GLAM/Newsletter/October 2016/Single
Workshops and online course
Workshop and edit-a-thon of Women
Wikimedia Argentina join to the proposal of Wikimujeres and made an edith-a-thon of women in literature
to improve the content in the spanish Wikipedia.
The edit-a-thon was october 22th in the Museum of contemporary art of Buenos Aires and during four hours diferents women edit edit about latin american literature.
End of the edit-a-thon
Women editing
GLAM online course
In november 3th Wikimedia Argentina release the first course of the GLAM program, this a four week course and during this time the students will learn about free culture, diferents laws of intellectual property and the correct use of the Wikimedia projects.
Libraries and Wikimedia meet in Donostiapedia
Donostiapedia, polishing the book
In an attempt to increase the relationship and cooperation with libraries, the Day of Libraries has provided the occasion to stage a number of events in the context of Donostiapedia from 22 to 24 October.
The first activity off took place in the Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea, a referential library and cultural center in Donostia-San Sebastián, where voluntary editors joined in to finalize their projects for a hard copy compilation of wikipedia articles on city specific topics due out in December. The library's restricted access room was arranged to accommodate participant editors, with Basque wikipedians providing technical tips to those turning out. The workshop lasting for two hours until 1.30 pm was the last in a series of Saturday morning meetings since May.
A book on the move: Last workshop held at the Koldo Mitxelena Cultural Center
Editors got hints from wikimedians, as well as optional relevant bibliography
Last touches to get the articles perfect ready
Focus on Wiki-GLAM cooperation
On 24 October, Monday, it was the turn for presentations and discussion, extending all day long. The presentation and discussion activities were participated by wikimedians and related project agents as follows: Tomás Saorín (Continente GLAM-Wiki, el viaje a Wikipedia de las instituciones culturales y educativas), Carme Fenoll (200 bibliowikis en Catalunya: planes de futuro), Rubén Ojeda (Wikipedia en las bibliotecas: Biblioteca Reina Sofía de Valladolid y red de bibliotecas del Principado de Asturias), Francisca Hernández (Wikipedia, DBpedia y Wikidata).
In the evening, further presentations took place revolving around GLAM-Wiki collaboration experiences, Donostiapedia, art and Creative Commons licenses, along with other referential like minded projects. It counted with the participation of Elena Oregi (Donostiako Haur liburutegiaren esperientzia), Aitzol Astigarraga (Donostiapedia), Joseba Agirreazkuenaga eta Mari Jose Villa (Bilbaopedia), Arantza Mariskal (Liburutegietan edukiak sortzen), and Josu Aranbarri (Wikimedia Commons and licensing).
Librarians attended the event and got an interest
A moment during Aitzol Astigarraga's speech
The presentations and discussion counted on Spanish-Basque Basque-Spanish interpreting
Outline of licensing issues related to the art domain in Wikimedia Commons
Discussion on the cases of the Rijksmuseum and El Prado museums and their license policies
Josu Aranbarri during his presentation
Wikimedians in residence

After her residence as a Wikipedian in the project Euskal Haur eta Gazte Literatura (Basque Children and Young Literature) in collaboration with the city library, Lore Agirrezabal has reported on her participation at the 4h Wikimedia España Conference held in Zaragoza from 16 to 18 September with a range of speakers, where she addressed the audience presenting the above project. She also dwelt on the Basque Wikimidians' GLAM goals and achievements.
Meanwhile, Iñaki Lopez de Luzuriaga has completed in late October his Wikimedian residence at San Telmo Museoa (Donostia-San Sebastián), where he has undertaken different GLAM tasks, i.e. coordination of the Peace Treaties in Art 30 x 30 Challenge related to the Peace Treaty exhibition, outreach, as well as management and upload of images related to San Telmo Museoa and others found at different funds of the city and Gipuzkoa.
BeMuseum; upcoming prize ceremony Wiki Loves

On 14 October 2016 a BeMuseum conference was organised in the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium and was organised to exchange best practises between museums.
At this conference Wikimedia Belgium gave a presentation about Wiki Loves Art.
Wiki Loves
The combined Wiki Loves Art and Wiki Loves Monuments prize ceremony will take place on 25 November in the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage in Brussels.
GLAM news in October
In October, we celebrated the conclusion of the national edition of Wiki Loves Monuments 2016 (see WLM Brazil 2016 - Top 10). During the first half of October, members of Wiki Educação Brasil Group, local organizer of this edition, made a first selection of all the submitted photos, marking as ineligible those who did not follow the general recommendations of the contest – e.g. pictures submitted after the deadline, among others. After this selection was finished, the jury could start choosing the top 10 photographs. The process was completed at the very end of the month and the results announced on 31 October. Now, the first three nominees will receive a cash prize, as established by the regulation, and all the top 10 will participate in the international stage, which begins in November and should be completed in mid-December.
During the month of October also occurred the first CCBWIKI (Brazilian Scientific Congress of Wikipedia), held in UNIRIO, Rio de Janeiro, between October 13th and 14th. During the event, 27 works were presented by different researchers from all over the country and abroad. The event also had the participation of Dario Taraborelli and Daniel Kinzler as keynotes, what really helped to present to the attendees how Wikimedia Foudantion initiatives work. Among the presentations, the GLAM Project Coordinator of Wiki Educação Brasil Group, Juliana Monteiro, presented the partnership between the group and the Immigration Museum of São Paulo, which has been developed since May 2016. Through this project, the museum released materials such as photographs of their collections, texts served on its blog and educational materials on Wikimedia Commons, all under CC BY-SA 4.0 International lincense.
Finally, the month of October was also a period to make new contacts aiming the establishment of new projects. Juliana Monteiro and Edsonia Lopes have met with three potential partners: Contemporary Art Institute of São Paulo; Coordination of Press and Communications of the Sao Paulo State Secretariat of Culture, which contributed significantly in promoting the WLM contest 2016 and with whom they could discuss the improvement and creation of content on the museums of the Secretariat and, finally, with the Head Master of Museology Faculty of UNIRIO, with whom it was discussed the realization of a pilot project focused on intangible heritage.
Bulgarian Archives State Agency; Archives Challenge
Valuable photos of factories in Bulgaria dating back to 1912

In October 2016 thanks to our collaboration with Bulgarian Archives State Agency we added 162 valuable photos of factories in Bulgaria dating back to 1912 from photo album presented to Ferdinand I of Bulgaria.
The photographs are valuable as they are depicting the Bulgarian economy at the beginning of the 20th century, just before the breakout of the First and Second Balkan Wars and World War I. Most of them contain additional valuable information such as the date of foundation of the factory, initial funding, number of employees as well as related data for 1912. Information about the Bulgarian economy from the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century is very scarce and most of these factories remain unknown especially after the end of World War II when a totalitarian communist government was established in Bulgaria. A lot of these factories were nationalized after 1946. The images would be a good reason to seek out new information and to write new articles. Related articles that have already been created were illustrated by some of these photos.
We expect that these images as well as 6400 more will be described thoroughly in other languages, coordinates will be added if possible and that they will be a good occasion for new article creations during the second edition of the Archives Challenge. The challenge starts on November 15th 2016 and ends on December 15th 2016. The latter is available for everyone to join.
Anonymous company exploitation electric tram in Sofia
Brewing company in Rousse
First Bulgarian factory for Т-shirts and scarves H. H. Momerin in Gabrovo
First Bulgarian factory for cardboard and paper packaging "Paper" in Belovo
Factory woolen fabrics Saraivanov, Kyuvliev & Popovich in Sliven
Anonymous company for electric lighting in Sofia and Bulgaria, Pancherevo
Collaborating with Parliament, editing with Women
Brainstorming for the Parliament collaboration

On October 12th, a meeting was held with the Archive staff of the Parliament (Assemblée Nationale) of Côte d'Ivoire for discussing an eventual collaboration with the Wikimedia Community User Group Côte d'Ivoire (WCUG-CI). Shortly after this discussion a brainstorming session was set up at the headquarters of the User Group. As for the User Group, the aim of this brainstorming was to define how two of its projects could benefit from this collaboration : The GLAM in Côte d'Ivoire and Wiki Loves Women.
Edit-a-thons with the Wiki Loves Women Team

On a weekly frequence, edit-a-thons take place at the WCUG-CI headquater in Abidjan. Organized by the Wiki Loves Women local staff, these sessions are also supported by the GLAM team. During the last weeks several articles were edited or created. Among these articles are:
GLAM on Tour at Heidelberg University
GLAM on Tour in Heidelberg

What happens when Wikipedians meet archeologists? From 3 to 5 October 2016, a GLAM on Tour station took place at the collection of antiquities of Heidelberg University. The aims of the event were to produce new open content for the Wikimedia projects and to initiate closer ties between Wikipedians and the University.
The programme was very diverse: To get started, the director of the collection of antiquities showed Wikipedians and interested University staff around in the museum and provided inside scientific information and literature to be used for the work on Wikipedia articles. In a second step, scholars hold lectures about the institute of Archeology and about 3D techniques to measure and reconstruct archeological objects. Last but not least, volunteers and Wikimedia Deutschland presented to University staff the Wikimedia projects and possibilities to collaborate. In total 40 people participated at the lectures and exchanged with the 10 Wikipedians. Based on the inputs, editor workshops took place and many new articles and pictures were produced.
The GLAM on Tour event was organised by the Heidelberg scholar user:Christianvater and the Wikipedians user:DerMaxdorfer and user:Marcus Cyron, supported by Wikimedia Deutschland. All the results and documentations can be found on the project page.
Dr Nicolas Zenzen held a speach about the history of the Archaeological Institute and the Institute's Collection
Guided tour through the archaeological collection, lead by Professor Nikolaus Dietrich
Photographic documentation
Special sign of trust by collections curator Herrmann Pflug - the opening of some display cases for better photos
Public relations work: DerMaxdorfer gets interviewed
View into the collection of plaster casts
View into the collection of ancient originals
Wikiexperiments project continues: Chemistry experiments in glorious HD!
Wikiexperiments project continues: Chemistry videos in glorious HD!

One of the most significant and renowned projects of Shared Knowledge have proceed to its completion this month. Wikiexperiments project by Shared Knowledge aimed at recording high-quality videos of systematically selected experiments for the purposes of illustrating important scientific concepts and phenomena in various sciences have started since September 2015 being organized and divided in conducting by a specific science such as physics, chemistry etc. Upon the successful completion of the first round of recordings of experiments in physics, this month the project proceeded to its second part - chemistry.
Chemistry experiments completed
With the cooperation previously established with the professor Vladimir Petrushevski, the second part of the project continued with recording of experiments at the Institute of Chemistry, at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje.
Recordings have taken part during June and there were taken 20 high-definition videos of experiments conducted to demonstrate various chemical reactions. The experiments are described in Macedonian and English, and so far they are added to articles on the English Wikipedia, while in the next period they will be used for a numerous new appropriate articles which will be created on the Macedonian Wikipedia. Some of the experiments recorded would also found their way in other language editions too.
The full gallery of experiments can be found at Category:Chemistry experiments by Shared Knowledge.
An experiment showing burning of sulfur in oxygen
Experiment showing a direct synthesis of aluminum iodide
Women in Cinema, LGBT rights, WikiArte, Donation from the Cervantine Library and WikiConNA
Quite a busy month here in Mexico! In October 2016 we wrote about Women, LGBTTTI rights and Latin American artists
Editatona: Women in Cinema
Our friends at the National Film Archives stand with us in our continuous Gender Gap Reduction Project. This time, our Editatona focused on notable women in Mexican cinema. However, this is not restricted to actresses, the complete list of created articles includes researchers, critics, directors, producers, editors, and writers. This way we're not only improving coverage of notable women, but also showing women are not restricted to a handful of professional roles, which goes contrary to general perception.
The Editatona was focused on Women in all professions related to Cinema
The National Film Archives helped us with their original research and publications
Two editors working side by side
WikiArte in Mexico City
In 2015, Wikimedia NYC, the Museum of Modern Art (WP:MoMA GLAM page) and the Fundación Cisneros/Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros started WikiArte, an editathon focused on improving coverage of Latin American artists on the English Wikipedia. This year, WikiArte was held simultaneously on New York City and Mexico City, with future events in Caracas and Buenos Aires.
In the Mexico node, we gathered at Museo Soumaya, ready to improve Wikipedia on two main topics:
- Female Latin American artists, and
- Latin American artists and works in the Soumaya's collection
The early birds who started editing even before the Museum was open
The Museum staff working hard on
A WMMX volunteer, showing us a small gift we gave to our editors
Final photo at The Gates of Hell
First donation of files from the Cervantine Library

Negotiations to start uploading files from Tec de Monterrey's noted Cervantine Library had been going on for a couple of months when the call from the Wiki Conference North America came out looking to increase content related to indigenous languages. The Library had been digitizing elements of its collection onto its own website, but with relatively little success in making this content more visible. In October, the Library agreed to uploading of 32 documents from its collection of documents in indigenous languages of Mexico, mostly from the colonial period (Category in Commons here) These include documents in Nahuatl, Totonac, Kickapoo (Fox), Matzalinca and two now-extinct languages. In almost all cases, these documents are the first authentic (non Wiki) samples of documents in these languages and most have been integrated with Wikipedia articles in Spanish and English. Two have been integrated with the articles of their authors Bernardino de Sahagún and Alonso de Molina. The next steps in this collaboration is to work at least several of these documents onto Wikisource (not easy as most are in an old script) and the scanning of images from various documents in their historical collections, a process which is already underway.
Wiki Conference North America
Dr. Lourdes Epstein gave a plenary about Wiki projects during Semana i at Tec de Monterrey (see blog post here). In particular she focused on the project she was directly involved in, the making of freely-licensed recordings of Mexican traditional music, in collaboration with the National Sound Library (Fonateca), the professional band Los Hijos de Malinche of Veracruz, several student and teacher musicians and students from the school's digital music engineering department. This project was aimed for a week, resulting in four full pieces of music onto Wikimedia Commons as well as several demonstrations of traditional music played on instruments. It is the start of a larger project aimed at increasing availability of these irreplacable parts of Mexico's heritage, in sound recordings, scores and MIDI files.
Wikipedian in Residence; Heritage Leiden; Public libraries
Seeking a Wikipedian in Residence for Erfgoed Gelderland
WMNL and Erfgoed Gelderland, a regional cooperation of GLAMs in the Dutch province of Gelderland, are working together in a project to give small GLAMs the means to participate in Wikimedia projects. In October, funding was received to appoint a Wikipedian in Residence, who will be training the GLAMs to do small uploads and to engage with the Wikimedia community. The application for the Wikipedian in Residence has been put out (see here, Dutch only). Deadline is 21 October and the first round of talks with applicants is on October 31. The WiR will likely start on 1 January 2017.
Erfgoed Leiden en Omstreken

The first images from Erfgoed Leiden en Omstreken (ELO, the municipal archive of the city of Leiden in the Netherlands) have been uploaded (see here). These images are the first of a larger batch of digitized glass negatives by Dutch photographer Jan Goedeljee. User:Erik Zachte has used a custom Perl-script to transform the metadata to a format that can be read by Pattypan. He is currently working on some issues that still exist (adding geotags to the photos); it is expected that this will be fixed in the near future. If successful, the script can be used with minor tweaks for other collections held by ELO as well.
Public libraries
WMNL and the KB jointly organised a meeting for public libraries on 6 October. Over 30 library professionals from 23 organisations (including some from Belgium) attended. During this meeting, the results of the 2016 pilot project were presented, as well as its development in 2017 (presentations here and here). Focus will shift from supporting individual libraries to providing as much information as possible on how they can engage with Wikimedia. This will be achieved through a so-called "menu": a list of Wikimedia related activities that libraries can organise. These activities are ordered roughly in order of difficulty, i.e., the degree to which libraries need to know the Wikimedia environment or need to involve Wikipedia volunteers or WMNL. Examples include a "photo of the month" contest to enrich metadata, 1Lib1Ref, an article of the month section or a photohunt. The "menu" can be found here (in Dutch only).
Animal sounds and videos edit-a-thon
On 8 October 2016 an edit-a-thon was organised in the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision in Hilversum. The goal of the session was to add, already uploaded sound and video files, to articles about animals.
The edit-a-thon also included a tour through a part of the archives to show a part of the collection.
See also the project page in Dutch.
Maps & hacks @ #Hack4NO

The 27 October around 30 participants gathered in the Nordic Open Geodata Meetup at the Norwegian mapping authority Kartverket’s headquarters in Hønefoss, Norway. The participants convened from around the Nordics: Norway, Sweden, Finland and Estonia. One reason for the gathering was to chart ways of networking about open geodata in the Nordic countries. Another aspect was to discuss ideas for the #Hack4NO hackathon that followed the next day. You can read more on the wikimaps blog.
Mapping is more and more prominently developed in Wikimedia with the Maps project. The Kartographer extension brings the OSM maps into Wikipedias, and uses the data stored in Wikidata. The Wikimaps project has focused on creating an integrated workflow for historical geodata using Wikimedia and OpenStreetMap. The international community engaged in maps and geodata in Wikimedia could start coming together and learning from each other. They would benefit from a stronger sense of community and support. There is a proposal for a Wikimaps user group in Meta. You can endorse and discuss the idea of a Wikimaps user group or join as a future member at this IdeaLab page.
The Directorate of Cultural Heritage has launched a site, Fotodugnad, where you can discover how places looked like years ago by
- searching historic view pictures from museums' collections and curating selected images to Fotodugnad,
- geotagging pictures from places you are familiar with and
- rephotographing the historic views from places you visit
All photos are Public Domain.
Digitisation, modern museums and ancient Nubia
Digital Museum Conference in Warsaw

On 19th October the National Museum in Warsaw (MNW) hosted the Digital Museum conference, co-organised by Wikimedia Polska. The meeting was attended by almost 130 representatives of large to small Polish GLAM sector institutions.
The conference marked the first anniversary of our Wikipedian-in-Residence program at the National Museum and also the second anniversary of the opening of the refurbished Faras Gallery, the topic of our latest collaboration with the National Museum in Warsaw (see below). Our Wikipedian-in-Residence program and a lengthy collaboration between the museum and Polish Wikimedia community served as an inspiration towards discussion on more general topics: best practices in digitisation of cultural heritage, cooperation between GLAM institutions and the wider public, or the role museum visitors (both real-life and digital) can play in creating and disseminating knowledge.
Among the speakers were representatives of various GLAM institutions cooperating with Wikimedia. Among them were Piotr Rypson, Deputy Director of the National Museum in Warsaw, Karolina Tabak, head of the Digitisation Department of the MNW, Klara Sielicka-Baryłka from the National Museum of Ethnography who summarised the Carpathian Ethnography and ETHNOWIKI projects and Karin Nilsson from the Swedish Royal Armoury, Skokloster Castle and the Hallwyl Museum (LSH). Speakers also included Wikimedians with experience in GLAM cooperation. Among them prof. Tomasz Ganicz, head of Wikimedia Polska; Liam Wyatt, Andy Mabbett and Marta Malina Moraczewska who coordinates GLAM-Wiki projects in Poland.
The guests included almost 130 representatives of various GLAM institutions from Poland and neighbouring countries (among others, the National Museum of Kraków, the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Royal Castle of Warsaw, National Library, Polish Army Museum, Asia and Pacific Museum, Taras Shevchenko Museum of Kiev and others).
The conference was accompanied by a newly published booklet discussing the Faras project itself, as well as aspects of good practices and strategies in running open digital projects. The texts are in both Polish and English language and the entire publication is available for download from Wikimedia Commons. [1].
- References
- ↑ Rypson P. et al., Otwarte projekty cyfrowe: Zbiory MNW w Wikipedii = Open Digital Projects: NMW Collections and Wikipedia, M. M. Moraczewska, K. Tabak (eds.), CC BY-SA 3.0 PL, Warsaw 2016, ISBN 978-83-931454-9 (in Polish and English).
Poster advertising the conference
Liam Wyatt
Andy Mabbett
Karolina Tabak and Piotr Rypson
Maria Drozdek
The Faras project: it's not over yet
The Faras on Wikipedia project (Faras w Wikipedii in Polish), run by Wikimedia Polska and the National Museum in Warsaw (MNW), aims to create and improve Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons content concerning the Faras archaeological discoveries, the Faras Cathedral, and the Faras Gallery – a permanent exhibition at the NMW. We aim to cover topics such as the archaeological excavations in Faras, the cultural history of the region, Nubian Christian culture, and the history of the artefacts.
A group of volunteers, most of whom were new editors, wrote several dozen articles on key subjects related to the Faras gallery. Those include articles on the gallery itself, on Christian Nubian art, the restoration of ancient wall paintings or biographies of people involved in the discovery and preservation of artifacts from Faras. As part of the ongoing project the Museum has shared through Wikimedia Commons over a hundred pictures documenting both the 1960s excavation effort, and the pieces of Nubian art. Among the latter are high resolution digital reproductions of priceless frescoes discovered by Polish archaeologists in Nubia and restored in Warsaw. The only comparable collection of early Christian Nubian art is in the National Museum of Sudan in Khartoum. Some of the Wikipedia articles were then translated to several other languages. The translation effort is not finished yet, we are still looking for volunteers.
The Faras Project is supported by prof. Stefan Jakobielski, one of the members of the original team of archaeologists who discovered the Faras Cathedral. The project's team also included prof. Aleksandra Sulikowska, curator of the Nubian Collection of the National Museum, who went through every new article to verify its content. The project is supervised by Gytha, the Wikipedian-in-Residence at the National Museum, Warsaw.
The Faras project is not the first joint enterprise between Polish Wikimedia community and the National Museum. Back in November 2015 we started a side-project accompanying the Masters of Pastel Painting exhibition. The Museum shared over 100 professional reproductions of rare pastel paintings from Polish collections, while Wikipedia volunteers (both veteran and new editors) wrote or expanded several dozen articles related to pastel painting and the artists, whose works were being exhibited in Warsaw. The project also marked the start of our Wikipedian in Residence program in the museum. A long-time Wikipedia editor Maria Drozdek (User:Gytha) became the first resident in any Polish GLAM institution.
Saint Anne, one of the best-known Nubian christian paintings
Professor Kazimierz Michałowski posing with Saint Anne]], a 1960s agency picture uploaded to Commons thanks to MNW
The Museum also contributed several dozen rare pictures depicting archaeological excavations in the 1960s.
Saint Apostles Peter and John (link in Polish)
Epitaph of Stephanos, one of the bishops of Faras
100 librarians for 100th anniversary
Next year the Polish Librarians Association (Stowarzyszenie Bibliotekarzy Polskich; SBP in Polish) is celebrating its' 100th anniversary. Together with PLA's Warsaw Chapter we have identified 100 biographies either missing or poorly covered in Polish Wikipedia. A group of volunteer librarians who attended one of our workshops back in September are starting to write articles on their predecessors. As part of the collaboration we plan to hold additional workshops and organise a library editathon in January 2017. It is the first such formal collaboration between librarians and Wikipedia in Poland and one of the first forays into the library sector for the Polish Wikipedia community.
More info about the project is available (in Polish) at the Wikiprojekt:Biblioteka page on Polish Wikipedia.
Wikipedian in Residence and Wiki Librarian workshops
Museum in Smederevo hosted Wikipedian in Residence
Second Wikipedian In Residence program 2016 in Serbia was realized at the Museum in Smederevo, in September and October. Miloš Todorović, a selected Wikipedian, digitized four rare and old books from the 19th Century, took photos of the museum’s collections, wrote and improved articles in Serbian Wikipedia about the Museum, collections, authors, and masterpieces, and added references in the articles. Miloš also improved work of the former Wikipedians in Residence, correcting data in books stored at Serbian Wikisource. Digitized books:
- Молбен Богородици и светом Спиридону (1804), Вићентије Ракић
- Рачуница метри и динари (1876), М. Т. Милутиновић
- Историја народа србског (1846), Димитрије Давидовић
- Бранковићи, Јован Рајић
General manager of the Museum in Smederevo Tatjana Gačpar sad that cooperation with Wikimedia Serbia increases the visibility of the collections, especially when the Museum’s web site is out of order.
- The Museum in Smederevo seeks to be a forum of education and perspective enlargement, but also a platform for making creative and self-conscious personalities. Searching for new, active ways of connecting to the audience, other institutions, and experts, the Museum established a collaboration with Wikimedia Serbia. We consider this as one of the best ways to reach our goals. I would like to thank the entire team of Wikimedia Serbia for this extraordinary and successful cooperation - Gačpar said.
Wikimedia Serbia issued a press release about the residence, hoping to motivate GLAM institutions to join the GLAM revolution. Media channels have reported about this activity, which allowed internet users to learn about art and history of one of the oldest towns in Serbia.
Front page of Novina serbskih printed in Vienna in 1814
Information about sailing on the Danube near Smederevo from 1845
Smederevo's jurnal, 1921
Milan Jovanović Stojimirović, jurnalist and diplomat
Smederevo after the explosion, 1941
Panoramic view of Smederevo, 1941
Wiki-librarian workshop in Čačak
One of the five planned workshops for the 2016 Wiki Librarian project was realized at the Regional education center in Čačak, on October 11th and 12th. The seminar was organized by University Library Svetozar Marković and the City Library Vladislav Petkovic Dis. In two days, 19 librarians learned how to edit Wikipedia, by writing 17 articles and improving four. The media in this town were also interested in this event, reporting about the workshop and the Wiki Librarian program.
The Wiki Librarian project has been active for two years, producing over a hundred librarians trained in editing Wikipedia. In addition to the workshops, this year’s plan is to realize 5-8 lectures, two edit-a-thons, and to digitize five rare books from University Library’s fundus. The Wiki Librarian is an accredited course, so participants receive official points for taking part in this compulsory training. Wiki-librarians wrote and improved over 600 articles on Serbian Wikipedia, and more than 300 files were uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. The article Miroslav's Gospel was marked as the “good article”.
Wiki Takes and libraries
Wiki Takes Ayora

The weekend between October 7 and 9, Ayora held the 16th edition of the gastronomic and cultural festival of the First Cut of Honey. During the three days were held a series of events in which the protagonist was honey, a typical product of the area. Among the various events, we could enjoyed guided tours, talks, exhibitions and music.
One of the main attractions was, as on previous occasions, a glass case where you could see the cut of honey, how was a hive and how the beekeepers work. We attended the festival and we photographed various activities, mainly related to honey. In addition, we approach photographing a pre-Roman settlement and rock shelter with rock art.
National Library and Women Writers Day
Between October 14 and 22, we participated in the celebration of the Women Writers Day, which takes place on October 17. The initiative, promoted by the the National Library of Spain (BNE), the Federación Española de Mujeres Directivas (FEDEPE) and the Asociación Clásicas y Modernas, was supported by several groups of Iberocoop and various events were held in several countries. In Spain, we contributed in organizing edit-a-thons in La Laguna, Madrid, Leioa and Vitoria/Gasteiz.
Group photo in La Laguna
Group photo in the National Library of Spain, Madrid
Group photo in Vitoria/Gasteiz
Libraries Day
On October 24, several members of WMES participated in the celebration of Libraries Day, in Donostia/San Sebastián, together with other wikimedians and project agents. The presentations were, in the morning, by Tomás Saorín (Continente GLAM-Wiki, el viaje a Wikipedia de las instituciones culturales y educativas) and Rubén Ojeda (Wikipedia en las bibliotecas: Biblioteca Reina Sofía de Valladolid y red de bibliotecas del Principado de Asturias). In the evening, presentations counted with the participation of Josu Aramberri (Wikimedia Commons and licensing).
On October 29, we participated in the congress Arqueonet. The conference, which was held at the National Archaeological Museum in Madrid, focused on the exchange of ideas and ways of working, but also to establish how the dissemination of the history and treatment of historical heritage in the network develops. It is intended also to correct any deficiencies that may be encountered in this process and improve traffic knowledge of culture by virtual channels. Our participation was reflected in a Wikipedia workshop to learn to edit, mainly Wikipedia, know its basic rules and problems that may arise, but also other projects, such as Commons or Wikidata.

Photo coverages
In October we covered three events for obtaining free pictures: two concerts, Malú and Green Valley, and the Valladolid International Film Festival (SEMINCI). Also, we did a little trip to visit and taking pictures of the Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex (NASA) for uploading them to Commons.
Nationalmuseum's Paintings; Maritime edit-a-thon; Connected Open Heritage; Swedish National Archive
Nationalmuseum's Paintings for Everyone, Anytime, Anywhere
On October 10th Nationalmuseum in collaboration with Wikimedia Sweden uploaded 3000 images in high resolution to Wikimedia Commons, in order to offer a larger audience the possibility to experience the art in the Nationalmuseum's collection. The upload is the result of a collaboration between Nationalmuseum and Wikimedia Sweden that started in 2015. Large parts of the Nationalmuseum's collection have been accessible in Europeana since 2013/2014. Via Europeanas API, Wikimedia Sweden transferred metadata to most paintings to Wikidata in 2014, from where the data soon got frequently used in articles as well as visualisations of Nationalmuseum's collection. When Nationalmuseum closed the temporary exhibition venue at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in autumn 2016, activities focused on providing better access to high quality images of the collection.
Starting with uploading those works of art that already had a Wikidata object from the Europeana import was the obvious way to go. Nationalmuseum chose to upload all reproductions of paintings that no longer are protected by copyright and where the digital reproductions thus could be marked Public Domain. More public domain images of drawings and graphic works as well as CC BY-SA licensed images of sculptures and applied art can be found in the Nationalmuseum's online database.
Nationalmuseum's images are already now being used a lot in articles on artist, several works of art or concepts important for art history, such as Vanitas. The Wikidata entries have also been enhances with motifs and descriptions which adds great value to the collection's usability. A lot of images from the National Portrait Gallerys collection have also been linked to corresponding biographical articles, but there is still a lot of unused material to illustrate biographical articles in the Nationalmuseum upload. However, a large number of articles still use the old images that have been available in Wikimedia Commons earlier, and mostly have a poor resolution or show wrong colours. It would be great to get support in linking the new images to the articles where old images from the Nationalmuseum are currently used.
A Young Man Reading by Candlelight by Matthias Stom
A Studio Idyll. The Artist's Wife and their Daughter by Carl Larsson
The Lady with the Veil (the Artist's Wife) (Alexander Roslin) - Nationalmuseum
After the Massacre. Study from North Norway (Anna Boberg) - Nationalmuseum
Apple Tree in Blossom (Carl Fredrik Hill) - Nationalmuseum
Breakfast-Time (Hanna Pauli) - Nationalmuseum
GLAMs advance with the Wikipedia Education Program in Sweden
The Association for pedagogical development of Swedish Museums (Fuism) hosted its yearly conference for Educators working in GLAMs this October. A separate session of the program was dedicated to the Wikipedia Education program and how it is currently used by GLAMs in Sweden combined with practical training. The popular session had 26 participants who were introduced to Swedish Wikimini, edited and used by children age 7-13, and they also learnt the basics of Wikipedia editing. The presented projects were two current GLAM-edu cross over projects, one run by Wikimedia Sverige and the Stockholm digital historical archive for schools (Stockholmskällan), the second one is the new Wikipedia Education Program at the Nordic Museum.
The Education program at the Nordic Museum kicked off in late September with five secondary schools visiting the museum in Stockholm from different parts of Sweden to access the archives, the library, get Wikipedia training and select their topics for the Wikipedia assignment.
Nordic museum talks about the Wikipedia Education Program with participants from several GLAMs in Sweden.
Teachers and students participating in GLAM-edu project with Wikipedia at Nordic Museum.
Teacher and students participating in GLAM-edu project with Wikipedia at Nordic Museum library.
Students exploring library and archive at Nordic museum for Wikipedia editing.
Maritime edit-a-thon
The Maritime Museum in Stockholm hosted an edit-a-thon on the topic trade at sea October 27. During the afternoon the almost 20 participants improved 15 articles and 140 Wikidata items, listened to interesting presentations on merchants and trade and was given tours in the museum.
Uploaded image illustrating a Grips
Participants from the Maritime museum
Audience at one of the presentations
Eva Hult talking about Mathias Holmers, an employee of Svenska Ostindiska Companiet
Wikipedians and staff from the museum working side by side
Connected Open Heritage
The project moves on with preparations for some batch uploads of collections from Mexico and Cyprus provided by The National Museums of World Culture, more preparations for moving the data, getting access to more cultural heritage data and more collections of images of cultural heritage.
DCDC conference
October 10-12 Axel Pettersson, WMSE, and Richard Nevell, WMUK, participated in the DCDC conference (Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities) in Manchester, UK. Some 100 participants attended the presentation Reaching the world through free licenses and crowdsourced platforms - or How to Beat the Deadline where COH and WLM (with focus on UK) were introduced. Before and after the presentation there were a lot of conversations about the possibilities for archives and libraries to work with the Wikipedia and Wikimedia movement, and also some ideas for collections to include in the list of suggestions for images to upload.
Logo vote
The vote for the official logo of the Connected Open Heritage project has opened and is running until the 11th of November. Make your voice heard!
On 14-16 October the Swedish part of the pan-Nordic hackathon Hack4Heritage took place in Stockholm. Hack4Heritage was a creative event and hack with a focus on open cultural heritage data and content. Wikimedia Sweden was present to engage participants in re-use of the Monuments database in particular, and all of the rich contents of the Wikimedia projects in general, as well as facilitating the use of these resources.
The end results was very satisfactory for our part in that more than a third of the projects ended up making use of data or content from Wikimedia projects. This included both ChurchSearch, the winner in the code category, and myMuseum, the winner of the Nordic category which both made extensive use of Wikidata.
Participants at Hack4Heritage
None-code hacking
The myMuseum group
The Fashion of Time group
Waiting for the final presentations
WMSE and the Swedish National Archive
Karin Åström Iko, one of the Wikimedia Sweden board members, was in September appointed Director General of The Swedish National Archive.
Beautiful birds, and back to the Bodleian
Small is beautiful!
A small wiki can move quickly, and does not become bogged down in a quagmire of fossilized tripe. Some dinosaurs morphed into birds, and lived.

We have just over 81,000 articles on the Welsh Wikipedia. It is a small wiki, but therein lies it's greatness: the smaller it is the faster it morphs. Take Wikidata as an example. We received, from the Llen Natur Welsh language society their latest database - all living birds, each with a Welsh name, Latin and English. It took over 10 years to create by a team of ornithologists, some professionals working on this alone.
Wikimedia UK requested the use of this database on an open licence, which was freely given, and I then made a request to User:Succo to bot them up on Wikidata, and around 8,000 matched the WD Latin name. The rest were done by hand. To date, this is what we've done in partnership with Llen Natur:
- 1. We added 9,500 bird images in a 3rd party website
The community with the help of Bangor University then created a code for the preferred image on each species to appear in Llen Natur's Species Dictionary, thus turning a text only online dictionary into a beautiful Illustrated Dictionary.
- 2. We created 9,000 new articles on cywiki
With the database, we were now able to create 9,000 new articles on cywiki, with most of the taxobox automatically calling information from Wikidata.

- 3. Creating 15,000 links from Llen Natur's Illustrated Dictionary to cywiki
This was easily done by Bangor University for Llen Natur, directing readers to the Welsh Wikipedia. All bird articles, and a further 6,000 other species.
- 4. Wikidata Lists! Morph or fossilize!
Having added a few WD Lists on other languages, including Indonesian, Vietnamese, Basque, Irish Gaelic and Spanish, I then added a list of notable Welsh people on English Wikipedia - which was taken down within two flutters of a wing. "Wikidata is NOT referenced!" they shouted, and argued and stomped about like Giraffatitan. "Good bye!" I said, and off I went in search of more inspiring wikis. To this day, en-wiki is one of the only Wikipedias which still hasn't hugged and caressed Wikidata within articles. Not one.
Every single bird species on the Welsh WP, however, has a Wikidata table, automatically called up and updated daily. When species change taxon, it's automatically added on cywiki. The total number of WD Lists on every language Wikipedias at October 2016 is just under 3,000; we have 9355 on cywiki (as of 7 November 2016).
What loud calls I make, what blowing of trumpets! No, just a fact. We liked Wikidata, and discussed as a community how could we utilise it within cywiki to save finger clicking, to update info daily, to be up to date.
- 5. Tweeting and other bird sounds
We had a great day at the British Library a few weeks ago, chirping away at clips of birdsounds on Commons, connecting soundclips to more than 55 language wikis. As soon as we have enough, then they too will be automatically feed these into all bird articles on the Welsh Wikipedia, as well as into 3rd party websites, such as Llen Natur. And the Illustrated Dictionary quickly becomes a noisy, vivid, live space. And all different sounds and all different colours will entice the reader into that rich, diverse planet called multipedia. And let's sing in harmony: Viva la difference!
- 6. Birds also morph...
And with "the sum of all human data" appearing on that matrics, that all-connecting interweaving thread called Wikidata, we can now start creating apps and games based on birds (or any other subject) as a front for information on the Wikimedia projects. Can't Wikipedia, then, not be an AR game? Why not! Even dinosaurs had dreams!
- PS For your information (which I really would like to share) the multilingual word 'dinosaur' was coined by a Welshman, Sir Richard Owen. Llywelyn2000 (talk) 18:06, 13 October 2016 (UTC)
Martin Poulter, who served for one year as the WIR at the Bodleian Libraries, funded by Wikimedia UK, is back at the Bodleian with another year's funding and an expanded job title: Wikimedian In Residence at the University of Oxford. This is a one-year project funded by the university, which the continued involvement of Wikimedia UK. Whereas the previous WIR placement was mainly about sharing the Bodleian's digital content, and that will continue, the new project is about using the Wikimedia activities to support research and educational projects across the university, promoting a permanent change in how the university works with Wikimedia.
The project is driven by interest in Wikidata and its possibilities for data visualisations, even more so than by interest in Wikipedia. Already the WIR has made contact with ten different major research projects who are interested in sharing data, images, and/or text. The project page is at w:en:Wikipedia:GLAM/Oxford.
WikiConference North America 2016 and edit-a-thons
WikiConference North America 2016 - Balboa Park

Wikiconference North America was held from October 7-10 in San Diego, California, and hosted a full day of GLAM events in conjunction with Balboa Park, a campus of 17 different cultural institutions. Andrew Lih worked with the Balboa Park Online Collaborative's Nik Honeysett and Drew Mandinach to organize the Wiki Culture Crawl, a whole day of activities as a pre-conference event. Designed to be the largest one day GLAM engagement in the US (and perhaps the world), the pre-conference had more than 100 participants from the public, San Diego cultural professional sector and Wikimedia community.
The event was simultaneously an edit-a-thon, a training session for GLAM professionals, and a series of Backstage Passes. The day's events were centered at the Old Globe Theater at Balboa Park, and Hattox Hall, a conference and meeting facility that had both training and editing.
Attendees were given free admission to all the museums and institutions in order to help them improve articles for the edit-a-thon, and five of the museums provided exclusive Backstage Passes, where curators and staff gave special tours of their collections. The San Diego Natural History Museum recently opened a new exhibit about citizen scientists called "Extraordinary Ideas from Ordinary People," where Margaret Dykens, Registrar and Director of the Research Library, gave a special tour of their rare book library. Attendees stayed to help edit articles around the citizen science, and Robert Fernandez led a Wikipedia editing session for museum staff. Among the other tours – the CEO of the Museum of Man, Micah Parzen, gave a tour of their new exhibit, "Cannibals," and the San Diego Air and Space Museum showed their unique collection of artefacts of the short-lived civilian airline, Consairway. (Wikipedia editors quickly created an article using the museum's resources.)
For training, Alex Stinson and Andrew Lih led the training with GLAM professionals and members of the public, with Dominc McDevitt Parks and Dina Herbert of the National Archives giving sessions on how to design more effective edit-a-thons. At lunch, they were joined by Kelly Doyle, Wikipedian in Residence at West Virginia University and Sherry Antoine of AfroCROWD, to participate in a discussion of how Wikipedians in Residence have worked with cultural partners.
The Balboa Park Cultural Partnership and Learning Institute provided their video services, with all the training sessions being recorded with a professional two-camera shoot.
WikiConference North America 2016 - GLAM sessions

During WikiConference North America 2016, there were several sessions about GLAMs scheduled. There was a briefing "What's new in GLAM" by A Stinson; there was a briefing "How Wikimedia communities can thrive" by Dominic Byrd-McDevitt; there was a briefing "Enhancing collaboration" by Rebecca Thorndike-Breeze. Presentation video will be available soon.
On October 2, AfroCROWD held an edit-a-thon at Brooklyn Public Library.
On October 11, GLAM Café was held at Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia.
On October 12, an Wikipedia Wednesdays edit-a-thon was held at Arizona State University.
On October 14th, a Women's Mormon history edit-a-thon was held at Brigham Young University.
On October 22, an AWA+D edit-a-thon was held at Woodbury University.
On October 22, an Gender Equality Edit-a-thon was held at the National Archives.
Open Access Week; 7,000 new audiovisual media; 2 Requests for Comment & 1 bot

Open Access Week
Like every year during the last full week of October, Open Access Week was celebrated with activities all around the globe, including on-wiki.
Two Requests for Comment on how to signal free-to-read scholarly articles cited on the English Wikipedia
Two Requests for Comment on the English Wikipedia have been posted that ask for community input on how citation templates should indicate whether a cited reference is free to read or not, and how the corresponding icons should look like. They are accompanied by a request for approval of a bot that would make the corresponding edits on an automated basis.
OAMI: Over 7k new uploads
This month, the Open Access Media Importer uploaded over 7,000 new video and audio files, i.e. about one fourth of all the files it has ever uploaded since it started operating in mid-2012. The total crossed the 25,000 mark on October 27 (which was World Day for Audiovisual Heritage) and the 30,000 mark in the night to November 1. The sharp increase this month is due in part to improvements to the workflows, in part to the extension of the bot to some selected hybrid publishers, whose Open Access content the bot had so far been set to ignore due to problems with reliably determining the licensing of the articles. As usual, some files have also been uploaded from other sources during this period. If you see a way to use any of these files on-wiki or elsewhere, please go ahead. A very small selection of these uploads is embedded below.
Digitization, Travel, Structured Data on Commons, and WMF updates
Note: this episode of the WMF report in this Month in GLAM Covers September and October'
Digitization and Case Studies
During Wikimania, and my early assessment of the Wikimedia Community's needs at Wikimedia Conference and through conversation with a number of volunteer communities, I realized that many of our communities are either exploring or working on digitization; this kind of collaboration it offers a number of opportunities to support potential GLAM partners in getting them thinking about open content and knowledge. Because funding and the broader heritage sector is placing emphasis on digital sharing, many institutions, even those without robust digitization programs, are looking for help. Wikimedia Communities can help supporting at different stages in the process, and I have begun collecting those experiences at this outreach portal.
Also, their are folks already working on this in the Wikimedia Community: a couple years ago the Wikimedia user group was formed, to support the best practices for DIY digitization in partnership with other organizations. I am working with members of that group, to both easier to reach, and make sure that materials that they are creating get shared as part of the Digitization portal on outreach.
Also, in attending the Internet Archive Library Leaders Forum, I talked with a number, and will be continue to talk with members of their staff, to see if their is a way for the project that seeks to create access to "all knowledge" with the world, can work with the non-profit project seeking to create access to the "sum of all knowledge" (of course we can! But I bet their are more opportunities). If you have any ideas about digitization, can help writing a case study or best practice, or want to talk about the opportunities with digitization reach out at
Structured data on Commons
One of the main reasons for delay in writing a September this Month in GLAM WMF report, was the unexpected opportunity to support development of a possible funding source for expediting Structured Commons alongside the number Events that I attended (see below). For a preview of what the extended funding on the project could look like, see: The Overview on Commons of the new application. Please weigh in.
September and October included a number of events:
- At WikiConference USA, a number of other Wikipedia + Library leaders offered a whole range of presentations on the role of Wikipedia and Libraries. It had a GLAM heavy focus with Alex, providing workshops on Wikidata and Global GLAM. For highlights from the event, see the blog post on Wikimedia blog
- Jake Orlowitz and Alex Stinson, attended the Internet Archive Library Leaders Forum: the conference featured conversation about the future of libraries, with a number of libraries both within in the United States and Canada. The focus overall, was less on the broader library community, and more on Internet Archive's role in that change, and how to better develop partnerships with their organization. The Wikipedia Library team, attended to both: represent the recent Internet Archive bot, work on WP:OABOT, and the relevance of Wikidata in the library space; and to explore closer collaboration with IA and their partner organizations, like Biodiversity Heritage Library and Family Search.
Also, living in New England, Alex accepted invitations for talks at both the New England Library Association and Cornell University Libraries. These talks at local gatherings allow Alex to listen to the challenges facing our local, and smaller GLAM partners - where even in the United States, the funding and pressure on these professional groups is pretty extensive. The talks went well :)
WMF-related conversations
- The Community Wishlist Survey has opened for its first phase: . This year, asks and that support Wikimedia Programs and other smaller and typically unsupported volunteer communities (i.e. WikiSource and Wikitionary), will be given a second grouping of priorities which the Community Tech team will work on. Make sure that you include your program-related requests.
- The Next round of Project grants opens in December: make sure to start planning for projects in that window of time:
- #1lib1ref launch: 1lib1ref is beginning planning, please join the conversation by following the instructions at: . #1lib1ref allows for an excellent opportunity to start talking with library communities and partners who have not yet participated in Wikimedia Collaborations.
Blog Highlights
- Ethnographers and Wikipedians join forces to showcase the cultural heritage of the Carpathian region -- a blog post on the Carpathian Ehtnography Project.
- Engaging the world’s libraries with Wikipedia—what are the opportunities? A blog post about the collaboration between WMF and IFLA to document best practices for Wikipedia and Library collaboration
- UNESCO and Wikimedia collaborate to promote built cultural heritage John Cummings at UNESCO talks about collaboration on Wiki Loves Monuments between UNESCO and the volunteer community
- Semana i held for the third consecutive year -- Leigh Thelmadaughter and collaborators use a variation of the Education program to document rare cultural works
- Wikipedian in residence at the Austrian Constitutional Court - An an unusual variation on the Wikipedia in Residence Role at a Court
- How the world’s first Wikidata Visiting Scholar created linked open data for five thousand works of art -- documents a project supported by the National Library of Wales
Other Consultations
In September and October, I supported a number of community and staff members in consultation, including but not limited to:
- Meetings with WMF Legal and Communications about long term strategies for supporting GLAM
- Reviewing Annual Plan Grant requests with GLAM components with Community Resources at WMF
- Supporting initial design of the Canadian Music Data Project
- Getting Citation Hunt and other #1lib1ref materials prepared for a number of communities
- the Digitization User Group
- WMUG Ghana
- A number of contacts gathered at conferences and movement events
November's GLAM events
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Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
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3 Workshop for preparing the Bernard Dadié edit'athon, Côte d'Ivoire
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25 Award ceremony WLA+WLM Belgium
CZ-SK-PL meeting, Ostrava, The Czech Republic |
26 CZ-SK-PL meeting, Ostrava, The Czech Republic
27 CZ-SK-PL meeting, Ostrava, The Czech Republic
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