GLAM/Newsletter/March 2012/Contents/Africa report
Africa report
55 GLAMs contribute to African contents on Wikipedia
By55 GLAM contributing to African contents on Wikipedia
WikiAfrica is currently involving 55 institutions in Africa and with African contents in contributing to Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects. The institutions have been presented March 25th 2012 in Milan within a conference of the Festival del cinema africano dell'Asia e dell'America Latina. Other major institutions with contents related to Africa are already contributing to Wikipedia, such as The National Archives, the British Museum and the British Library.
Potential GLAMs - Still in Talks
- Nairobi Railway Museum willing to collaborate with Wikimedia Kenya to have their content on Wikipedia.
- Kenya National Archives
African GLAMs: Cultural Institutions Contributing to Wikipedia and Wikimedia Projects with African Contents
- NEW GALA-Gay and Lesbian Memory in Action
- The Archival Platform
- M-Net African Film Library
- Out in Africa Film Festival
- Encounters Documentary Film Festival
- Africa Centre is a cultural platform based in Cape Town supporting and producing cultural projects and initiatives. In 2011 the Africa Centre adopted the CC BY-SA on its online documentation and in November launched a call for a Wikipedian in Residence in charge of contributing to WikiAfrica and coordinating more GLAM outreach in Africa.
- doual'art: a cultural non profit organization focussed on contemporary art and urban research in Douala. Since 1991 doual'art produces public art and collects documentation about its city. doual'art provides all of its online documentation in CC BY-SA: project descriptions, artworks descriptions, biographies of artists and experts.
- Chimurenga is based in Cape Town. The Chimurenga Library is a repertoire of magazines which influenced writing and thinking in Africa; the website is in CC BY-SA.
- Kër Thiossane, an art centre, residency space and training facility based in Dakar. The centre provided training to intellectuals, artists and authors in Dakar on how to contribute to Wikipedia and wiki websites.
GLAMs related to Africa based outside Africa
- NEW african architecture matters
- NEW VSF-E Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Europa
- NEW Revue Noire
- NEW Africultures
- NEW Sudplanète
- NEW Fondazioni4Africa
- Fondazione Cariplo
- NEW Compagnia di San Paolo
- NEW Fondazione Monte dei Paschi
- NEW Fondazione Cariparma
- NEW AMREF ITALIA onlus, in partnership with AMREF Uganda
- NEW Associazione Good Samaritan
- NEW Fondazione Piero e Lucille Corti
- NEW The Permanent Centre for Education
- NEW ACRA Associazione di Cooperazione Rurale in Africa e America Latina
- NEW CISV Comunità Impegno Servizio Volontariato
- NEW COOPI Cooperazione Internazionale
- NEW COSPE Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo dei Paesi Emergenti
- NEW Istituto di ricerca CESPI Centro Studi di Politica Internazionale
- NEW AST, Associazione dei Senegalesi a Torino (in collaboration with the association Trait d’Union)
- NEW Associazione Stretta di Mano
- NEW Africa e Mediterraneo
- NEW Medici con l'Africa Cuamm
- NEW Cinemafrica-Africa e diaspore nel cinema
- NEW Assaman: Rivista italo-africana
- NEW A-POIS. Art Projects to Overcome Impossible SItes
- Tropenmuseum
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Institute for Anthropological Research in Africa, Lueven, Belgium
- Butterfly Works, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Butterfly Works supports WikiAfrica
- Artistic collections of Castello Sforzesco - Extra-European Collections, Milan, Italy
- Fondazione Alessandro Passaré, Milan, Italy
- COSV, Italy
- Epoché edizioni. Italian editor specialized in African literature providing authors biographies and book synopsis in CC BY-SA (texts only).
- Festival Cinema Africano Asia e America Latina→w:it:Progetto:WikiAfrica/Share Your Knowledge/Festival Cinema Africano Asia e America Latina. Italian cinema festival specialized in African, Asian and Latin American cinema providing film descriptions, all its catalogues (digital and analog) and biographies of filmmakers and experts in CC BY-SA (texts only).
- Festival del cinema africano di Verona. Italian cinema festival specialized in African cinema providing film descriptions and biographies of filmmakers and experts in CC BY-SA (texts only).
- Afriradio, Italy
- Fondazione ISMU→w:it:Progetto:WikiAfrica/Share Your Knowledge/ISMU
- Fondazione lettera27→w:it:Progetto:WikiAfrica/lettera27
- Nirgrizia→w:it:Progetto:WikiAfrica/Nigrizia
- Officina GRIOT→w:it:Progetto:WikiAfrica/Share Your Knowledge/Officina GRIOT
- Casa Àfrica, Spain.
- Festival de Cine Africano de Tarifa, now Festival de Cine Africano de Còrdoba. Spanish cinema festival specialized in African cinema providing film descriptions and biographies of filmmakers and experts in CC BY-SA (texts only).
Wikimedia chapters supporting the collaborations with institutions in Africa and with African contents
- Wikimedia Kenya
- Викимедија Србије (Wikimedia Serbia)
- Wikimedia CH
- Wikimedia España
- Wikimedia Italia
News in brief
- Francis Awinda presents WikiAfrica at the Lagos Black Heritage Festival, 02-09/04/2012.
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