GLAM/Newsletter/February 2018/Contents/Macedonia report
Startup of the WikiIndustry project
ByStartup of the WikiIndustry project
On 14th of February, started the WikiIndustry project whose principal goal is to make visits to industrial capacities and document the manufacture process in different industries as well as the final products. The project came up as an idea and closely resembles of the previous Wikiwine and the current Agroexpeditions projects, where several industrial plant were already visited, primarily wineries and food industry plants. This visit was organized by Македонец, Иван Ж and our longstanding contributor from Strumica Тиверополник who arranged the visits of production plants of the textile and wood industry. Dozens of images were photographed which in the next period will be uploaded and used for creation of articles on Wikipedias in support of this branches of the industry and economy.