GLAM/Newsletter/May 2011/Contents/From the editors
Global approach
By Rock drum & SarahStierch

Hello and welcome to another edition of This Month in GLAM!
Global content
[edit]Last month we were given some feedback that the newsletter contained too few stories about non-English-speaking countries. There were many stories on UK and USA-based topics, but not many on the rest of Europe, or the rest of the world, for that matter.
This month we have tried to redress that balance by bringing you the latest news on partnerships in Mexico, backstage passes in Sweden and QR codes in Spain. But there is also news about UK-based task forces and conferences in the USA, too.
The newsletter is written by the community, for the community, which spans the whole of the globe. Please send your stories, links and information about GLAM activities from all around the world. You can either be bold and create the article yourself, or just add a suggestion on the tips desk.
A strong community
[edit]May has also been a month of community. Events such as GLAMcamp, those being held in the near future around the world, as well as conferences both inside and outside of Wikimedia, have helped to form a stronger bond between some of the most active Wikimedians in the world - those involved in GLAM. Not only have these offline ("real life", if you will) meetings helped to strengthen our community, but, they have also helped to foster a flame that is getting bigger, stronger, and hotter when it comes to making GLAM a more navigable, useable, and beneficial project internationally. Beyond just one month, this year is continuing to be one of major impact and influence for the GLAM movement around the world.
New features
[edit]Whilst reading this month's edition of TMIG, you may notice a couple of new features. We've put some social media sharing links into the comments footer of the articles so you can tell the world that you're reading This Month in GLAM. It is still in the beta stage, but works with Twitter,, Facebook, Delicious, Reddit, Digg, Buzz, Stumbleopon and email.
We have also added some navigation links to the footer so that it is easier to skip between previous articles on a certain topic. As with always we would love to have your feedback on both the new features and TMIG in general. Are we doing something wrong? Are we missing something out? Please tell us what you think.
Happy editing,
Rock drum & SarahStierch