GLAM/OpenGLAM Benchmark Survey/Coordination/Final Quality Check

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Final Quality Check (Checklist for Country Coordinators)


Below you find the checklist for the final quality check. The purpose of the final quality check is to ensure that the survey is set up correctly and that things will go smooth during deployment. Don’t hesitate to add further points to the check list if you spot any other potential sources of errors.

  • The survey invitation message is displayed correctly. The subject line is correct, the layout is ok and all the content is displayed correctly. Please check in particular all the localized parts: the reply-to email address, the line of address, the name of the sender, the supporting organizations, and the contact details. Check whether the link to the questionnaire functions.
  • The two reminder messages are displayed correctly. The subject line is correct, the layout is ok and all the content is displayed correctly. Please check in particular all the localized parts: the reply-to email address, the line of address, the name of the sender, the supporting organizations, and the contact details. Check whether the link to the questionnaire functions.
  • The online questionnaire is complete and contains exactly the questions it should. Check whether the right questions were included in the online questionnaire (optional questions). Have a look at all the questions; as several people are using the same user account to do translations, it is theoretically possible that someone introduced an error by mistake without your noticing.
  • The display logic of the online questionnaire and the error messages function correctly. Check whether all the buttons, error and system messages are displayed correctly in your language and that it is possible to navigate back and forth in the questionnaire. Check whether all the PDF versions that are relevant for your country are listed and that the links are working.
  • The PDF version of the questionnaire is complete and contains exactly the questions it should. Creating the PDF version is quite a tedious task, during which unneeded elements of the questionnaire are removed and page-breaks are inserted manually. Obviously, this process is quite error prone - even more so if the task is done in a language or in a script one is not familiar with. Appart from completeness, please also check whether the page-breaks are in the right place, the question layout is ok, and whether the instructions regarding the conditional quesitons are indicated correctly (please pay especial attention to the instruction at the end of question F2, as it needs to be adapted manually for each country based on the optional questions that were selected).
  • The contact details at the end of the PDF version of the questionnaire are correct.