GLAM/Newsletter/October 2018/Contents/Sweden report
Roundtripping Project, Books Import and Wikidata Imported to SOCH
ByWikimedia Commons Data Roundtripping Project Accepted
The Swedish National Heritage Board's proposed research project about the ability for GLAMs to review, copy, and reuse user created data from Wikimedia Commons has been accepted. The Nordic museum, the Swedish Performing Arts Agency and the Swedish National Heritage Board will run this project from November to June 2019 in collaboration with the Wikimedia Foundation and Wikimedia Sverige. The accepted project brief is available on Wikimedia Commons.
Preparing Swedish books for Wikidata
Wikimedia Sverige's collaboration with the National Library of Sweden is progressing on nicely: we are focusing on building a codebase to process the bibliographical information in the Libris library catalog and convert it to Wikidata items. You can see an example here.
Swedish Open Cultural Heritage connects to Wikidata
The national cultural/museum aggregator and linked open data platform in Sweden, Swedish Open Cultural Heritage(SOCH) now includes over 150 000 same as statements to Wikidata items. SOCH began linking to Wikimedia platforms back in 2012 and includes over 120 000 links to Wikimedia Commons and Wikipedia since earlier.
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