GLAM/Newsletter/June 2022/Contents/Brazil report
FIRST WikiCon Brazil & Three States of GLAM
WikiCon Brasil 2022: Wikimedia against misinformation is coming!

WikiCon Brasil - the first ever conference for the Brazilian community - is coming! The event will gather wikimedians from all across the country for a program designed to strategically strengthen Wikimedia outreach in Brazil.

Under the main theme of "Wikimedia against misinformation", the conference will have four keynote speakers to bring more context about scientific denialism, historical negationism, structural racism and political misinformation in Brazil and how it relates to our Wikimedia practices. Other sessions in the program led by members of the community will also cover Education & Science, Diversity, GLAM partnerships and Tool development. Maryana Iskander is also coming for the event.

The highlight of the program are the capacity building sessions and the strategic discussions. Wiki Movimento Brasil ran a survey with the community to better understand what themes and formats would be more valuable for the community at the event and we kept them engaged in volunteer committees during all the organization process. This is a conference made by and for the Brazilian community.
Strategic discussions will bring themes from the Movement Strategy 2030, such as governance, equity and regional leadership, through the Brazilian lenses. It's the first time our community will have such an opportunity. On the capacity building side, participants can expect a series of workshops to develop their skills and share this knowledge within their local communities after the event. Every participant of the conference will be designated to at least one capacity building session and one strategic discussion, accordingly to their thematic affinities. This format is designed to support the development of skills in potential leaders spread across the country and to provide room for strategic discussions at a national level. The volunteer facilitators of capacity building sessions and strategic discussions will have a training to better understand the methodologies they can use to run their sessions at the event.
The scholarship program for WikiCon Brasil was heavily focused on the diversity matrix we wanted to bring to the event. Especially because Brazil being a continental country plus the crisis of airlines with ticket prices skyrocketing would make it impossible for volunteers who live further to come to the city of the event. The organization of WikiCon collaborated with WMB's Diversity Committee to design a system to select people with leadership potential from different parts of the country, besides other relevant criteria such as gender and racial identity.

On the topic of GLAMs, participants can expect trainings on collections licensing and uploading on Wikimedia projects, panels with GLAM partners and a talk on the Museu Portátil project (previously highlighted in the January newsletter). One of the cultural sessions of the event will be hosted by Rosana Lanzelotte, from the Musica Brasilis GLAM. Lanzelotte is a famous harpsichordist and PhD in Informatics who will do a performance blending the harpsichord with Wikidata. The presentation will be recorded and uploaded on Wikimedia Commons after the event.
WikiCon Brasil 2022 will happen on July 23 & 24 at the Goethe-Institut São Paulo -- a partner of Wiki Movimento Brasil. The conference is also supported by the Wikimedia Foundation, NIC. br and
Three States - Four GLAM
Espírito Santo
Rio de Janeiro

Midiateca Capixaba (Media Library of Espírito Santo) is a project of the Secretary of State for Culture (SeCult-ES) for digitazing and organizing the collections from state GLAM institutions in a unique online platform. Untill now, three stages are confirmed. The first one involves the institutions directly related to SeCult-ES (such as Biblioteca Pública do Espírito Santo, Galeria Homero Massena and Museu de Arte do Espírito Santo Dionísio Del Santo) and collections from National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage (Iphan-ES) and Federal University of Espírito Santo. In the second stage, works produced by SeCult and the ones funded by it will be uploaded. And in the last stage, collections from Rádio e Televisão Espírito Santo (RTV/ES), Arquivo Público do Estado do Espírito Santo and Palácio Anchieta will complete the platform.
The GLAM of Midiateca Capixaba aims to bring all the CC0 and CC-BY-SA media of this huge collection also into Wikimedia platforms. So in the next months wait for big uploads of documents and photographs representing part of the cultural diversity of this State that Wiki Loves so much!

Museu do Colono is a small institution in the little town of Santa Leopoldina. But both museum and city are little just in their spacial size, because they concentrate a rich and vast cultural heritage of regional and national importance. Santa Leopoldina is the fourth oldest city of Espírito Santo, it is located in a mountain region and it was settled by immigrants from various european countries (Portugal, Switzerland, Austria, Luxembourg, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, i.e.) and the local residents still keep their cultures alive. Furthermore, the historical center of Santa Leopoldina is listed as cultural heritage by SeCult-ES because the historical buildings keep their original architecture from the end of 1800's - beginning of 1900's.
But, despite having great importance in terms of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, this small territory is very underrepresented on the Internet. So we decided to organize a "Wiki Takes Santa Leopoldina"! as part of the Wiki Moviment Brazil's activities for Wiki Loves Espírito Santo Wikiproject. Let's map this beautiful town together!

Have you heard about UNESCO's Memory of the World (MoW) Programme? It recognizes documentary heritage from all around the world.
MAG Seguros keeps one of the 111 Brazilian collections named Memory of the World by UNESCO and this GLAM partnership will add it to Wikimedia platforms, with a special interest for WikiSource.
The former Montepio Geral de Economia dos Servidores do Estado (MonGeral) is the first official social security institution in Brazil, founded in January 10th 1835. In that year, Brazil was a young country ("born" in 1822) ruled by a Trina Regency because the Emperor, Pedro de Alcântara, was only a child. So the documentary collection of Minutes of MonGeral from 1835 to 1977 registers the criation and the development of social security in Brazil.
Some pages of this collection of 43 books tell part of the history of famous personalities from Brazil like Duke of Caxias, Benjamin Constant, Admiral Barroso, Gonçalves Ledo, Marquis of Sapucaí, Marchioness of Santos, some heros from Paraguayan War, several deputies, ministers, senators and presidents of provinces (governors), etc.
There will be a treasure hunt on WikiSource!
Duke of Caxias
Benjamin Constant
Admiral Barroso
Gonçalves Ledo
Marquis of Sapucaí
Marchioness of Santos

The research group Representações do Lugar (Representations of Place - RELU) is settled at the School of Architecture and Urbanism, at the Federal University of Alagoas, and it keeps a collection of photographs of some neighborhoods of Maceió, the capital of the State of Alagoas. Some of the imagens depics historical buildings located in Bebedouro, one of the four neighborhoods that were evacuated because of an urban crisis caused by mining works in the underground of the city.
The mining begun in the 1960's and created lot of holes in the undergrounds very close to each other. In 2018, one of these mines collapsed and caused tremors of 2.5 points on the Richter scale; bringing up the problem. Since then, about 60,000 families were removed from their homes due to the danger, and the tangible and intangible heritage from these places are near to desappear. So this collections of photos taken in 2015 are an important historical register of the city as it used to be.