GLAM/Newsletter/October 2020/Contents/Indonesia report
Bulan Sejarah Indonesia 2.0; Structured data edit-a-thon; Proofreading mini contest
ByBulan Sejarah Indonesia 2.0
As part of WikiSejarah campaign, Wikimedia Indonesia held a Wikipedia writing challenge at Indonesian Wikipedia under the name of Bulan Sejarah Indonesia 2.0. This challenge invited Wikipedians of Indonesia to write any articles, mainly focuses on the topic of Indonesian history. This challenge started on October 1 and ended on October 31, 2020, resulting 27 new articles were created by six contestants.
For detailed information who participated and what articles were generated, see this tool.
Bulan Sejarah Indonesia 2.0 is the second version of the same theme in 2017, organized by Wikimedia Indonesia, in collaboration with Wikimedia Nederland.
Structured data edit-a-thon

Wikimedia Nederland and National Museum of World Cultures have been generously publicized plenty of images to Wikimedia Commons related to Indonesia pre- and post-independence. The images are uploaded to Category:NMVW files Indonesian Independence 2020-09 on Wikimedia Commons, in the total of 376 images in September 2020.
To make use of the images, Wikimedia Indonesia organized structured data edit-a-thon inviting Wikimedians of Indonesia to add depicts and caption data to the images by using ISA tool. The edit-a-thon started in September and ended on October 30, 2020.
There were 13 contestants participated, 12,244 contribution were made during the event, and 4,083 edits were made to add/modify caption data. For more detailed statistics, view this infographics made by GLAM Indonesia on Twitter.
Proofreading mini contest
A proofreading mini contest was done in Indonesian Wikisource to proofread Boekoe Peringatan dari Staatsspoor-en Tramwegen di Hindia-Belanda 1875-1925.pdf. The contest started in September to October 2020. Six Wikisource users were participated in the contest, resulting 56 pages were validated. More details is available on this tool.