GLAM/Newsletter/December 2017/Contents/Indonesia report
Collaboration with library in Yogyakarta
ByDigitization letters from the library's collection

Wikimedia Indonesia is in collaboration again with Dewantara Kirti Griya Museum in Yogyakarta to digitize the collection of Ki Hadjar Dewantara's letters from the collection of Dewantara Kirti Griya Library Museum. For nearly five months, these activities have successfully digitized 981 sheets of 365 catalog numbers.
Most of the digitized collection is a correspondence originating from the Dutch Government to Ki Hadjar Dewantara. Some are official documents issued by the Dutch Government in relation to Ki Hadjar Dewantara and Tamansiswa.
The entire collection can be accessed freely on the internet through the Wikimedia Commons. These collections come with a short metadata so the readers know the essence of the text without having to read it in its entirety.
The next step is to translate the results of digitization that are in Dutch and English into the Indonesian language. Thus, the results of this digitization can be used by readers who are not proficient in these languages. In addition, the results of this digitization can be used by the Wikipedia community to enrich Wikipedia articles related to Ki Hadjar Dewantara and efforts during his lifetime.
The Content Digitization program is first initiated by Wikimedia Indonesia to digitize the Indonesian manuscript collection from local institutions. In 2017, Wikimedia Indonesia once again collaborated in digitizing document collections and correspondence from the Dewantara Kirti Griya Museum, which is in 2015 has collaborated to digitize Javanese texts from the collection of Dewantara Kirti Griya Museum.
This program is designed to digitize texts collection from Tamansiswa Dewantara Kirti Griya Museum, Yogyakarta, and then disseminate the results of digitalization through internet media in hopes that the text will be sustainable and the paper is not damaged because it is held by many hands. The results of this project are also expected to help the text be read by the public, as well as researchers and enthusiasts of Java language and literature so that the value of text culture can be preserved and socialized.