GLAM/Newsletter/April 2015/Contents/Sweden report
Conferences and edit-a-thons

For the third year we co-organized and participated at the Digikult conference, a conference on how digital cultural heritage in practice. As in previous years there was a great line-up of speakers and lots of examples of GLAMs digitizing content, making content available online and facing the challenge of archiving our digital heritage.
This year Wikimedia Sverige had a special focus on informing about how Wikidata can be used as a tool for GLAMs and how making information available there can benefit them as well as the Wikimedia projects. There was a special interest in how vocabularies can make use of Wikidata and how this can e.g. facilitate categorization of content donations. There was also interest in how institutions can help source statements about entities within their area of expertise.
QRpedia at The Royal Armoury
Alongside some selected items in The Royal Armoury there are QR codes that leads to the museums own app where the visitor can find more information about the item. Now there has been decided that the QR codes should direct the visitor to a wikipedia article instead, and as a first step in that process an edit-a-thon on the theme selected items in the museum was held at The Royal Armoury on April 27. Several articles were written, and many existing articles got extended. The benefits of the transition to QRpedia are many. First of all, the QRpedia codes identify the language the phone is set to, and presents a wikipedia article in the visitors preferred language when there is one. The hopes are that this will enrich the visitor's experience and to make it easier to see a bigger picture. Second, by being a part of wikipedia many more than those who have the possibility to visit the museum can benefit from the articles. The next step in the process is to translate the articles to english, and after that to as many languages as possible. Anyone who wants to help with that are more than welcome, because as they say, the more the merrier.
Work by Kunz Lochner
Computer games at Tekniska museet

Tekniska museet hosted their first edit-a-thon on April 29. in collaboration with Wikimedia Sweden and Nordiska museet on the theme Computer games and gaming. Peter Du Rietz, curator at Tekniska museet, told us about the museum’s Computer game history project. The participants also had a guided tour in the Digital Revolution exhibit. Ten participants joined in for the afternoon and created or improved some 15 articles and improved descriptions on Commons and Wikidata.
Spring conference
At the annual spring conference organized by the Association of Swedish Museums Axel Pettersson participated in two events. First in a meeting for the directors of the Council of Central museums to talk about the collaboration with Wikimedia Sweden. The collaboration is about to move away from beeing a pilot project and to move in to the every day work of the museums. As the involved museums are at very different stages in their wiki maturity we have a challenge ahead in giving recomendations that will fit within their scope and level of engagement. The second part of the participation was a presentation with Johanna Berg from Digisam and Linnéa Karlberg Lundin from LSH (The Royal Armoury, Skokloster Castle and Hallwyl Museum). Our topic was the cultural heritage belongs to everyone, and we talked about linked open data, content donations and Wikidata to a crowd of around 30 people from different GLAMs.
At the GLAM-WIKI conference in The Hague Axel Pettersson participated in both the panel on improving edit-a-thons, hosted by Ervin Verbruggen, and the Tracking and reporting wokshop hosted by Jaimee Anstee and Maria Cruz. In the Tracking and reporting workshop Karin Nilsson from LSH (The Royal Armoury, Skokloster Castle and Hallwyl Museum) also gave input from a GLAM that have been working with Wikimedia projects and free licensed material for a long time. Karin Nilsson also participated as Joris Pekel from Europeana presented a case study on how a mid-sized museum can make impact by opening up their archive.
More info on the GLAM-WIKI conference can be found in this months special story.
Meeting Place Open Access
- The Wikimedia projects and the possible advantages for researchers using Open Access was presented at Meeting Place Open Access in Malmö. In the audience of around 150 person, around 90% were librarians. Slides (in Swedish) are available at and video on Youtube.