GLAM/Newsletter/January 2022/Contents/Italy report
Collaborations and new projects in January
ByArchivio Meraviglioso

Archivio Meraviglioso is a project that involves, in addition to the Istituto Ciechi in Milan, the association cheFare and Wikimedia Italy and aims to enhance the archive thanks to a contribution of Fondazione Cariplo also thanks to the support of the design studio, the State Archives of Milan and the ICAS digitisation laboratory.
The Institute of the Blind offers a part of its collection, in particular the magazine Il Buon Cuore: this is a weekly magazine founded by Monsignor Luigi Vitali, who at the time was rector of the Institute, published between 1902 and 1916 as an organ of the Society of Friends of Good. All issues of the magazine are divided into a summary with four titles: Charity, Religion, Education and Education and Society Friends of the Good, as well as a short newsletter
Dati Lombardia
The region Lombardy provides data sets issued with free licenses in the portal The project is aimed primarily at investigating which are specifically, how the databases relating to the cultural and monumental heritage of Lombardy are structured and under which licences they are available, and subsequently to import the data into Wikidata, paying particular attention to the relationships with the community of contributors and to the data already present. Also part of the project is the relationship with Region officials, aimed at further improving the availability of data and facilitating the reuse by the Region of the content made available by Wikimedia projects.
This project will serve as a pilot project for a possible future extension to the whole Italian territory.
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