GLAM/Newsletter/August 2015/Contents/Mexico report
Pilot program to make freely licensed animation clips
ByPopular Art Museum begins collaboration with Wiki Learning of Tec de Monterrey

The Popular Art Museum of Mexico City has signed on with the Mexico City campus of the Tec de Monterrey and Wiki Learning to start a pilot program with digital art and animation students from the campus. The students are working with this Wiki program as part of their "servicio social," community service hours required of all Mexican undergraduate students by law. These same students created two major video projects, one a tutorial for uploading files into Commons (in Spanish) here and the other a short testimonial on Wiki activities at the Tec de Monterrey which was premiered at Wikimania 2015
In this pilot project, these students and museum staff have agreed to the making of short animation clips of about 20 seconds each, related to the mission of the museum, which is to educate about and promote Mexican traditional handcrafts and folk art. The museum has agreed that all products of this collaboration will be placed in a Creative Commons license, so that it can not only be used in Commons and other Wikimedia projects, but also freely in various social media, a medium which the institution is only beginning to explore. The production schedule and first topics have already been set, with the first clips set to be ready by the beginning of October.
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