GLAM/Newsletter/March 2023/Contents/Indonesia report
Javanese Wikisource Competition; 5 More Bincang GLAMs; GLAM Socialization to University of Sriwijaya
ByJavanese Wikisource Competition

From 6-20 of March, the Javanese Wikisource Competition managed to proofread 30 books and 3 manuscripts. A total of 2,768 (out of possible 3,912) pages were either proofread or validated by 32 participants in 14 days, with a total of 9,390 edits. Several of the participants have never edited Wikisource or any Wikimedia projects before and some of them managed to get to top 10 contributors.
A blog was written, titled Javanese Wikisource Competition in English, Indonesian, and Javanese (the first Diff blog in that language).
Full report: GLAM/Case studies/Javanese Wikisource Competition
5 More Bincang GLAMs
During February, we hosted 5 live sessions of "GLAM Talk", with the following topics: Featured Pictures, Quality Images, and Valued Images in Commons (2 March), GLAM Indonesia collections in Commons (9 March), How to be a good photographer in Commons (with a guest speaker, 16 March), Tools in Commons: VisualFileChange, CropTool, Cat-a-Lot (23 March), Uploading with Flickr-to-Commons and editing Structured Data with AC/DC (30 March).
To Palembang: GLAM Socialization and museum visitations

At March 13th, GLAM Indonesian held a socialization event of the GLAM Indonesia collections to the students of the University of Sriwijaya in Palembang, working together with the Unsri Wikiclub that was recently established. The event was attended by around 30 people, and in this program we presented many collections from various GLAM institutions in Indonesia and other countries.
Then the next day, we took some of the Wikiclub members to visit Museum Balaputra Dewa and Museum Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II, to introduce them to the museums so that in the future, the Wikiclub members could hold events such as Wikitrainings, or edit-a-thons in the museums. GLAM Indonesia also talked to the museums about partnership and digitization projects.
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