GLAM/Newsletter/October 2013/Single
WikiTowns, Wikitakes, using railways and murder in extending reach

During October Western Australia started its second Wikitown with Toodyaypedia our first public event was an information tent which we shared with the Toodyay Community Resource Centre(CRC) at the 160th Toodyay show. This was followed up with a day workshop at the CRC's building. After an initial poor first timers experience, the workshop triggered some lively discussions on Wikivoyage which are now well on the way to adding a new aspect to the information that could be available there. After an initial good run of account creation, basic editing and testing of the impact of live changes the group diverged into differing areas of interest. One editor encountered the obligatory first time editors content deletion experience which can still happen unfortunately, even during workshops. Despite having lead some 20 odd workshops it was something I wasnt prepared for but if you are facilitating workshops it is also a wonderful opportunity to be able to grasp the moment to show participants means of engaging with other editors and how such engagements will ultimately be fruitful.
Freopedia invited in doors and onto the docks

Back in May we launched Freopedia, dur the last week of October and first week of November the 100 year old Fremantle Festival takes place. An event of the festival was the Piccolo art exhibition a series of drawings of places in Fremantle by Ross Potter. The artist invited us into the event, our task was to find and provide QR codes that told the story of each works subject, this resulted in further article creation expansion. Roel from the Fremantle Society approached Freo Ports the government agency that manages the facilities of Fremantle harbor, they are replacing all the current signage and this new signage incorporates Feopedia QR codes. And still more work for Freopedia continues I have been facilitating a series of workshops for the public on how to expand the content about Fremantle on Wikipedia, these havent encountered the drama of Toodyay but they have been quietly successful. The nearly restored National Hotel and its first licensee William Conroy have been one area of focus, nothing quite like a murder, a hanging and two major fires to spark the groups interest.
Wheatbelt railways
On September 25th a new project w:Wikipedia:Wiki_Takes_Western_Australian_Wheatbelt_Railways_2013 commenced by following a train the long way round from Merredin, Western Australia to Narrogin, Western Australia, as it was on its way to Avon Yard, Western Australia. Although not strictly a 'WikiTakes' project in a single event sense, the project is a sub-project of the larger Western Australian Wheatbelt Project. It is a multi-tasked project that is covering railways of many types of status: some that are under doubt, which may be closed, and the operational railways. There are also some former railway routes that still have traces of old stations and formations. It continues into November, and will probably lose 2013 in the title, as it proceeds into 2014.
New GLAM project in the Czech Republic
The Pilgrimage Church of St John of Nepomuk at Zelená Hora

A new GLAM project was founded by agreement with National Cultural Monument management of the of The Pilgrimage Church of St John of Nepomuk at Zelená Hora in Žďár nad Sázavou. The first action - a photographic trip to this UNESCO heritage - was held at the end of August. The wikipedians were allowed to see the parts of the church which are not open to public in general. The trip has resulted in 77 photographs on Commons. During the meeting with the heritage management was settled that further cooperation would focus on extending and amending articles on the church and related themes like personalities and artists connected with the history of the church.
Photographs of futher more historical monuments were taken during the trip: The Holy Trinity church, headstones and memorials in the town.
The Museum of Cribs in Třebechovice - New museum building opened
On September 5, 2013 a new permanent exhibition was launched in the newly opened building of The Museum of Cribs in Třebechovice pod Orebem. The museum was the very first museum that started to cooperate with Wikimedia CR within the frame of GLAM project. The article on the most famous exhibit of this museum - Probošt's mechanical Christmas crib was the first good article that originated from our project. Czech wikipenians documented the whole process of new museum building construction - moving out and in Probost crib, demolition of the old and construction of the new building. They were invited to the launching of the museum. A local amateur group Symposion performed Cantastoria on creation of Probost crib as a part of the official opening program.
Poutní kostel svatého Jana Nepomuckého na Zelené hoře

Na základě dohody se správou národní kulturní památky Poutní kostel svatého Jana Nepomuckého na Zelené hoře ve Žďáru nad Sázavou jsme založili nový projet GLAM. Poslední srpnový den proběhla první akce: fotografická výprava wikipedistů na tuto památku UNESCO. Wikipedistům byl umožněn i přístup do jinak nepřístupných částí kostela. Výsledkem bylo 77 fotografií na Commons. Během jednání s vedením památky bylo dohodnuto, že dalším bodem spolupráce by mělo být rozšíření a doplnění článků o kostele a o příbuzných tématech (osobnosti a umělci, spojení s dějinami kostela apod.).
Během této cesty byly pořízeny fotografie dalších památkových objektů ve Žďáru nad Sázavou: Hřbitovní kostel Nejsvětější Trojice, pomníky a památníky ve městě.
Otevření nové budovy Třebechovického muzea Betlémů
Dne 5. září 2013 byla slavnostně otevřena expozice v nové budově Třebechovického muzea betlémů. Toto muzeum bylo prvním muzeem v České republice, které začalo spolupracovat s pobočkou Wikimedia Česká republika v rámci projektu GLAM. Článek o nejslavnějším exponátu tohoto muzea - o Proboštově betlému - byl první dobrý článek, který v našem projektu vznikl. Čeští wikipedisté dokumentovali celý proces stavby nové muzejní budovy (stěhování Proboštova betlému, bourání staré a stavbu nové budovy muzea). Nechyběli proto ani na otevření. Vedle oficiálního programu vystoupil i místní ochotnický soubor Symposion s kramářskou písní o vzniku Proboštova betlému.
Working on metadata; Symposium on the public domain; News from GLAM in Rennes
Working on metadata

This month, our volunteers have concentrated their work on the metadata mapping in order to perform the batch upload for the Fonds Trutat from the Archives of Toulouse City. We believe it is important to talk about this work, which is basically the behind the scene of the batch upload.
First, Jean-Frédéric has continued his work on his mass upload python library (which is published on GitHub <>) and specifically on the documentation of his tool which is used by Wikimedia France for its batch uploads.
Secondly, our volunteers have worked on the data translation of the Fonds Eugène Trutat. It's a work in progress, but you can see the first results on pages such as Commons:Batch uploading/Fonds Eugène Trutat bis/Places which maps all the places from the metadata to a commons category.
Symposium on the public domain
On October 31st was held at the French national Assembly a symposium about the public domain, organised by the group SavoirsCom1 and MP Isabelle Attard. During the day several topics were discussed: the lack of a positive legal definition of the public domain in France, the weaknesses of the public domain in France, reuses of public domain material, and voluntary transfer to the public domain. Adrienne Charmet-Alix was invited to present the role of the public domain in the Wikimedia projects, the vision of the Wikimedia movement regarding copyright on PD works, and actions like GLAM-Wiki or Wiki Loves Monuments. The morning roundtables were moderated by Pierre-Carl Langlais, long-time Wikipedian, public domain activist and Wikimédia France member.
- See the program
Rennes city's archives and library

A very active group of Wikimedians lives in Rennes. In October, they planned many events, two of them were GLAM oriented.
Two workshops were held in the City Archives services of Rennes (Brittany). During this workshop, people were able to discover both archives' resources and Wikipedia. For this event, the Archives release high-resolution digitalized documents under Public Domain.
- More information (in French) :
- See the images on Wikimedia Commons
The Rennes public library held a conference in October in order to present its new online digital library, Les Tablettes rennaises. This website only includes free content under Public Domain. The licence choice was advised by the local wikimedians and the open data promotion group.
- See the Tablettes rennaises website (in French) :
Archives nationales
A workshop has been organized on October 1st at the Archives nationales to train 20 archivists so that they can contribute to Wikipedia. Some people from each department were present to learn Wikipedian skills and began to work on articles, which are supposed to use the images they released.
Centre Pompidou
The first workshops have been organized at the Centre Pompidou. About 15 people joined the group to write articles about modern and contemporary art. One workshop is organized every week and the new Wikipedians are both trained by us and visit the museum with curators so that they fully understand the artworks they work on.
In brief
- The "rencontres numériques", a meetup organized every year by the French Ministry of Culture about new media and digital practices, took place in the French National Library. A presentation of Wikimédia France's current GLAM projects was held by Benoît Evellin (user:Trizek) and representatives of Wikimédia France’s major GLAMs partners (museums of Versailles, Sèvres, Pompidou, Cluny, and the National Archives).
- Following a request from the National Archives to more easily put content punctually on Wikimedia Commons (aside from the batch upload we are helping them with), we experimented with using Upload Campaigns for that purpose. The customized upload wizard would add categories and the partnership banner, and restrict licensing options to the bare needed (presumably, public domain for scans of collections, and CC-BY-SA for other photographs taken by the agents).
- The Wiki Loves Monuments jury announced the winners in France
"Shaping access!"
Upcoming conference "Shaping access! - More responsibility for cultural heritage"
On November 28th/29th, the international conference "Shaping Access! – More Responsibility for Cultural Heritage" will take place at the Jewish Museum, Berlin. For the 3rd time the conference is supported conceptionally and organisationally by WMDE. Super interesting representatives of cultural institutions like Lizzy Jongma, data manager in the collections information department of Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, will give insights about their approach on shaping the digital access of GLAM institutions. Lizzy will speak about why and how the Rijksmuseum shaped its access under a free license. The focus of this year's conference will be a contemplation of the self-image of cultural institutions and the relationship of cultural institutions with private initiatives and commercial activities. Part of the discussion will be whether and to what extent legal regulations are sufficient for enabling “memory institutions” to fulfill their duties in the digital world. Registration is open now!
Bibliohackathon and shoes
Bibliohackathon in Florence
On October 26, a Bibliohackathon was held at the National Central Library of Florence (BNCF), organized by the Library itself and Wikimedia Italia: the initative was of course born in the group GLAM/Libraries. The aim of the meeting was twofold: to let the activities of the group be known and to offer an opportunity for deepening of the ongoing activities. The meeting was opened by the organizers Giovanni Bergamin (representing the BNCF) and Andrea Zanni and Cristian Consonni (Wikimedia Italia).
The first intervention was that of Marco Masucci of Informatica libera (Free Computer Science) about Free Software; then Luca Martinelli illustrated the potential of Wikidata.
Raffaele Messuti then introduced the software OpenRefine; following it, Maurizio Napolitano told about the OpenStreetMap project, pointing out how many different and unexpected feature could arise from it. Anna Lucarelli of the National Library closed the morning session, illustrating the relationships created in recent months between Wikipedia entries and the BNCF Thesaurus.
The day's program can be seen here.
WikiVEZ project started on 30 october, with a first introductory lesson of Wikipedia and sister projects. WikiVEZ is a joint project between Wikimedia Italia, Biblioteca VEZ of Venezia Mestre and PromoVetro: a series of 4 lessons (4-11-18-27 November) around Wikipedia and the wiki projects. On December 4th, an editathon regarding Venice and Murano glass articles will take place.
Jury session
Wiki Loves Monuments is finished. Our Jury selected his winners, which will be made public on the 24th of November, at the final WLM party.
Europeana Fashion editathon
We received our first media donation of 25 images from the Rossimoda Shoe Museum in Stra (Italy), in preparation for the Italian Europeana Fashion Editathon 2013.
Day of the Dead photo contest
Tec de Monterrey Campus library sponsors photo contest for Day of the Dead
The campus library is sponsoring its third photo contest, with photos going to Wikimedia Commons. Last school year, photo contests were held for Day of the Dead and Holy Week celebrations in Mexico. Because of the success of the first contest, with over 400 photographs, it was decided to repeat the theme for this semester. Based on our prior experience, we decided to make some changes in the contest rules: minimum size/resolution (400 pixels of width, basically to avoid cell phone pics) and making the quality of the description (in Spanish or English) part of the criteria for judging. We kept the three category prize system. The first is the best overall photo to encourage quality. The second is for most original photo, to encourage the donation of a wide variety of photographs and the third for the most photographs uploaded (with restrictions) to encourage people who dont have access to quality photographic equipment or exotic locations. Prizes are gift certificates of between 750 and 1500 Mexican pesos (~60-120 USD) donated by Porrua Bookstores. The uploading dates started on 15 October but photos are coming in now as Day of the Dead (to honor deceased loved ones) was this past 2 November. The photos are uploaded to this category Día de Muertos Estilo Wiki (Day of the Dead, Wiki Style)
Edit-a-thon design
Design edit-a-thon in Utrecht
On Monday 28 October Wikimedia Netherlands and Centraal Museum organized an edit-a-thon about design, Dutch design. The museum created a list of articles on which improvements could be made or newly should be written. Design is a subject that is considered as a subject that relatively has less articles and should be expanded. Most people who came to this edit-a-thon had no experience with editing Wikipedia.
After settling in the museum, a presentation was given about the museum and an introduction was given about Wikipedia and Wikimedia. After that the participants used our (specially created) platform to enter the edit-a-thon on Wikipedia and started to create and expand articles. The museum had organized a free lunch for everyone. After that the participants got a tour through the museum to get more inspiration. Then followed by another writing session. The edit-a-thon was completed by an evaluation of the day and a drink.
The edit-a-thon resulted with the 25 participants in the creation of 19 articles about design. Most participants considered it as a success and fun way to learn more about Wikipedia and how to edit.
Pictures of and interviews with swimmers
Spanish Paralympic Swimming

In August, Wikipedian in Resident for the Spanish Paralympic Committee (CPE) LauraHale interviewed several members of the national swimming team in advance of their competing in the 2013 IPC Swimming World Championships. Pictures were taken of several swimmers, a number of articles were improved on Wikipedia and interviews were published on Wikinews. The report on this work was given to the CPE in October. Plans are to continue similar work in November.
Reverse upload, Shoes and NHB

October finally saw the results of a planned image contribution by three Swedish museums which has long been in the works. The Royal Armoury, Skokloster Castle and the Hallwyl Museum (LSH), constituting a national authority, released roughly 20,000 high resolution images to Commons under a free license. This contribution is the largest release from a Swedish museum to Wikimedia Commons and one of the largest worldwide. You can read more about the collaboration on the WMF blog.
WLM finalists announced
During a ceremony at the National Heritage Boards annual fall meeting prices were handed out to the winners of Wiki Loves Monuments. Jan Ainali, who was chair of the Swedish jury, gave a presentation where he talked about the contest and the benefits for both the Wikimedia movement as well as for the National Heritage Board and the Swedish Maritime Museum (providing datasets for the different categories). Three of the winners were present and received their prices, the other winners will have their prices sent to them by mail. The ceremony can be seen on Bambuser as well.
Shoe donation and international writing contest
A triathlon of fashion edit-a-thons are organized in Sweden, Israel and Italy the second week of November. In preparation for that 28 images of shoes have been donated by Nordiska museet. The images will be uploaded on Wikimedia Commons the first week of November. The participants (on-line and off-line) of the edit-a-thons will be able to take part in the Europeana Fashion Challenge.
Open GLAM conference in Warsaw
John and Axel were invited to the Open GLAM conference in Warsaw the 11-12 of October and presented the Europeana Awareness project and the cooperation with the Swedish Central Museums and lessons learned from the two projects. A recording of the presentations is available online as well as a blogpost by Joris Pekel.
Working life museums contributing
During October a total of 66 participants from over 45 working life museums were trained in working with the wikimedia community, editing, uploading media files and avoiding conflict of interest. So far they have have edited in "their own articles", uploaded files without categories and names such as "My film.webm" and argued in terms of "the way we want it". Although apart from the film (shown here) still being uncategorized and with a really bad name they have improved and have created and expanded articles and are on their way of becoming great contributors. The Swedish community has, as always, been great in welcoming the new users, copyediting and discussing where copyediting and discussion was needed.
Lars Lundqvist, head of the Information Development Unit at the Swedish National Heritage Board, did a presentation on open data at an online webinar. He talked about semantic links, authorities and how to present parts from different databases in a nice way. uses both images and text from Wikimedia Commons and Wikipedia to help illustrate and provide information and background to items in the databases.
GLAM-Wiki Activities in New York; edit-a-thon in Portland
Recent Activities in New York
October has been a busy month for Institutional Partnerships in New York City.
Early in the month, Wikipedia New York City worked with METRO's Wikipedian-in-Residence to plan for a November 2nd Public Edit-a-Thon at New York Public Library Jefferson Market Library.
Wikimedia NYC also began strategic planning for WikiConference USA at their monthly meeting on October 5th. Wikiconference USA will be held prominently at New York Law School from May 30th-June 1st 2014 and Jen Baeck of Wikimedia NYC has been selected to chair the planning committees.

Lane Rasberry, WiR at Consumer Reports also organized a Wikipedia Meetup at Consumer Reports in Yonkers, New York. Wikipedians in attendance took pictures of the facilities and uploaded them to Wikimedia Commons. Wikipedians in attendance got a special look into Lane's work in writing articles on topics in science, health and pharmaceutical drugs.
The Metropolitan New York Library Council has also facilitated several staff trainings this month including a training at CUNY Graduate Center Mina Rees Library. The training included libraries, instructional technologists, and faculty members interested in the Wikipedia Education Program. A staff Wikipedia editing training was also held at Brooklyn Public Library Central Library and members of the library staff and the Brooklyn Collection were in attendance.
Several other promising GLAM-Wiki projects have been growing in New York, including the work of Wikipedians at the Frick Art Reference Library, the Queens Library Central Library, the Center for Jewish History, and the New York Public Library Branches at 42nd St., Mid-Manhattan, and 34th St.
New York GLAM-Wikipedians look forward to hosting several Edit-a-Thons and staff trainings in November, continuing to facilitate Education Programs in New York, and to continue planning for WikiConference USA
Edit-a-thon at the Portland Art Museum, Oregon
On October 13, the Portland Art Museum's Crumpacker Family Library hosted an edit-a-thon as part of the national Wiki Loves Libraries campaign. The event, which focused on the local arts community, was promoted by both the Museum and the Regional Arts & Culture Council. It also introduced the Oregon Arts Project, an on-wiki initiative to improve coverage of the arts in Oregon. The Portland Mercury published related articles on October 11 and October 16. More than a dozen contributors gathered at the Mark Building (formerly the Masonic Temple) and worked on articles about local artists, galleries and public art.
Open Access Week, Accelerating Science Award
Open Access Week
Following a recent tradition, the last full week in October is celebrated as Open Access Week (cf. roundup of global activities this year). Wikimedians were involved in multiple fashions online, offline and during edit-a-thons and other meetups. The event is also reflected in the sections below.
WikiProject Open
Thematic work around open knowledge on the English Wikipedia was recently restructured through the launch of WikiProject Open. It is closely integrated with WikiProject Open Access and covers open topics more broadly, e.g. Open Educational Resources. On the occasion of Open Access Week (see above), it held a collaboration of the week, focusing on the articles Open Access Week and Creative Commons license.
Featured content
Courtship song of a male parasitic wasp, Cotesia congregata. Wikimedia Commons Media of the Day on October 2.
A pelagic thresher shark using tail slaps while hunting sardines. Wikimedia Commons Media of the Day on October 5.
3D reconstruction of the head of the polychaete Lumbrineris latreilli on the basis of a micro-CT scan. Wikimedia Commons Media of the Day on October 7.
Egg grooming behaviour in the termite Reticulitermes speratus. Wikimedia Commons Media of the Day on October 10.
3D animation of the skull of a young Kemp's ridley sea turtle, based on µCT data. Wikimedia Commons Media of the Day on October 13.
A crash simulation featuring female passengers with a low (left) and high (right) body mass index. Wikimedia Commons Media of the Day on October 15.
Fetus in fetu — Did you know on the Italian Wikipedia on October 15.
A contest between males of the jumping spider Cosmophasis umbratica. Wikimedia Commons Media of the Day on October 17.
A spider water beetle — Did you know on the English Wikipedia on October 18.
Jack Andraka, the 16-year-old inventor of a breakthrough cancer diagnostic and winner of the 2012 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, talks with Francis S. Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health of the United States, about open access to the research literature. Wikimedia Commons Media of the Day on October 21.
Macromolecular juggling by enzymes, accompanied by music after Ernst Toch. Wikimedia Commons Media of the Day on October 22.
A fish – the pacific leaping blenny – climbing up a vertical surface of plexiglas. Wikimedia Commons Media of the Day on October 23.
Song of the owl Otus jolandae from Lombok, Indonesia. Wikimedia Commons Media of the Day on October 24.
Headbutting between males of the Green humphead parrotfish. Wikimedia Commons Media of the Day on October 25.
A hamster walking. Wikimedia Commons Media of the Day on October 27.
In early November, GLAMorous reported for the Commons category Open access (publishing) that it had 21,776 files, of which 5,922 are used a total of 65,411 times across 297 Wikimedia projects.
For this category, the latest BaGLAMa stats are available for September and indicate 41,023,097 views of 56,857 mainspace pages that were using materials from the category across 208 Wikimedia projects. About 40% of these views are due to files that have been featured as Open Access File of the Day, and around 7% due to files uploaded by the Open Access Media Importer.
Open Access Media Importer
The following represents a selection of the 354 files that have been uploaded by the Open Access Media Importer this month, bringing the total to over 14,300. If you can think of wiki pages where these files could be useful, please put them in there or let us know.
Open Access File of the Day
The following files have been featured as Open Access File of the Day this month:
October 30: Aptostichus stephencolberti, a trapdoor spider
October 29: Ridleyandra chuana, a flower in order Lamiales
October 28: translocation of protoplasm in the fungus Sordaria fimicola
October 27: eggs of the snail Pomacea canaliculata
October 26: Wintonotitan wattsi.
October 25: Xenodon merremii.
October 24: Crocidura sapaensis, a shrew
October 23: Jack Andraka talks about open access
October 21: cranial cast of the dinosaur Alioramus altai
October 20: the water snake Cerberus rynchops
October 19: the jewel beetle Agrilus crepuscularis
October 18: ultrastructure of hemidesmosomes in mice
October 17: young zebra finch
October 16: Pelophila borealis.
October 15: vocalizations of Pheucticus melanocephalus
October 14: Helcogramma fuscipectoris, a fish
October 13: Litoria everetti.
October 12: the environment of thymocytes
October 11: MRI showing retinoblastoma
October 10: dance as sexual selection strategy in Cosmophasis umbratica males
October 9: Pringleophaga marioni, a subantarctic moth
October 8: Radiographic comparison of middle Eocene primate fossils from Germany
October 7: Selenops arikok, a spider
October 6: Cell biologist James Alexander Thomson.
October 5: Atlanta brunnea, a sea snail
October 4: A female Illacme plenipes with 618 legs.
October 3: The moth Enargia paleacea.
October 2: The demosponge Tethya wilhelma responds to caffeine.
October 1: Drymaeus laticinctus, a land snail
November's GLAM events
<<< previous month | November 2013 | next month >>> | ||||
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
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2 NYC "Greenwich Village in the 60s Edit-a-Thon at Jefferson Market Library
Wiki Loves Monuments NL: prize giving ceremony |
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4 Italy, Mestre: it starts "WikiVEZ", a Wikipedia course organized by the Library VEZ of Mestre. The meetings are part of the Wiki VEZ project, toward the creation of article in the Italian Wikipedia about Venice and its mainland. The dates are 4-11-18-27 November and 4 December 2013: the last round will sport an Editathon about the glass of Murano, at the conclusion of which some participants will be selected to do an internship in some Murano glassworks. Go to the event page for schedules, details and entry form.
5 19:00 - Wiki Loves Monuments Belgium Awards Session
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7 Italy, Treviso: the meeting for the librarians New libraries for new readers is approaching! The meeting is organized by the province of Treviso for the 2013 edition of Veneto Lettura. The meeting includes an intervention of our Virginia Gentilini on "Libraries and Wikipedia". Details and timetables are available at the reference page on the site.
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9 |
10 |
11 Italy, Mestre: WikiVEZ second lesson.
12 USA, GLAM Café at the Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia, every second Tuesday of the month from 5-8 p.m., starting Tuesday, November 12, 2013.
13 Italy, Mantova: first of 2 lessons of the Wikipedia course for the patrons of Baratta library.
14 Italy, Stra (VE): for the Week of the enterprise culture of Confindustria, the Museo Rossimoda of the shoe, together with Europeana Fashion, organizes at its headquarters in Villa Foscarini Rossi an edithaton. Privileged recipients: students of the University of Padua and the IUAV of Venice whose studies are related to marketing and fashion design. Hours 10-16. For Wikimedia Italy Virginia Gentilini will attend.
15 Italy, Milano: second of 2 lessons of the Wikipedia professional course for librarians of the Lombardia region.
16 USA, Colorado: Wiki Loves Libraries Boulder
17 Wiki Loves Libraries, Vancouver, Washington
18 Italy, Mestre: WikiVEZ third lesson.
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20 Italy, Mantova: second of 2 lessons of the Wikipedia course for the patrons of Baratta library.
21 |
22 Italy, Milano: second of 2 lessons of the Wikipedia professional course for librarians of the Lombardia region.
23 | 24 |
25 |
26 |
27 Italy, Mestre: WikiVEZ fourth lesson.
28 Conference "Shaping Access - More Responsibility For Cultural Heritage" Berlin
29 | 30 |
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