GLAM/Newsletter/September 2023/Contents/Brazil report
Amazonia on Wiki
ByWiki Took two cities in the state of Pará
This is the first year that Wiki Movimento Brasil (WMB) had the opportunity of organizing two Wiki Takes a City in the state of the annual project "Wiki Loves State". There were editions of Wiki Takes in two municipalities in Pará: Bragança (Pará) and Cachoeira do Arari. Each one of these cities brought its singularities to Wikimedia projects: from the caeté region to the marajoara fields, the participants of the event increased the free knowledge on Wikipedia about their history, tradition and culture.

August 26th - 27th
In the Pearl of Caeté (affectionate name for Bragança, in the state of Pará), the local community was really interested in the activities: 32 participants took part in the general program. The activities were:
- Digitization of part of the collection of Museu da Marujada with Portable Museum (184 images),
- Collaborative Mapping of historical buildings,
- Edit-a-thon, and
- Photowalk (630 images).
See the photos taken during the event.

Museu da Marujada

Three local institutions helped WMB to organize the in-person activities:
- Instituto Nova Amazônia (our GLAM-Wiki partner)
- Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas Interculturais Pará - Maranhão (a research group at Federal University of Pará) and
- Irmandade da Marujada de São Benedito de Bragança (our NEW GLAM-Wiki partner).
Irmandade da Marujada de São Benedito de Bragança is the civil society organization responsible for the management of Museu da Marujada and the organization of Marujada de São Benedito de Bragança a traditional celebration in praise of São Benedito, with a strong influence of Afro-Brazilian culture.
See the Marujada de Bragança's GLAM page and the uploaded media.

September 2nd - 3rd
The activities in Cachoeira do Arari highlighted the Portable Museum Workshop and the Photowalk that mapped the main symbolic spaces of local culture and heritage. For two days, some experienced wikimedians intensively worked with:
- Digitization of part of the collection of Museu do Marajó with Portable Museum,
- Mapping historical buildings, and
- Taking photos of the city (buildings and aerial photos).
See the photos taken during the event.

Museu do Marajó
The local institution that hosted the in-person activities were Museu do Marajó. As we told in our last Newsletter, it is a small museum located in Cachoeira do Arari, at the Island of Marajó, in Pará, Brazil. It was founded in 1972 by the italian Father Giovanni Gallo.
The collection gathers archeological assets (as marajoara ceramic items) that help us to tell the ancient history of this region. Father Gallo defended the museum's mission of being a socio-economic development factor for the region. He also wanted to ensure the connection of the surrounding communities with the museum and its collection. So he (who was also an inventor) created and installed various interactive and unconventional systems in the museum space, that he called "caipira computers": wooden gadgets for the public to interact with the collection.
See the Museu do Marajó's GLAM page and the uploaded media.
First partnership in the state of Mato Grosso
In September, Wiki Movimento Brasil (WMB) signed its first partnership in the state of Mato Grosso. Patrimônio, Cidades e Territórios is a research group founded in 2013, which current coordinator is settled at Federal University of Mato Grosso. The group gathers researchers from different states of Brazil, who focus their efforts on documenting and disseminating Brazilian cultural heritage.
And the group already uploaded its first batch that is part of a private collection: photographs of Professor Vladimir Benincasa, a well-known researcher on historical coffee plantations. Now 2,789 new pictures of 99 plantations located in 39 cities of the Brazilian states of São Paulo, Minas Gerais e Rio de Janeiro are available on Wikimedia Commons.
See the Patrimônio, Cidades e Territórios's GLAM page and the uploaded media.
Upload from CMU
We also uploaded three new collections from Centro de Memória Unicamp:
Antônio Tossini - Antonio Tossini was a construction worker who lived in the city of Campinas. This collection brings 36 photographs depicting members of Tossini's family, buildings and construction workers from his city.
Sílvia Basílio de Matos - 20 portraits of artists who worked in the city of Campinas, including Hercule Florence who was in the city in the mid-19th century.
Selma Machado Simão - 16 mixed media paintings on canvas depicting views of the city of Campinas, such as Largo do Rosário, Instituto Agronômico de Campinas, and the grave-monumen of Carlos Gomes.
See the CMU's GLAM page and the uploaded media.

Upload from iPatrimônio
September is the month of Monuments for Wiki Movimento Brasil (WMB)! So it is also the month for uploading the images from our partner iPatrimônio. Now you have 1,112 new pictures of listed buildings located in Brasília, São Paulo and other Brazilian cities, including first pics of some of them.
See the iPatrimônio's GLAM page and the uploaded media.