GLAM/Newsletter/March 2015/Contents/Sweden report
Fashion; BARK; Council of Central Museums
ByMore Fashion
March 26 Nordiska museet in Stockholm hosted their third Europeana Fashion edit-a-thon, and the 13th total for Europeana Fashion. Before the edit-a-thon Aron Ambrosiani from the museum did a GWToolset upload of more then 1 000 images of fashion plates that were used to illustrate articles and as inspiration for new articles.
Around 20 participants, both new users, long time Wikipedians and staff from other GLAMs, created or improved more then 30 articles and improved discriptions on Commons and Wikidata after an introduction where curators from Nordiska museet and Armémuseum talked about their collections and Erwin Verbruggen from Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision gave a short presentation of Europeana Fashion.
As a result of a previous presentation I was invited to the AGM of BARK, an organization dealing with building antiquarian questions and knowledge in the GLAM sector, to talk about Wikipedia and the Wikimedia projects. Quality, reliability and how to contribute with images and sources were on the agenda, and after a lot of questions several participants agreed that they would start correcting errors they find in the future instead of complain about it.
CMS coordinators meeting
In the ongoing collaboration between Wikimedia Sweden and the Council of Central Museums all Wikimedia Coordinators were invited to a meeting to both talk about what has been achived so far and to plan for a future when we move from running this as a pilot to include working with the Wikimedia projects in their normal day to day work.