidata and wikibase in the cultural heritage sector, including even the emergence of several clusters of professionals in different institutions and projects starting to collaborate and organise around use of the wikimedia projects to build linked open data on cultural heritage. We’ve been wondering what might be possible if we could synergise these efforts. So, on June 14th we welcomed around 40 German-speaking cultural heritage Wikidata/Wikibase enthusiasts to our hybrid event: Network meeting cultural heritage, linked open data and the Wikiverse. Our attendees were from cultural heritage fields like art history, archeology, provenance research, natural history, remembrance culture... and ranged from institutional staff, to researchers, to a few dedicated volunteers - all with a shared interest in using the Wikimedia projects to build linked open cultural data. The goal was networking, and ultimately to kick off a German-language community of practice. We’re happy to report that the network is already about to hold its second monthly online meeting where it hopes to finalise a community name and make some plans for collaborative projects.
Interested German-speakers can subscribe to the mailing list to get updates:
More details here about team digitales Kulturgut here:
GLAM partner ventures into 'Digitisation Plus' programs with Wikimedians
Pune Nagar Vachan Mandir (PNVM) is 175 year old Library based in Pune city of India is CIS-A2K's digitisation partner since 2021. PNVM has digitised and uploaded 1182 reference value books on Wikimedia Commons. Realising the vast nature of the digitisation program, this GLAM institution has started collaborating with other knowledge repositories and Wikimedians to expand their activities beyond digitisation. This 'Digitisation Plus' program started with Digitisation Workshop for 27 libraries in the state of Maharashtra.

Marathi Literature Database
In the digitisation workshop, the importance of structured database of authors and their works was highlighted by all the participants. The PNVM coordinators and two Wikimedians (User:Shurpalimedha and User:कल्पनाशक्ती) present in the workshop readily agreed to work on this crucial project and approached CIS-A2K for technical assistance. The systematic work of compiling the data of 10 selected authors on pilot basis has been started. The authors and literature data will be incorporated in Wikidata and the Wikisource pages will be linked after this stage. Under the guidance of Bengali Wikimedian User:Bodhisattwa, a technical session on Wikidata and OpenRefine was organised at PNVM on 9 July 2024. Two Marathi Wikimedians, four PNVM members and two A2K members participated in this session.
In the beginning, we discussed overall design of the database project, objectives and available resources. This database will be able to provide the authors and works in public domain at any given point of time, thus aiding the planning of digitisation. The resources and digitisation work will be distributed and coordinated among various partner institutions to avoid duplication. After this wider discussion, the examples from Bengali Wikisource and Bengali authors' & works data on Wikidata were demonstrated. Then the basics of Wikidata project were explained. As the Marathi Wikimedians prepared pilot database for some authors in excel sheet, the hands-on training to operate OpenRefine was imparted. The collaborative efforts of librarians and Wikimedians are in progress to develop this important database.
Prompting what's most important - our community in Albania and Kosovo
During the summer, Wikimedians of Albanian Language User Group focused on what’s most important for the community by sharing some of the most interesting projects and activities on social media posts.
Below are some of the accomplishments that we have featured so far.
Posting personal stories from our community members
This summer, we have shared inspiring stories of community members who have participated in and contributed to different projects to strengthen our Wikipedian community and to get to know each other. Through this initiative, our members serve to increase further connections and interactions among each other.
Drawing attention to main projects
For the first part of this year, we have undertaken many activities and initiatives that enriched the content on Wikipedia. We utilized social media posts to share everything from edit-a-thons to special GLAM projects like Wiki Loves Living Heritage in Albania and Kosovo, Wikimedian in Residence, and contributions from our members that publish articles on different portals about the role of Wikipedia in Albanian society. All these helped us expand our outreach and impact.
Looking back at our social media updates, we can see the real outcomes of our work. We have noticed more people joining our events and activities and more interactions on our posts.
Social media
- We have a public channel on Telegram Wikipedians of Albanian Language (language used mostly Albanian) if you want to join and discuss Wikimedia projects.
If you want to see more about our activities, you can:
- Like our Facebook page, follow us on formerly Twitter or X or Instagram.
WikiProject International Botanical Congress 2024, a presentation to the Natural History Museum, London & Kew Gardens staff and a Research expeditions edit-a-thon

Recently two New Zealand editors Ambrosia10 and Stitchbird2, as well as their two Wikidata WikiProject collaborators S.v.Mering and JoaquimSantos78, attended the International Botanical Congress in Madrid. The group successfully delivered a Wikidata workshop at the Congress to 22 new and emerging Wikidata editors, presented a Wikidata related presentation on a research into women after who flowering plant genera have been named and presented a poster on the benefits to botanists in engaging more with Wikidata.
This poster generated much interest during the conference and led to two editors of the prestigious botany journal the Annals of Botany inviting the group to submit a paper on the benefits of Wikidata to that journal. A digital copy of the Wikidata poster has been uploaded into Wikimedia Commons and can be found at this link.
The informal engagement efforts by the Wikidata WikiProject IBC organisers were assisted by bookmarks created by the ground and funded by Wikimedia Aotearoa New Zealand. Organisers were able to hand out the bookmarks which contained a QR code to the project page which contained a copy of not only the Wikidata poster but also contained links to help interested attendees begin their Wikidata editing journey.
During the run up to the Congress the organisers of the project attempted to "wikify" the conference with their efforts covered by a German publication. While at the Congress these efforts continued with the organisers taking photos of notable botanists and creating and enriching Wikidata items for the same.
Wikidata Presentation to the Natural History Museum, London and Kew Gardens

Ambrosia10, while in London prior to attending Wikimania, had the opportunity to give a Wikidata presentation to both the Natural History Museum, London and Kew Gardens staff on the benefits of engaging with Wikidata. This presentation was well attended with approximately 30 staff present in the lecture room and 70 staff attending virtually. A recording was also made of the presentation to share with staff who were unable to be present on the day. The slides and script of the presentation can be found at this link.
Research expeditions edit-a-thon at Te Papa
Following up on Ambrosia10's work as Wikipedian in Residence earlier this year, Te Papa hosted a public edit-a-thon using the material she'd collated on research expeditions.
The topic let participants work on the expeditions or dive deep into species, people, locations, ships - wherever their interests took them.
13 editors ranging from old hands to almost-newbies got an amazing amount done in just 6 hours, including 570 edits to 121 articles, 45 brand new articles, and 692 added references.
Some of the feedback:
"It was great to meet others and to learn more technical things about adding Wikipedia pages on species - that was very useful to me, and will definitely come in handy in the future."
"I was surprised how invested I became in the 1908 Expedition to the Kermadec Islands by five NZ scientists. From knowing absolutely nothing about them, I sort of felt like I was a great nephew (or similar relation), bringing back to life the contributions they made to our understanding of New Zealand's wider ecosystems."
"I came along up to the Wikimedia Editathon on Research Expeditions without very much interest in the topic. By the end of the day, though, I was hooked. I spent the day researching and writing about an early 20th-century expedition in collaboration with someone I'd never met before."
Swiss GLAM Programme
Meeting for Writing on Feminist Strikes

The feminist strike is an initiative in Switzerland for equal rights and better payment for women working in Switzerland as well as an affordable pension. It took place in June all over Switzerland. Several Wiki projects around the strikes are online as a description in 2019. Together with the library there is an ongoing documentation project by the city of Biel/Bienne. Also there are regular GLAM Meetings this year at the KBCB, where this work is continued.
Wiki for Peace Camp St. Imier

Every summer the SCI camp in St. Imier on top of the Mount Soleil is taking place. Young people from around the world are taking part to add articles for peace on Wikipedia. The participants get an introduction on Wikipedia and Wikidata as well as on the work with GLAM institutions. This year it is under the theme "not your soldier". As war situations are dangerous putting humanity on high risk in Switzerland there are several initiatives to work on peace. Specially vulnerable groups are exposed to violence as in all wars the female body is used as a weapon presented by the statue of peace from Korea. The last governmental peace conference on Ukraine took place in June at Bürgenstock Resort.
Finally summer

This year there was a lot of rain and several severe floodings in Switzerland have been dangerous as in Wallis at the end of June. It did not feel like summer and people realized how little one can do to escape quickly raising water catastrophes. Zermatt was not reachable and streets in other parts as the A13 have been deeply damaged. The sun in July feels like summer after months of rain. Allthough everything looks nice with the sun there are lots of warnings for storms and fire in July. Climate is key subject and also in focus of wiki projects. Summer arrived and people are relaxing at the sea and in the mountains. Water provides health and is our resource for living.
Translations galore
Khalili Foundation

Most of this month's effort has been on the interfaith education project mentioned in the last report.
We had the project's second Featured Article of the Day on English Wikipedia on 23rd July. The Khalili Collections posted a news item about the event. Partly because of being on the front page, we had a rush of new article translations. Volunteers translated:
- the Mahmal article into Turkish
- a summary of the Khalili Collections article into Persian
- a summary of the Khalili Collection of Islamic Art article into Persian
- a summary of the Empire of the Sultans article into Persian
- a summary of the Empire of the Sultans article into Turkish
- the entire Empire of the Sultans article into Western Punjabi (our first content in this language!)
- the entire Empire of the Sultans article into Urdu.
This brings the total number of Wikipedias in which this project has created new articles to 15.
There were no new image uploads this month. GLAMorgan reports 5,138,543 image views this month, excluding the 4.8 million for the Iznik flask being on the front page of English Wikipedia.
Wikicurious WikiNYC Civic Hall; San Diego 111; #5WomenArtists campaign
Wikicurious WikiNYC Civic Hall
Wikimedia NYC held a workshop, Wikicurious WikiNYC Civic Hall
San Diego 111
San Diego Public Library and San Diego Wikimedians held a meetup, San Diego/July 2024
#5WomenArtists campaign
National Museum of Women in the Arts and Wikimedia DC held a workshop, Disability Activism, July 20, 2024
BHL-Wiki Working Group July monthly highlights
GitHub project board
A BHL-Wiki GitHub project board has been set up for the group to track work, milestones, metrics and scholarly outputs related to the group. We will go over GitHub project management tools at the August meeting.
Request for Interest shared for BHL Wikimedian-in-residence
A Request for Interest message was disseminated regarding the BHL Wikimedian-in-Residence position with an amazing turnout of qualified candidates. Interviews, informational sessions, and final evaluation are being overseen by WikiBlueprint.
Flickypedia documentation
In anticipation of further curation work to happen on BHL images, the group continues to work through the Flickypedia documentation.
Hypothesis statements for the WMG annual planning
The group is working to finalize a hypothesis statements for WMG annual planning. Please come to the August monthly meeting to inform this important conversation.
Outreach undertaking by group members
Giovanna Fontenelle has submitted a conference abstract for WikiConference North America 2024 entitled How to create Wikimedia Working Groups for GLAMs.
Siobhan Leachman is attending and will be presenting on biodiversity wiki activities at the following events:
- International Botanical Congress (IBC) 2024 (21-27 July 2024, Madrid, Spain)
- Wikimania 2024 the 19th Wikimedia conference, (7–10 August 2024., Katowice, Poland)
Siobhan will also give a presentation to interested Kew Gardens and Natural History Museum, London staff on Wikidata.
August meeting
The BHL-Wiki working group meet every 3rd Monday* of the month (*Tuesday if you live in New Zealand or Australia). Information on the time, date and agenda for the upcoming August meeting can be found in this document.
GLAM GLobal meetup & GLAM Global Calls
GLAM Global meetup Katowice 6-08-2024

On Tuesday the 6th of August around 40 participants from different countries and regions came together in the Silesian Museum in Katowice for the GLAM Global meetup. The meetup was intended for people who work in the intersection of cultural heritage and Wikimedia, or GLAM-Wiki (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums on Wikimedia), and have professional responsibilities related to this event (e.g. GLAM coordinators within affiliates, GLAM staff, Wikimedians in Residence). The program was designed to allow for group work about wishes for and challenges facing the global GLAM community and themes like knowledge sharing, communication and technical needs. Links to the streaming to watch the recording of the sessions and a link to the etherpad with notes of the meeting can be found on the event page.
Call for organizers for GLAM global calls
One of the wishes that was voiced at the GLAM global meetup was a desire for a periodic global online call for people who work in the intersection of cultural heritage and Wikimedia, or GLAM-Wiki to talk to eachother and discuss issues and exchange knowledge. The call would be each month, accommodating alternate hemispheres. We are currently looking for people who are working in GLAM Wiki that want to help organise these calls and weigh in on topics to be discussed, especially people from Africa and South East Asia. Please reach out to Kamila ( or Michelle ( if you want to get involved! We look forward to hearing from you!
August's GLAM events
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