GLAM/Newsletter/September 2016/Contents/Macedonia report
Statistics and news
MakStatBaza (МакСтатБаза) is a project, whose leader is the Community head, Toni Ristovski, and aims to use the various data available from the databases of the State Statistical Office of Macedonia and enriching articles about settlements in the country by means of the available tools such as tables, charts and other means of data visualisation, presented in a standardised and uniform manner. We intend to develop the project further in order to cover data in areas other than population.
So far, 31 articles have been enriched with 8 different tables/graphs per article, focusing mostly on the demographics of settlements in Macedonia.
Macedonian Wikinews with Makfax
The Macedonian wiki community has had the idea of starting Wikinews in Macedonian for quite some time, but was held back due to lack of a willing news source. Now we have found very strong support in Makfax (Макфакс) news agency, who is more than willing to provide us with content and is very excited about the concept of their news being linked to Wikipedia articles. The chief editors and staff are excited about this opportunity and think that this will bring a new, more learned way of reading and understanding news.
We have submitted a request for creation of Macedonian Wikinews and are in the phase of working on the test pages in the Wikimedia Incubator.
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