GLAM/Newsletter/October 2016/Contents/Germany report
GLAM on Tour at Heidelberg University
ByGLAM on Tour in Heidelberg

What happens when Wikipedians meet archeologists? From 3 to 5 October 2016, a GLAM on Tour station took place at the collection of antiquities of Heidelberg University. The aims of the event were to produce new open content for the Wikimedia projects and to initiate closer ties between Wikipedians and the University.
The programme was very diverse: To get started, the director of the collection of antiquities showed Wikipedians and interested University staff around in the museum and provided inside scientific information and literature to be used for the work on Wikipedia articles. In a second step, scholars hold lectures about the institute of Archeology and about 3D techniques to measure and reconstruct archeological objects. Last but not least, volunteers and Wikimedia Deutschland presented to University staff the Wikimedia projects and possibilities to collaborate. In total 40 people participated at the lectures and exchanged with the 10 Wikipedians. Based on the inputs, editor workshops took place and many new articles and pictures were produced.
The GLAM on Tour event was organised by the Heidelberg scholar user:Christianvater and the Wikipedians user:DerMaxdorfer and user:Marcus Cyron, supported by Wikimedia Deutschland. All the results and documentations can be found on the project page.
Dr Nicolas Zenzen held a speach about the history of the Archaeological Institute and the Institute's Collection
Guided tour through the archaeological collection, lead by Professor Nikolaus Dietrich
Photographic documentation
Special sign of trust by collections curator Herrmann Pflug - the opening of some display cases for better photos
Public relations work: DerMaxdorfer gets interviewed
View into the collection of plaster casts
View into the collection of ancient originals
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مرحبا بكم ماذا أفعل لكي أرسل صورتي في ويكيبيديا129.45.24.28 12:56, 29 November 2016 (UTC)
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