GLAM/Newsletter/July 2018/Contents/Netherlands report
Matching the GTAA thesaurus with Wikidata; Hands-on Pattypan training
ByMatching the GTAA thesaurus with Wikidata
The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision holds a large collection of Dutch audiovisual material. This collection has been described using its own thesaurus Gemeenschappelijke Thesaurus Audiovisuele Archieven (or GTAA). The person names from this thesaurus have been added to the Mix 'n Match tool, to be added to relevant terms as identifier. Sound and Vision would like to expand the number of matches made, by providing more and better quality data and automated matches. The last step of manually confirming the GTAA to its Wikidata item, we would like to do together with the community. After these matches have been made, we will have a much better idea of which data is still missing on Wikidata, which we will then try to provide as new items and properties to existing items from our catalogue and other datasets. Also, the information on Wikidata will assist us in finding parts of our collections that are in the Public Domain and can be made available through Wikimedia Commons. If you want to help link the GTAA to Wikidata, check the instructions here.
Hands-on Pattypan training
On 26 July, Erfgoed Gelderland's Wikimedian in Residence and Wikimedia Nederland co-organised a hands-on Pattypan training for staff of the Dutch Nationaal Museum voor Wereldculturen. Staff was asked to each bring a spreadsheet with metadata of a (small) collection that could be donated to Wikimedia Commons. During this and subsequent meetings, they are asked to work on the metadata and convert them to a format that can be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. During this first of 3 (planned) meetings, staff was given a general introduction to Wikimedia Commons, a rundown of the pattypan workflow and were involved in a detailed look at their own metadata and what needs to be done. Three staff members of the NMvW participated. Further meetings are in preparation.
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