GLAM/Newsletter/August 2022/Contents/Uruguay report
Wikimuseos & editing clubs in Uruguay
ByWikimuseos: training museum professionals on Wikimedia projects in Uruguay
Alongside with the Red de Museos de Canelones, Wikimedistas de Uruguay organized a set of workshops to train museum professionals in Uruguay on how Wikimedia projects can help with the digital transformation of museums. It was a set of 4 workshops that run from end of July to mid-August. We were able to do these workshops because during May we participated in the International Museum Day and connected with the Red de Museos de Canelones, as we shared in the May newsletter.
In total, we trained around 25 museum professionals. We ended the last conversation with a panel that included Giovanna Fontelle (WMF), Douglas McCarthy & Andrea Wallace from the Open GLAM survey, Medhavi Gandhi from The Heritage Lab, and Ana Laura Cirio from the Centro de Fotografía de Montevideo. Overall, participants were very satisfied with the workshops and wanted to learn more about how they can use Wikimedia projects in their context.
The results of the survey we did after finishing all the workshops shows overall a great level of satisfaction with the course, a desire to learn more (over 75% of respondents expressed their interest in learning more) and possible paths of action as to next rounds of trainings. As an example, open data for GLAM institutions and FOSS tools for GLAM institutions were the top two options selected in the survey.
Overall satisfaction with Wikimuseos
What would you like to learn more about?
Change in perceptions about Wikimedia projects after the course
Documenting labor union's history with the Documentation Center of PIT-CNT, Uruguay's largest labor union
From August to September, we have been holding "editing clubs" to improve the content about labor unions history in Uruguay, in partnership with the Documentation Center of the Instituto Cuesta Duarte of the PIT-CNT, the largest national labor union of Uruguay. Recently the PIT-CNT media published an extensive interview with the archivist responsible of the Documentation Center about the activities we're currently developing.
This is the first pilot of an editing club and we're eager to learn more about what went well and what didn't once it's finished in September.

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