GLAM/Newsletter/October 2017/Single
Adding Australian women in research to Wikipedia
ResearcHERs edit-a-thon University of Melbourne
On Friday August 25th 2017, the University of Melbourne community came together as part of Research@library Week to improve the representation of women researchers on Wikipedia.
The day started with a well-researched keynote address from Provost Margaret Shiel, AO. The program was well-organised by a team made up of library staff with support from the National Foundation for Australian Women, the School of Historical Studies and the University's eScholarship Research Centre. Two streams of workshops catered for both new and experienced Wikipedians, and participants had access to cheat sheets, suggested subjects to edit and related reference sources, as well as all-day refreshments. The event booked out.

As well as the new editor signups, articles and categories created and content edited, the organising team are to be congratulated on the following achievements:
- motivating 40 people over two locations to spend their day learning about, and editing Wikipedia
- winning an interview spot about the edit-a-thon on Melbourne radio 3CR
- generating activity on the two event hashtags #UoMwiki and #HERsUoM
- establishing an ongoing University of Melbourne wiki community of practice which has met again since the edit-a-thon
Australian Women's Register on Wikidata
The University of Melbourne is a partner in the Australian Women's Archive Project established in 2000. Their Australian Women’s Register was one of the online sources used at the University of Melbourne edit-a-thon. This was an obvious dataset for Wikidata, and thanks to Toby Hudson the Australia Women's Register is now available for matching at
Integrating Wikimedia projects into the Brazilian National Archives GLAM
The Wikimedia Community User Group Brasil and the Brazilian National Archives launched a GLAM initiative in mid October, and this initiative has sparked the creation of a cross-wiki project to bring content onto Wikimedia projects, mostly but not exclusively in Portuguese. The goal of the GLAM initiative is to upload onto Wikimedia Commons as much relevant content from the Brazilian National Archives – a public organization in Rio de Janeiro linked to the Ministry of Justice and responsible for carrying for all public documents in Brazil since the early 19th century – as possible.
A pilot upload in October has already brought to the Commons 523 items, including historical photographs and documents. The use rate of images has reached 75% in October.
Relevant links to this initiative are:
- Cross-wiki project on the Brazilian National Archives
- Commons category
- Official release from the Brazilian Ministry of Justice on the GLAM initiative
- OTRS ratification
Building a cross-wiki project
The Wikimedia Community User Group Brasil has coordinated volunteers in four Wikimedia projects in order to best make use of relevant content from the GLAM initiative with the Brazilian National Archives: Wikimedia Commons, Wikipedia, Wikisource and Wikidata. A cross-wiki project page has been created on Wikipedia in Portuguese to advertise achievements of the broad community effort to bring content of the National Archives onto Wikimedia projects. Editors who are not members of the user group are of course welcome to team up in the project!
Examples of activities done in the context of this cross-wiki GLAM initiative include:
- Category curation on files uploaded to Wikimedia Commons;
- Site and people identification on files uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. After identification, images were cropped and individually used to illustrate entries;
- Transcription of historical documents on Wikisource;
- Content improvement on Wikipedia in Portuguese and other languages;
- Content improvement on Wikidata.
As the team was dealing with several projects in the context of this GLAM initiative, efforts to integrate projects were made, including:
- The development of Merge2PDF, a tool to compile individual pages of a document into a single file. Compiled versions have been linked to Wikidata entries, i.e. on the entry on AI-4, and to infoboxes on Wikipedia in Portuguese, i.e. on the entry on AI-4;
- The development of a Wikidata-fed infobox to Wikipedia in Portuguese, specifically for documents and archives. This infobox contributes to integrating to Commons and Wikisource, i.e. on the entry on AI-2;
- The systematic including of cross-project tags on entries on Wikipedia in Portuguese, especially Wikisource and Wikimedia Commons, for instance at the bottom of Constituição brasileira de 1891.
These are some images that were uploaded in the pilot of the Brazilian National Archives GLAM initiative. A complete and up-to-date list can be found in the relevant Commons category.
First page of José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva's will.
Censorship document of the soap opera Roque Santeiro.
Page 9 of the Brazilian Empire Constitution
Coat of arm of Antônio Joaquim da Silva Pinto.
Sugarloaf Mountain as seen from Morro da Urca, at the early 20th century.
Passport of Santos Dumont, in 1919.
Swearing-in of Pedro I of Brazil
Eighth page of the AI-5, with signatures
First page of the list of passengers of the first ship bringing Japanese immigrants to Brazil
Letter by Barão de Caxias ending the Ragamuffin War.
Botevgrad became the first wikitown in Bulgaria

The small Bulgarian town and municipal centre Botevgrad accepted the challenge and responsibility to become the first wikitown in Bulgaria. The innovative project is a result of a collaboration between the Botevgrad Municipality and a group of Bulgarian Wikimedians, and it aims at the improvement of the Wikipedia articles about the town and the region for the benefit of both its citizens and guests. More and well written and referenced information will appear onwiki for the notable cultural and natural sites, historical places and renowned people related to Botevgrad and the nearby villages.
Although "WikiBotevgrad" is the first project of its kind in Bulgaria, the practice of estabilishing wikitowns is not so new in the wiki world. The first wikitown was Monmouth in Wales in May 2012, and since then other towns like Gibraltar, Johannesburg, and Thessaloniki in CEE have implemented similar projects together with the local wiki communities. While it is an almost zero-cost project, volunteering unites the local communities, creates new relations and helps people build stronger connections between themselves and with their homeplaces. The newly created and improved articles in Wikipedia as a result turn into a reliable and curated source of information.
"I hope that we will serve as a positive example to other progressive municipalities in Bulgaria. The wikitown initiative requires the collaborative work of citizens and instituions, young and elder ones, professionals and enthusiasts. What unites us is the love to our home town, and I hope that as a result of this project we will have a stronger feeling of a healthier community," said Botevgrad's mayor, Mr. Ivan Gavalyugov.
The project of the first Bulgarian wikitown involves creation or improvement of about 150 articles, as well as adding freely licensed photos for illustration. Information plates with QR codes will be placed in relevant places, to forward the readers to the respective articles in Wikipedia in Bulgarian or English. Deeply involved in the organization are not only several Wikimedians, but also the staff of Botevgrad's GLAM institutions: the library and the museum, as well as librarians from the nearby villages in Botevgrad Municipality.
A series of events has been planned in the frames of the project "Botevgrad - the First Wikitown in Bulgaria". Two of them already took place on 11 and 18 October in the "Ivan Vazov" Town Library: a presentation of the project, and a practical training and editathon. One of the first created articles within the project was the article about the Historical Museum in Botevgrad, immediately illustrated with a photo that had existed in Wikimedia Commons for more than 4 years before that. The planned duration of the project is at least until May 2018.
Photos: Wikimedia Commons
Wiki Loves Monuments; Opérations Libres
Wiki Loves Monuments
In 2017 was the 7th edition of Wiki Loves Monuments in France and the dynamic is still very strong. 9501 photos have been uploaded by 358 contributors, 61% of them being new contributors. After 4 years of decline, the figures are going up again: +23% of images and +19% of participants.
See more statistics on
The top 10 has been chosen and will soon be revealed.
Opérations Libres
There has been two Opérations Libres in October, one in Bretagne and in Occitanie the week after. An Opération Libre is a 48h hackathon where contributors from free projects (like Wikimedia but also OpenStreetMap or OpenData plateform, etc.) collect and release contents with the help of the inhabitants and local institutions. It is quite fun and it's a good opportunity to share with allies in others communities and to engage with the public.
GLAMorous activities in October

The central public library of Düsseldorf was hosting a digital week with presentations about online media, 3D printing, Twitter and Wikipedia. Wikipedians were invited to introduce visitors to the Wikimedia projects and editing.
On Monday, the 16th of October 2017 only two interested visitors showed up. So instead of a presentation Wikipedians were holding a direct schooling of editing skills and the principles of Wikipedia. An engineering professor specialised in infrasound could benefit from that. The next presentation took place on the following Friday, the 20th of October with a much higher attendance. The visitors on Friday could be convinced of the reliability of Wikipedia.
The Düsseldorf community agreed with the library to have a regular Wikipedia consultation hour at least once a month at this major venue.
Tag der Bibliotheken
The "Tag der Bibliotheken" (Day of the Libraries) was honoured at the Central Public Library of Duisburg by allowing Wikipedians to present Wikipedia and its sister projects. Duisburg is a major city north of Düsseldorf.
On Saturday, the 28th of October 2017 six Wikipedians had an info booth at the entrance near the information desk of the library and a room on the 3d floor for consultations. While only two visitors had questions about Wikipedia in the consultation room many visitors took the opportunity on the ground floor to ask about Wikipedia, the visual editor, the language versions and other aspects of your projects.
The info booth, the large Wikipedia ball standup displays and the brochures were provided by Wikimedia Deutschland and very easy to assemble.
Whether the offer of a Wikimedia consultation hour in Duisburg once a month makes sense will have to be discussed.
GLAM on Tour in a Porcelain museum
No tempest keeps volunteers away from taking part at the GLAM on Tour station in Fürstenberg. In a little town high above the river Weser lays a manufacture in a former castle. As the region was poor in the XVII cen the duke of Braunschweig decided to start the production of the white gold. In our days the site is still working and 20 volunteers were invited to visit the production line and the museum. Many new articles were written and lots of fotos added. Like this one on a "Bomse".

for more Info please read the German blogpost.
Kick-OFF for the hackathon on arts & cultural heritage Coding da Vinci

Coding da Vinci has started. We did not have enough food for the 176 coders, cultural heritage fans, staff from GLAM institutions and students from the hosting university, but we had a lot of fun! An entire weekend we had time to learn about the datasets that 19 GLAMs had provided under a free license and to work on ideas, building teams and creating the entry on the hackdash. Right now everybody is busy working in the coding sprint. On Dec 2nd a jury will choose among the ready projects 5 winners and we will celebrate the award ceremony at the Jewish museum in Berlin. Coding da Vinci even has a new sister. After Hamburg in 2016, Coding da Vinci is going to Leipzig in 2018. We keep you posted.
Video on "Prepare Your data" for Commons released
In October the video documentation on our 4 day workshops for GLAMs how to upload data to Wikimedia commons was released on Wikimedia Commons. Please read more on the workshop here and enjoy the video.
Germany was host to WikidataCon, the first Wikidata Conference, on 28 & 29 October, in Berlin. See this month's Wikidata report for more details.
Experts training on GLAM projects
Old maps on Wikimedia Commons

Trento. The first 150 old maps of the Municipal Library heritage are available online on Wikimedia Commons: Atlantis Magni Tomus Tertius (Biblioteca comunale di Trento). This work, carried out under the GLAM project Geografie del mondo antico (Geographies of the Early modern period) by the Wikipedian in residence and volunteer of Servizio Civile Universale Provinciale Francesco Serra, will continue until April 30, 2018.
WWI texts on Wikisource by Trento Municipal Library
Trento Municipal Library, in collaboration with University of Pisa and Centro di Linguistica Computazionale "A.Zampolli" of National Research Council of Pisa, is working on a Wikisource project about the analysis of the language used in a series of World War I texts. The material digitized, uploaded on Internet Archive and Wikimedia Commons consists of the following books:
Sui monti, nel cielo e nel mare by Luigi Barzini, Il mio diario di guerra by Benito Mussolini, Discorsi di guerra by Paolo Boselli, Noi Arditi by Mario Carli, Dal Trentino al Carso by Luigi Barzini.
Wikipedian in residence at ICAR and BEIC
Rome. In the Eternal City, the team of ICAR (Istituto centrale per gli archivi, Central Institute for Archives) just completed the basic training led by the Wikipedian in residence, Marco Chemello. The ICAR team is now ready to contribute to Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons, and in November is beginning to transfer contents from 6 portals of the SAN (Sistema archivistico nazionale), the National Archive System of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism. At the same time, Marco is working as a Wikipedian in residence at BEIC, Milan, whose team is also active on Wikisource and Wikidata.
October 31th
Fisciano (SA), Università di Salerno, Biblioteca del Polo Umanistico E.R. Caianiello, Claudio Forziati will address the regional assembly of AIB members with a report on the GLAM / AIB Campania project.
October 28th
Potenza: inauguration of photographic exhibitions Wiki Loves Monuments and Connected Open Heritage at the Pinacoteca Provinciale of Potenza.
October 7- 14- 28th
Villongo (BS), course for users of the Seriate Lakes Librarian System within the Romanesque project. Itineraries of history and culture in Bass Sebino, funded by Fondazione Cariplo and held by Federico Benvenuti.
October 26th
Rovigo, workshop led by Marco Chemello (Veneto coordinator) at the seminar in the field of Master Degree Course in Management of Educational Services and Continuing Education (DM270), held by prof. Corrado Petrucco. In the next months, students will be asked to write articles about local cultural heritage and learning sciences.
October 24th-25th
Foggia, Luigi Catalani teaches about 1500 students, in the Municipal Theater "Umberto Giordano", the features of Wikimedia platforms for the dissemination of knowledge and the promotion of the territory.
October 23rd
Roma, Luigi Catalani speaks to a group of teachers and school librarians of Wikipedia as a learning and library community at school at the International Seminar on 'Libraries for Learning', organized by the Ministry of Public Education.
October 13th
Torino, course for librarians and teachers on "Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects as a learning community in the library and at school", organized by the Italian libraries association and held by Luigi Catalani.
Wikipedian in residence at Historical Archives of Subotica; Model of a grain of wheat exlusivly digitized for Wikimedia Commons; Cooperation of the Ministry of Culture and Information and Wikimedia Serbia - GLAM presentations and workshops for museums, archives and libraries
Wikipedian in residence at Historical Archives of Subotica
Historical archives of Subotica became a part of Wikimedia’s global GLAM program this past August by taking in Vladimir Nimčević, our choice for Wikipedian in residence for 2017 in Serbia. Vladimir, a dedicated Wikipedian and a master historian, researched, analyzed, and digitized rare documents that were considered lost for a long time, and he digitized five books, 12 maps of Subotica over the centuries, and 160 other rare documents, in addition to writing 18 new articles on Serbian Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, and Serbian Wikisource.
A significant amount of focus was placed upon the Fund 179 and the oldest documents, from the end of the first half of the 18th century, for which it was believed for a long time that they were lost in an irreversible manner. However, most of the documents were found in place and in good condition. A part of that collection was digitized and uploaded on Wikimedia Commons with two goals: to make it public and to encourage academic circles to research 18th century history of Subotica.
During the residence, 12 maps from 1697 - 1950 have been digitized, along with photos and records of noble historians and residents of Subotica.
Among five books, the first translation on Serbian of Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe was digitized as well.
Part of the residence program was a presentation for employees in the archives about working with Wikipedia and other wiki projects. During the residence program, Vladimir received help from other Wikipedians who are working in the archives.

Mr. Stevan Mačković, general manager of Historical Archives of Subotica, said that the rare documents from Fund 179 which Vladimir researched and found will now be revised, which is a regular procedure for making a new overview of the archival materials.
— Every fund or a collection that is used for research is changeable, and can be damaged. Once settled and cultivated, the fund is not a closed time capsule, intangible and isolated, it’s the exact opposite - it should be opened, available, and should correspond with the potential users. That’s the story with Fund 179. We will complete the digitization of the whole fund and protect it for good. Basically, Vladimir showed us the path that the archives should follow - revision and digitization of this fund.
The manager Mačković thinks that every step that leads to a better protection of the archive collections is a basic function of every archive. — Making the collections available online is a final step in the digitization process. In a very scattered and broad virtual world, a Wikimedia concept has a specific weight. The archives themselves and our collections can contribute to that concept, in a same manner that Wikimedia users can be introduced to a huge heritage stored in the archives. The digitization of this project opened and showed us the ways we plan to follow. Our digitization plans will definitely consider the showed guidelines. Since we already have a strategic segment of an e-research, we’ll continue to expand it and enrich it. Expanding the opportunities for a broader audience to see the archive collections is one of the main tasks of every archive, and in this case it is leaning onto a Wikimedia project — Mačković concluded.
Read more on Wikimedia Serbia's blog (in Serbian).
Model of a grain of wheat exlusivly digitized for Wikimedia Commons
The Museum in Trstenik enabled an exclusive photoshoot of a clay model of a grain of wheat, stored in the Archaeological collection of the Faculty of Philosophy, University in Belgrade. The model is 8000 years old and it is believed that the oldest city map in the world is carved on its back.

The clay model of a grain of wheat was found during the archeological research of a neolithic settlement Blagotin, in the municipality of Trstenik. The size of the model is about 7cm, and unusual geometric stripes are carved on the back. The archaeologist in charge of this research, Svetozar Stanković Nani PhD, estimated that it is an urbanistic map of Blagotin, which can be considered to be the oldest urbanistic map in the world. On the other hand, a French archeologist Emilija Jovanović–Mason, estimated that the stripes on the back represent a map of the sky over Blagotin (the Moon, the Sun, and the stars), which can be considered as the oldest astronomical map of the sky in human history.
Since the model is stored at the Faculty of Philosophy and is not available to the general public, Wikimedia Serbia got a special permission to take photos of it and upload them on Wikimedia Commons under the Creative Commons licence, and thus enabled sharing knowledge about this cultural heritage of Serbia. The volunteers of Wikimedia Serbia happily took this opportunity, so Marija Gajic took the photos, and Milos Todorovic wrote an article on Serbian Wikipedia.

Jelena Vukčević, a historian and manager of Museum in Trstenik, said that digitization of this clay model of a grain of wheat and its upload on Wikimedia Commons has immeasurable value for the town of Trstenik and the Museum. — This model of a grain of wheat, found at the archaeological site Blagotin, was given to the Archaeological collection of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade for storage, along with other important artifacts from this locality. Since then, for the last 20 years, the citizens of Trstenik had the opportunity to enjoy this cultural heritage only twice, through exhibitions in the town. This cooperation with Wikimedia Serbia gave visibility to this valuable archaeological museum piece, making it available to the whole world. The Wikipedia article about this model and the archeological site Blagotin will be presented to the Trstenik public through the Museum’s Facebook page, and linked on the website of National university in Trstenik. Since the museum doesn’t have space for a permanent exhibition, the digitization of the museum's collections for our institution is a very important step in the process of presenting stored cultural heritage - Jelena concludes.
The cooperation with the Museum in Trstenik will be intensively continued in next year, through a digitization process and other models of cooperation from the GLAM program.
Read more on Wikimedia Serbia's blog (in Serbian).
Cooperation of the Ministry of Culture and Information and Wikimedia Serbia: GLAM presentations and workshops for museums, archives and libraries
During the three days of workshops at Ministry of Culture and Information, Wikimedia Serbia’s team educated 60 employees from 29 institutions about the possibilities for contribution to a free content, free licences, and an importance of sharing knowledge and expanding visibility of the institution collections on the internet.

The workshops were held for the representatives of museums, archives and libraries in Serbia, registered for this training. There were more participants than expected, which is the proof that this kind of training is more than necessary.
Dejan Masliković, assistant to the Minister of Culture, greeted the gathered GLAM-ers with a hope that this will start a successful cooperation and a better presence of cultural institutions on the internet and Wikipedia.
Wikimedia Movement, Foundation, the Serbian chapter, the differences between Wikimedia and Wikipedia were all presented consecutively. The main focus of the training was put on the GLAM program, followed by the presentation of the free licences. After the presentations, an interactive workshop was held on the basics in editing Wikipedia and the upload process on Wikimedia Commons. The day was enriched for the librarians with a presentation of the Wiki Librarian project in Serbia.
Assistant to the Minister Masliković thinks that it is essential to make online content relevant and verified so that the Serbian culture can be well positioned in relation to the world culture and current world affairs, highlighting the big interest for this training.
Natalija Vukilić from the Museum of Vojvodina said that the training was very important, and added that this is the first time that the Ministry of Culture is organizing serious seminars and workshops applicable in practical work, which is very important for cultural institutions.
Slađana Bojković from Historical museum of Serbia agrees with her, and notices that digitization is a big and important step for Serbia. “This is the way to achieve it, accept it, and realize it in right way” - Bojković concludes.
Participants of all three workshops were given the certificates, and, considering the amount of attention and interest for this training, the course will be probably organized again.
Read more on Wikimedia Serbia's blog.
Women Writers Day
Women Writers Day

For second consecutive year we organized together with the National Library of Spain the Wikipedia editathon #DíaDeLasEscritoras (Women Writers Day), to improve the contents about writers in the free encyclopedia. The event took place on Saturday, October 14 between 10am and 6pm uninterruptedly and the goal was to reduce the gender gap in Wikipedia by making women writers from the Hispanic and Latin American world and their literary legacy visible.
Resources and bibliography were available to write the articles following the principles of citation of sources and verifiability of Wikipedia. The Wikimedia Spain guided the participants during the editing process and helped to take their first steps in the project. A total of 30 articles were edited, 17 of them were new, and 22 people participated, 18 of which were women.
The activity was part of the celebrations of the Women Writers Day, an initiative of the National Library of Spain, the Clásicas y Modernas Association and the Spanish Federation of Women Executives, Professionals and Entrepreneurs (FEDEPE), which emerged in 2016 and is conceived to remember the cultural legacy of women writers and the difficulties that have prevented, throughout history, a fair development and recognition of their work. On October 16, the first Monday following the festivity of Teresa de Jesus (October 15), took place the second edition of this Day, for the second consecutive year and under the motto Women, knowledge and power.
Beside the editathon, images related to the event were uploaded to Wikimedia Commons to build a collective and complete account of the event. It was a participative activity that adds a face-to-face dimension to the online task of the volunteers. They edited Wikipedia, which, in addition to providing socialization to the Wikipedia community, made it possible to give visibility to this topic before public opinion and reduce the gender gap in the free encyclopedia.
Swedish Performing Arts Agency; Connected Open Heritage; Internetmuseum; More Working life museums
Swedish Performing Arts Agency

As part of a cooperation project with Wikimedia Sverige, the Swedish Performing Arts Agency (Musikverket) hosted a Wikimedian in Residence. The agency's tasks include preserving Sweden's cultural heritage in the areas of music and performing arts, and their library boasts large collections of ditigized archival photographs. Over 4,000 of these high-resolution images have now been uploaded to Wikimedia Commons, where they can be enjoyed and reused by everyone interested in the history of theater in Sweden. You can learn more about them here. In addition, the Agency's authority database, containing biographical data about over 1,600 individuals and organizations – many of whom don't have Wikipedia articles yet – has been migrated to Wikidata, using the new property created for this purpose.
Connected Open Heritage
In September, we ran yet batch upload of photographs from The Swedish National Heritage Board. While building on the base of the June upload, this batch was ever so slightly larger, with over 173,000 images included. Hardly a corner of our country has been left unrepresented as we enriched Commons with bird's-eye views of rural landscapes, painstakingly inventoried church interiors and suburban cityscapes. And also a cat.
This time, we also included some photographs from other parts of the world. As they are quite old and have less-than-perfect metadata, it's often hard to guess what exactly they're depicting – unless one has local knowledge, that is! Can you help us move them to more specific categories?
Typical architecture of a Göteborg suburb.
Aerial photograph of the Abbotnäs manor in eastern Sweden.
Interior detail of the medieval Nederluleå Church, part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
A street in Helsinki, Finland. But where exactly?

During the fall Sweden's first digital museum Internetmuseum is hosting a Wikipedian in Residence. The museum's focus is to document the history of the Internet in Sweden, preserve important historical Swedish websites and collect items linked to Internet history. The WiR is improving Swedish Wikipedia's articles on the subject, as well as hosting events.
In October an edit-a-thon took place in Stockholm with the Internet as its focus. Swedish Wikipedia's weekly competition during that week had the same theme. All in all, the edit-a-thon and the contest improved Wikipedia with over 86 000 bytes and 17 brand new articles.
December 5th Internetmuseum will host its next edit-a-thon.
More Working life museums
Using a shoehorn a Wikipedia workshop were included in a course on the topic storytelling with a personal touch organized by the Association of Working life museums. Starting with a big disclaimer about that they had to forget everything they had heard the first day Axel Pettersson talked about the five pillars, notability, conflict of interest, neutral point of view and everything else that is needed for new users that comes in to the projects with the aim of improving the articles about their museum. A total of 15 participants now have a new understanding of why they can't write what they want and a rough understanding of where the lines are for what is accepted and not, and also knowledge of where to ask for help and how to find mentors if/when they have more questions.
Scotland's Libraries & Hidden Gems
New Residency at the Scottish Library & Information Council
Sara Thomas' new residency at the Scottish Library & Information Council has just entered its fourth month. The project page can be found here. The residency is part-time, and has planned to run until early 2019. The residency aims to engage Scotland's public libraries with Wikimedia, including training library staff to run editathons. The first phase of the project is now underway, with initial training to two partners scheduled to occur in November.
On 6 October, SLIC & Dig It! 2017 ran a joint editathon for Heritage Awareness Day, encouraging library staff, members of the public and the Scottish Wiki Community to edit about Scotland's "Hidden Gems".
The Physiological Society
Andy Mabbett's period as Wikimedian in Residence at The Physiological Society ended with an editathon at their London headquarters on 13 October, as part of Physiology Friday, an annual outreach event. There were presentations by Andy, a discussion of the Edinburgh Seven from Melissa Highton of the University of Edinburgh, and an outline of Wikipedia at the Royal Society by Duncan Hull from the University of Manchester. All talks were recorded and made available on YouTube (links on the project page).
Andy Mabbett ran a Wikidata workshop at the third WikiArabia conference, for the Arabic-speaking Wikimedia community, held in Cairo on 23-25 October.
The UK was well represented at WikidataCon, the first Wikidata Conference, on 28 & 29 October, in Berlin. See this month's Wikidata report for more details.
Attendees included:
- Tony Bowden, mySociety/ EveryPolitician
- Dan Brickley, Google/
- Jason Evans, Wikimedian in Residence, National Library of Wales
- Navino Evans, Histropedia
- Andy Mabbett, Wikimedian in Residence, ORCID
- Magnus Manske
- Charles Matthews, Wikimedian in Residence, ContentMine
- Ewan McAndrew, Wikimedian in Residence, University of Edinburgh
- Sean McBirnie, Histropedia
- Mike Peel
- Martin Poulter, Wikimedian in Residence, Oxford University
- Stuart Prior, Wikimedia UK
Apologies to any we've missed.
Wikitraining for Librarians; Library Donation
Wikitraining for Librarians
On October 12th, Wikimedia Ukraine visited Rivne Library for one-day training on editing Wikipedia. 16 librarians from different kinds of public libraries from Rovne Oblast (administrative division) learned about the rules and experienced creating the first article.
Library Donation
Maksymovych Scientific Library books in Ukrainian and illustrations
Ukraianian songs, 1863
Yevhen Hrebinka works, 1900
First Alphabet book in print, 1857
Cyrillic writing in 1721
Missale Romanum, 1632
Watermark, 1600
commons:Category:GLAM Ukraine - Maksymovych Scientific Library Commons Category
trick or treat
ARC 17
Katherine Maher gave a keynote talk "Building for the future of free knowledge", at 2017 OCLC Americas Regional Council Meeting, followed by a panel discussion, "Leveraging Wikipedia"
Emerging Technologies Edit-a-thon
Ohio Wikimedians User Group, and NIOSH held an meetup, Wikipedia:Meetup/Cincinnati/NIOSH 2017.
US Historic Sites Edit-a-thon
Wikimedia DC and National Trust for Historic Preservation held a meetup, US Historic Sites Edit-a-thon
Hispanic Heritage Month Edit-a-thon
Wikimedia DC and National Archives and Records Administration held a meetup, Hispanic Heritage Month Edit-a-thon
OCLC's Wikipedia + Libraries online training program in October
Library staff have continued in the nine-week OCLC Wikipedia + Libraries online training program. In October, course materials and exercises discussed how to use Wikipedia in community outreach efforts and programming. There were two 90-minute live online sessions, each featured guest presentations (the WebJunction newsletter provides a more thorough description of the guest presentations here):
- On Oct. 11, Kerry Raymond and Jacinta Sutton presented about Wikipedia for staff development at the State Library of Queensland in Queensland, Australia with the #1lib1ref campaign and a Wikipedia club for staff called the QWiki club.
- On Oct. 25, Rajene Hardeman and Sherry Antoine presented about the AfroCROWD model of community engagement. They described the ways that AfroCROWD meets the need of the diversity of newcomers to Wikipedia from the Afro-heritage community, with Rajene providing insight into the benefits of AfroCROWD's model from a librarian's perspective.
Course participants annotate a slide on Oct. 25 during a live online session
Between sessions, the Wikipedia + Libraries course participants began to edit Wikipedia articles. To date, participants have added links, verified claims with citations, and written or copy-edited text on more than 420 Wikipedia articles — totaling more than 4,000 edits.
Course participants are now formulating a plan of action for their libraries. The course ends on Nov. 15. More updates next month.
Snaps to Wikipedia guides
Wikipedians continue to participate in the course as virtual, remote guides to the new learners, much deserved recognition goes out to (in alphabetical order) Avery Jensen, Alexandre Hocquet (new this month!), Gamaliel, JacintaJS, Jackie Koerner, Kerry Raymond, Librarygurl, Megalibrarygirl, Megs, Merrilee, PersnicketyPaul, Rachelwex, slowking4, Sodapopinski7, Vizzylane.
WikidataCon & Birthday
Special Reports
Wikidata celebrated its fifth birthday by holding WikidataCon, the first Wikidata Conference, on 28 & 29 October, in Berlin. GLAM matters played a significant part.
The full proceedings, including videos of many sessions, are available online.
5th Birthday
Happy Birthday Wikidata! Wikidata was launched on 29 October 2012, so turned five years old during WikidataCon. We celebrated, as every year, with a lot of presents, events and stories. You can find an overview on the birthday page.
- Birthday presents
- Search index now contains statements with {{Property|P31}} and {{P|P279}}. These can be used to influence search rankings and in the future also for matching.
- CC0 Wikidata-ready NDJSON and TTL dumps are now accessible at
- You can now move claims to new items with moveClaim.js. You can do so by typing "new".
- Prefix search on Wikidata (wbsearchentities API) now is using ElasticSearch as backend. This should improve search quality and also is more flexible and tunable.
- Wikidata becomes a proper citizen of the linked open data web
- – visualization of grave locations stored in Wikidata
- Wikidata Concepts Monitor (WDCM) - Wikidata semantic topics and usage statistics
- Happy Birthday to You, Dear Wikidata – recording and improvisation (Lucas Werkmeister)
- You can now create items from the command-line
- Crochet your own cute structured data bee to express your appreciation for structured data in the Wikimedia movement!
- Wikidata Query Service UI: Geoshapes from Commons are now displayed in the Map view: Constituencies for the election to the German Bundestag 2017, with winning candidate and party
- Wikidata Query Service UI: The query service now shows you code examples for how to use your query in many programming languages (example query)
- Dungeon of Knowledge (source), a roguelike game where you explore a dungeon full of bits of Wikidata wisdom
- Simple WD an experiment of a simple frontend API on top of Wikidata using JSON-LD and
- mapview widget/user script on Wikidata
- Images fragments for an item depicted on several artworks
- Histropedia Query Timeline tool - Demo of cool new features launched today for WikidataCon
- Q42395533 - the first item about a notable item!
- SQID now suggests statements that we are missing (example page, log in to see suggestions) -- more on Wikidata:WikiProject_Reasoning soon
- From labs VM to Wikibase Query Service in 2 minutes (using Docker images and docker-compose)
- Stories and reflections
- Wishes for the year to come, by Tpt
- Happy Birthday Wikidata! by the Gene Wiki Team
- Some random thoughts on the occasion of Wikidata's fifth birthday, by PKM
- Wishes and a personal story, by Spinster
- Happy Birthday, Wikidata by RolandUnger from Wikivoyage
- Happy Birthday, Wikidata by Katherine Maher
- Two years of Wikidata experience from ArthurPSmith
- Happy Birthday wishes from Wikimedia Deutschland
- Message from the development team
- Birthday presents
GLAM news
- Andy Mabbett ran a Wikidata workshop at the third WikiArabia conference, for the Arabic-speaking Wikimedia community, held in Cairo on 23-25 October.
- New Mix’n’match mode to show just the entries with multiple matches (example)
- There is now a good start for documentation for QuickStatements. Feel free to help improve it!
- If you are interested in Structured Data on Commons, and helping out as a Wikidata contributor, please consider joining the new Structured Commons community focus group!
- Participate to the Global Legislative Openness Week with MySociety and organize a Wikidata workshop in your country, from 20-30 November 2017
- Inventaire now has a News section where you can follow ongoing discussions and developments of the project
- HarvestTemplates has a new collaboration platform
Further reading and viewing
- Wikidata, a rapidly growing global hub, turns five on WMF's blog by Andrew Lih and Robert Fernandez
- Locating IMDB IDs of movies in the Internet Archive using Wikidata
- Mix-n-Match: Large Catalogs, by Magnus Manske
- Wikidata as a linking hub for knowledge organization systems? Integrating an authority mapping into Wikidata and learning lessons for KOS mappings by Joachim Neubert
- Nice short gif tutorial for writing a Wikidata query
- COOL-WD: A Completeness Tool for Wikidata
- Provenance Information in a Collaborative Knowledge Graph: an Evaluation of Wikidata External References
- Question Answering Benchmarks for Wikidata
- Using Word Embeddings for Search in Linked Data with Ontodia
- Research libraries and Wikimedia: A shared commitment to diversity, open knowledge, and community participation
- Slides of the presentation "Wikidata Query Service: The State of the Engine"
- Slides of the presentation "Wikidata and structured data initiatives at Wikimedia. Current trends and priorities"
- Unlocking the human potential of Wikidata
- Textes d’Affiches, des films à lire sur Gallica (in French)
- Rebuild the map of famous artwork with Wikidata (in French)
- A blog post describing Textes d'affiches, a tool using Wikidata to show movies and the works they are adapted from, developed during a hackathon at the national French library (in French)
Tech developments
- Improvements to the way Wikidata changes are shown in watchlist and recent changes on Wikipedia and other projects so that they are more in-line with the other changes (phabricator:T48329, phabricator:T50684)
- New version of the Alexa skill for Wikidata by metaphacts
- wikidata-cli added bot support and new commands (wd search, wd aliases, wd add-alias, wd remove-alias, wd set-alias)
- wikidata-edit added bot edits support and new functions (alias.add, alias.remove, alias.set)
New GLAM-related properties
- All-Russian Mathematical Portal ID
- number of constituencies
- Banglapedia (Bengali version) ID
- Banglapedia (English version) ID
- Spanish "Boletín Oficial del Estado" ID
- National Museums of Japan e-museum ID
- Gallica ID
- LinkedIn company ID
- Reddit user name
- Bavarian geotope ID
- Landtag of Liechtenstein ID
- Daum TV series ID
- rating
- DPLA subject ID
- New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission ID
- Tunisian geographic code
- Japanese Database of National important cultural properties
- Cinémathèque québécoise work identifier
- Daum movie ID
- hydrological order number
- International Standard Text Code
- LUMIERE director ID
- Nominis given name ID
- person ID
- Nominis saint ID
- Riigikogu ID
- UK National Fruit Collection ID
- official app
- panorama view
- PM20 folder ID
- readership
- MIL-STD-2525 Symbol Identification Code
- YouTube Playlist ID
- PfaF id
- FOIH materials ID,
- FOIH styles and cultures ID
- FOIH periods ID
- FOIH heritage types ID
- FOIH value types ID
- FOIH event types ID
- FOIH decree types ID
- FOIH taxon ID
- camera setup
- musée de Bretagne identifiant collections ID
- mountains classification
- APA phoneme code
- BFI-Filmography person ID
- BHL bibliography ID
- Brueckenweb id
- Wikimedia template
- contains
- Department of Education and Skills roll number
- Deutsche Synchronkartei actor-ID
- GenBank Assembly accession
- Heritage Conservation District of Ontario ID
- IDESCAT territorial code in Catalonia
- Lloyd's Register Ship ID
- digitised page from Lloyd's Register of Ships from 1930 to 1945
- Organization ID on Radio Radicale
- PubsHistory pub ID
- Store norske leksikon ID
- WBPLN author ID
- QEdu ID
- excavation director
- T4T35 megalith ID
- Lotsawa House Tibetan author ID
- Lotsawa House Indian author ID
- Cravo Albin artist ID
- BillionGraves cemetery ID
- nominated by
- Search formatter URL
- PROSITE documentation ID
- Megalithic Portal ID
- Musikverket person ID
- Dutch lost building register ID
- ID
- Monumentos de São Paulo ID
- ExecutedToday ID
- Cairn author ID
- Infopatrimônio ID
- National Trust Collections ID
- artwork ID
- DAMIT asteroid ID
- Mappy place ID
- Science Museum people ID
- mapping relation type
- Anvisa drug ID
- NeuroNames ID (plain mode)
- BrainInfo ID (hierarchical)
- Enciclopédia Itaú Cultural ID
- Memória Globo
- ID
- caliber
- MusicBrainz recording ID
- Opera Vivra singer ID
- Quora username
- Videolectures ID
- Portuguese lighthouse ID
- New York City Parks Monument ID
- Google Doodle
- AKL Online Artist ID
- Indian Foundation for Butterflies ID
- ID
- The Coptic Library ID
- FPB rating
- BFI Film and TV ID
- MNCARS artist ID
- Biblioteca Nacional de México ID
You are invited to comment on all open property proposals.
News about Structured Commons!
Case studies campaign
Share your case studies! Is there an education, GLAM or other program that you really admire? One you would like to know more about? Have you seen via the newsletter, blog, or social media a project that you think would make a great case study?
The WMF Programs team would like you to encourage program leaders now to submit their case study to the Programs Case Studies Campaign. We will be accepting submissions until January 8, 2017 . We will then select projects in Education, GLAM and across all programs to be highlighted in new case study brochures and materials.
See this page for more information about submission criteria and the selection process.
Structured Data on Commons update

The survey about use of Wikimedia Commons by GLAMs, mentioned in the previous newsletter, received more than 100 responses! We want to thank everyone who participated and who distributed the survey. Results are processed by the end of 2017.
Likewise, Jonathan Morgan and Niharika Ved have finalized interviews with GLAM representatives about their use of Wikimedia Commons. The interviews are being analyzed now.
A new newsletter about Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons was published on October 25. You can read the newsletter on, and contribute to the next one. Of special interest:
- The info and documentation pages about the project have been updated. Feel free to improve them, and give feedback if things are unclear.
- There is now a dedicated community focus group for feedback on the project. Please consider joining!
Structured Data on Commons was presented during WikidataCon by Sandra Fauconnier. You can watch the video recording online.
Other going ons
The GLAM team is working on a number of other opportunities for support across the community, including:
- Conversations with Internet Archive, DPLA, LD4L, ICOM, IFLA.
- Support of initial conversations around GLAM-Wiki Conference
- Review of Annual Plan Grants for FDC Round 1 applications:
- Interviews with GLAMs who have embedded Wikidata into their institutional catalogues for an upcoming blog post.
- Support of several organizations working on GLAM projects with direct requests for consultations.
November's GLAM events
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11 Editathon in Slaný, with the help of local museum and library, Slaný
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