GLAM/Newsletter/August 2022/Contents/Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons report
New tool in development utilizing Structured Data
ByIn Development: View it! tool
The new “View it!” is a tool for discoverability of Commons media currently under development. You can install the prototype now and get started using it and providing feedback. The following is our first report from the View it! team:
The View it! tool is being designed to improve discoverability and increase editor and reader access to images uploaded to Commons, particularly those utilizing structured data. The tool is available across all Wikipedia platforms if users install the code on User:<YourUserName>/global.js; however, users can enable it on a particular project if preferred– look for the “View” button next to the Article and Talk buttons after the installation. Please visit the Meta page for installation instructions and to sign up for testing and updates.

We are currently working to make the tool multilingual, so the button and text will translate according to the project the user is on. This month, we focus on extending and improving search functionality and View it! Results opening in a new tab/window. Currently, we are seeking comments on the user interface and how users would like View it! to manifest when in use.
More information on View it! and August update
The number of images displayed in a Wikipedia article is finite and highly curated by editors; through the tool, users will have access to the entire catalog of images on Wikimedia Commons, increasing discoverability and giving editors and readers a more broad experience. Our hope is that adoption of View it! will encourage contributors to utilize Commons more readily and include structured data with uploads.
During August, the team of User: Dominic (Project Manager), User:SuperHamster (Developer), and User:JamieF (Community Outreach), hosted two community conversations around the tool. One during Wikimania 2022/Pittsburgh Meetup and a virtual meeting on Wednesday, August 31, 2022. Those interested can find the notes from both events and a recording of the August 31st meeting on the Meta page. We received great feedback, particularly about what the user interface (UI) might look like, the search queries, and how users can manipulate the queries to achieve specific results (like adding a particular location, for example). So far, the tool has shown value for non-English wikis, is helpful for identifying and removing data errors, and is valuable outside of Wikipedia, such as seeing images for places on Wikivoyage or more images of flora and fauna on Wikispecies.
Beta testing is rolling out this week; please feel free to join on the Meta page, where you can also follow along on tool updates. Also, please reach out with any questions you may have!
We want to say a huge Thank you! To the GLAM community for supporting the beta rollout, joining our community conversations, and chatting with us on Telegram about the results you have pulled and recommendations. We appreciate it! The Wikimedia Foundation generously funds View it! through the Structured Data Across Wikimedia project.
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- Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons report
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