GLAM/Newsletter/November 2018/Contents/Indonesia report
Conserving and digitizing texts in West Sumatra
ByConserving Minangkabau texts in Maninjau and Payakumbuh
Wikimedia Indonesia and a team of Andalas University in Padang City, West Sumatra, collaborating to preserve texts in Kutub Chanah, Maninjau, West Sumatra. This is a private library of Hamka's father, where many books and texts of Minangkabau- and Islam-related are stored. Here, the team digitized more than 1,600 files for four days and later they will sort the scans and decide which of the scans can be publicized to Wikimedia Commons.
Two weeks later, the team moved on to Payakumbuh, where there is a private library of A. Damhoeri is found. A. Damhoeri was a distinguished author at his time and had written many books that were used by education institution to teach young students on the Minangkabau language and its culture. For five days, the team yielded more than 7,000 images from their activities.
Digitization activities in Payakumbuh
Digitizing Kutub Chanah in Maninjau
Announcing Pusat Dokumentasi dan Informasi Kebudayaan Minangkabau's collection
Wikimedia Indonesia and Pusat Dokumentasi dan Informasi Kebudayaan Minangkabau's collection (PDIKM) in Padang Panjang has been colaborating in of digitizing magazines from their collection. For almost three months (August–October 2018), this effort has succeeded in digitizing more than 1,500 pages from 31 catalog numbers.
Most of the digitalized collections were magazines that were published around the 1920s. Some of them are Aboean Goeroe-Goeroe Magazine, An-Noer Magazine, Berita Koerai Magazine, and more. The entire collection can be freely accessed on the internet via the Wikimedia Commons. The uploaded collection has been completed with brief metadata in the form of file descriptions, date of publication, and the name of the institution where the file was digitized.
Aboean Goeroe-Goeroe Magazine, April 1927 issue
Aboean Goeroe-Goeroe Magazine, May 1927 issue
El-Adab newspaper, No. 49
Annoer Magazine, No. 9/1932 issue
See the whole collection in Category:Scanned from Minangkabau Culture Documentation and Information Center.
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