GLAM/Newsletter/March 2017/Contents/Netherlands report
Netherlands and the World Exchange Platform; photohunt Egmond aan Zee; Iconographia Zoologica
ByNetherlands and the World Exchange Platform is online

Wikimedia Nederland launched the Netherlands and the World Exchange Platform. The platform aims to stimulate global re-use of Dutch collections on non-European cultural heritage. In particular, it aims to stimulate collections on countries with which the Netherlands have had historical ties. These countries include Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Ghana, Suriname, South Africa, and others.
The platform also aims to foster contacts between Dutch cultural heritage institutions and Wikimedia contributors across the globe. However, participation is not limited to Wikimedia contributors. Anyone can participate, making it relevant for education and research as well.
Key properties:
- Dutch heritage institutions can post offers on (parts of) their collections that are relevant to non-European countries
- Wikimedia contributors gain insight in the contents of Dutch collections and can make requests for digitalisation.
- Knowledge exchange and cooperation are key concepts.
The platform is easy to use. After registration, users can post offer/requests notices, depending on whether they are looking for material, or want to offer material for re-use. Statistics on re-use are also available.
The Netherlands and the World Exchange Platform is part of the program The Netherlands and the World. This program is supported by Wikimedia Nederland and aims to make available knowledge and content on non-European countries.
Development of the platform was financially supported by DEN.
Wikimedia Commons photohunt Egmond aan Zee
The Kennemerwaard public library held a photohunt in Egmond aan Zee on 31 March to take pictures of local heritage for Wikimedia Commons. First uploads can be seen here. This activity is part of the program of WMNL.
Iconographia Zoologica
The Artis library at the Plantage Middenlaan is part of the Special Collections of the University of Amsterdam library. They donated 26,500 images from the Iconographia Zoologica to Wikimedia Commons. The collection consists of often hard-coloured drawings.
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