On Thursday 22 September, the kick-off for Wiki Loves Fashion the Netherlands was held at the library in Hengelo. There were eight people there who collaborated on articles about former textile entrepreneurs but also, for example, on an article about the hat. There was a celebratory moment when a tray of petit fours with the logo of wiki loves fashion was served.
WikiLovesFashion petit fours
On 7 October, a small group met at museum the Palthe Huis in Oldenzaal. After a guided tour of the museum there was a workshop to get to know Wikipedia. Some great edits were made about the dish towel as well about the well-known entrepreneurs in textiles, the Gelderman family.
On 26 October, enthusiasts met at De Museumfabriek, a museum in Enschede. After a dazzling lecture on Textiles & BIOTechnologies and the future possibilities in the textile industry, an introduction to wikimedia commons was given. The app was downloaded and those who needed assistance were given it. An introduction for wikipedia was then given and everyone could get to work taking pictures of the fibers mentioned in the lecture or describing the museum pieces for Wikipedia. Wikipedia schrijfbijeenkomst in de Twentsche schilderijengalerij met trainer