Outreach Oceania/Military History

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Outreach Oceania: Micronesia Military History

Military history in Micronesia

Outreach Oceania is being co-organized by a Military History project coordinator, Hawkeye7, as one of his primary editing interests involves the Second World War in the Pacific theater and the development of nuclear weapons. Outside of connecting with GLAMs and conducting outreach in local schools and colleges, Hawkeye7 plans to organize activities for Wikipedians that may be interested improving content, doing a visit to the interest and providing libraries with print resources related to the area.

Content improvement drive

Outreach Oceania is having a content improvement drive. Below is a list of articles that we would like to see improved in preparation for this outreach:

If there are any print resources or picture requests that may only be available on location, please leave a request on the talk page

We are planning to give local libraries collections of articles published through Wikipedia Books. We would like these books to be topical in relation to the country or the island. Any help in compiling the books would be appreciated.