GLAM/Newsletter/November 2011/Contents/Netherlands report
Wikimedia conference Netherlands
ByOn the Saturday 5th of November there was a Wikimedia conference in Utrecht, the Netherlands. The conference was attended by around 120 persons, of which only around 40-50 were 'Wikipedians' Besides the Wikipedians there were a lot of persons from cultural organisations like museums, and there where some general Internet interested persons.
The conference was devided into three tracks: The Wiki-world track, the Incore Wikimedia track, and offcourse the Cultural heritage (GLAM) track. There was an general opening word from Jill Cousins, and at the end of the conference the Dutch winners from Wiki loves Monuments were anounced.
The Cultural heritage tracks
The Cultural heritage track was most of the time visited by a lot of proffesionals from the cultural heritage sector, and beside that some enthousiastic Wikimedians. There were 9 sessions/speakers during the day at the cultural heritage track:
- GLAMwiki overview
Maarten Dammers gave an overview of past successes from around the world.
- Wiki Loves Monuments
Some statistics and goals from Wiki Loves Monuments were presented by Maarten Dammers and Lodewijk Gelauff.
- The benefits of donating collections;
Maarten Zeinstra, who was involved in the donation of the Spaarnestad photo collection from the donating side talked about the benefits and problems with donating a collection. With statistics from the use of the 1000 donated images, the Spaarnestad Photo collection was a specifically selected group of pictures.
- Creative Commons in use
Sebastiaan ter Burg (a proffesional photographer) releases all his pictures under a free Creative Commons license, he talked about the benefits and about things to watch out for. The business model works with a fee per hour, not per picture.
- Open Beelden, open media platform
Johan Oomen talked about Open Beelden. Open beelden is a collection of videos where workes can be remixed. A lot of videos have been donated to Wikimedia Commons
- Wikiwijs, use of open content in education
Wikiwijs is a project in which teachers can work together to create and mainly share lessons, most teachers have their own material and if it is good enough to be used in class? Why wouldn't it be good enough for other teachers to use in class? Speaker: Jan-Bart de Vreede
- Discussion session
There was a discussion session between people working at GLAM's and Wikimedians.Some topics were: Donating a non-selected versus a pre-selected small collection. And the problem with exposure on wiki-articles where the image are being used.
- WikiDelft
Marjolein Beumer or Marie-France van Oorsouw talked about a wiki created by the heritage organisation from the city of Delft. A small wiki with 300 users about the city. The concept is that everybody sais the true, and articles are written in this way. An interesting thing is how their search tool is connected to the museums collection. On their Mediawiki site you can search the normal way, but it also shows results from the collection which can be dragged as pictures into articles.
- Expedition project
Frank Meijer talked about the coöperation between the Tropenmuseum and Wikimedia. He also discussed his feature plans.
Wiki Loves Monuments

After all the sessions the final results from Wiki Loves Monuments where anounced. Lodewijk gave a short introduction, and results were presented by jury member Basvb. Most of the winners could make it to Utrecht this year. The winner was a wonderful picture of a small village mood in the classical dutch village, Marken. More winners can be found here.
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