GLAM/Newsletter/March 2014/Contents/Open Access report
Open Access at Wikimania; Open Access Button; Topic Pages
ByOpen Access Button updates
Since February, the Open Access Button team have been covering recent developments around Open Access in their "The Week in Links" series. Although published a little less frequently than the name suggests, they provide informative and accessible summaries on the matter. For example, the March 14 issue covers the SPARC 2014 Conference that took place on March 3-4 in Kansas City as well as various blog posts, anniversaries, policy developments, and related news.
Publishing scholarly papers with, and on, Wikipedia
A case study of PLOS Computational Biology's Topic Pages - for which scholarly review articles are written to be published first in the journal, then on the English Wikipedia - has been compiled by User:MartinPoulter and was published on the blog of Jisc, where he served as Wikimedia Ambassador until the end of March.
A multitude of Open-Access-related session proposals have been submitted for this year's Wikimania by the March 31 deadline. Besides a panel discussion on Open Access & Wikipedia with Jimmy Wales, these include
- wm2014:Submissions/Collaborative Methodologies for Scholarly Outputs
- wm2014:Submissions/Marking open-access references cited on Wikipedia
- wm2014:Submissions/Open access research without peer review as reliable references in Wikipedia
- wm2014:Submissions/Open Access Media Importer
- wm2014:Submissions/Open Evaluation: collecting opinions from the scientific community on published papers
- wm2014:Submissions/Open Knowledge and the National Institutes of Health of the United States
- wm2014:Submissions/Rich citations from open-access scientific papers
- wm2014:Submissions/The Full OA Stack - Open Access and Open Source
- wm2014:Submissions/The Future of the Open Access Button
- wm2014:Submissions/Wikimedia workflows as prototypes for open research
Furthermore, three prominent figures in Open Access - Elizabeth Marincola, Peter Murray-Rust and Jack Andraka - have been confirmed as keynote speakers.
Signalling OA-ness
The Signalling OA-ness project has fine-tuned its timeline and started to test workflows for importing full-text articles from PubMed Central into the English Wikisource (details on GitHub). Session proposals related to the project have been submitted to WikiCon USA, OKFest and Wikimania.
Open Access Media Importer
The following represents a selection of the ca. 300 files that have been uploaded by the Open Access Media Importer this month, bringing the total to over 15,800. If you can think of wiki pages where these files could be useful, please put them in there or let us know.
Open Access File of the Day
The following files have been featured as Open Access File of the Day this month:
March 31: Cupiennius salei.
March 30: the scorpionfly Caurinus tlagu
March 29: the tree Amphimas pterocarpoides
March 28: an arachnid of family Opiliones, Acuclavella quattuor
March 27: a chalcone-related molecule induces cell death
March 26: the moth Dunama janecoxae
March 25: thermographic camera monitoring a baby
March 24: the morning glory flower Calystegia felix
March 23: spider eyes of Masteria lewisi
March 22: The wasp Acrodactyla quadrisculpta.
March 21: the frog Limnonectes timorensis
March 20: Short Message Service (SMS) used to assist smoking cessation
March 19: a flowering plant in the mustard family, Hesperis theophrasti
March 18: the fish Alburnoides manyasensis
March 17: holotype of dinosaur Microraptor gui
March 16: Demonstration of peripheral drift illusion
March 15: the brain tumor Gliomatosis cerebri
March 14: the snake Helicops angulatus
March 13: shell of the snail Leptacme cuongi
March 12: the legume Astragalus mayeri
March 11: the moth Hyposmochoma inversella
March 10: the chameleon Brookesia confidens
March 9: reactions of peroxynitrite leading to cell death
March: 8: flight of wandering albatross
March 7: the beetle Elaphrus fuliginosus
March 6: A male of the solitary bee Colletes cunicularius pseudocopulating on the flower labellum of the orchid Ophrys lupercalis.
March 5: bones of the dinosaur Utahceratops
March 4: leg of the spider trogloraptor
March 3: the eye disease retinitis pigmentosa
March 2: song of the bird Psaltriparus minimus
March 1: Greenwayodendron suaveolens
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