During the summer Wikimedia France with its staff and volunteers have conducted two workshops in museums to help the staff to contribute to Wikimedia projects. The tutorials were specific to help the staff with their future projects on Wikimedia projects.
In August M0tty and Adrienne went to the the Mundaneum (Museum at Mons in Belgium) to teach the museum staff how they can contribute to Wikipedia. Since this tutorial session, the museum staff has been improving the contents related to their area of expertise in order to use this contents with QRcodes during its exhibition about the History of Internet (starting on October 9th, 2012).
On September 11th, two members of the chapter, also sysops on Wikimedia Commons, spent the morning in the Musée des Augustins de Toulouse to tutor and help the staff of the museum to contribute to Wikimedia Commons. It was also an occasion to evaluate the user interface with the eye of someone from a GLAM and talk about copyright and IP. Previously this year, the musée des Augustins and Wikimedia France organized together with a local prep school (Lycée Saint-Sernin) a Wikipedia contribution workshop on the topics related to History of art. The musée des Augustins now uploads good quality pictures in low resolution to provide good illustration for the students (and the wikimedians) of their collections.
On September 13th, Adrienne Charmet-Alix presented GLAM projects to curators and researchers during a one-day conference of the National institute of History of Art. The afternoon was dedicated to a practical workshop on simulations of content dissemination over the internet.
Actions with the French Ministry of Culture
We have continued our actions with the Ministry of Culture, among which:
Following up our lobbying on photography in museums with French Ministry of Culture (Read our blog entry on the topic La photo au musée : vers une solution ?), Adrienne and Rémi Mathis have participated to the third working meeting organized on the subject by the Ministry of Culture. The meeting agenda was about the legal questions about taking pictures in museums. The discussions of the next meeting will be about the usages of the pictures.
On September 17th, The OpenGlam report has been published and has widely circulated into the Ministry of Culture. Titled “Guidelines on opening cultural data and content”, the report was prepared during sessions held in April and May 2012 with lawyers, staff of cultural institutions, people from the ministry of Culture, and open content advocates.