GLAM/Newsletter/July 2014/Contents/Italy report
Reaching museums' national associations
ByICOM Museums and Cultural Landscapes Conference

Wikimedia Italy was invited at the ICOM Italy Museums and Cultural Landscapes Conference held in Siena on 7th July.
ICOM Italy, Italian section of International Council of Museums, organized this event in order to gather museums' professionals, cultural institutions and associations interested in discussing the future role of museums in Italy, proposing a new model for them based on a strict relationship between local museums and their territories. This new model involves implications in traditional ways of organizing and funding museums and therefore needs lots of discussion.
Many associations were invited: between them, Italian Libraries Associations, Touring Club Italy, WWF Italy, Italia Nostra, Museimpresa. Wikimedia Italy presented a note focused on the restrictive aspects of Italian main cultural properties law (Codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio) and on usefulness of adopting free licences for museums' documentation and digital collections.
The Siena Conference was also the opportunity to present ICOM 2016, the 24th General Conference of the International Council of Museums that will be host in Milan.