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GLAM/OpenGLAM Benchmark Survey/Coordination/Guidelines regarding the Contacts File

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Guidelines regarding the creation of the contacts file


The contacts file with your survey participants should be in Excel format (.xls) and have the structure and content as described below. Please make sure that each e-mail address occurs only once (see the tutorial how to highlight duplicates in recent versions of Excel). If you have several e-mail addresses for a given institution, don't enter several e-mail addresses per line. Just choose one. If you intend to send the survey to several addresses within the same institution, you need to provide one line per e-mail address. In this case, please use the same InstitutionID to refer to the same institution; at the data export we will then use a random mechanism to filter out duplicate responses.

In addition to the contacts file with your survey participants, you are also asked to prepare a contacts file for testing purposes. Use the same structure, enter some fake information and add the e-mail addresses of people who will carry out the final test on the survey.

When your contacts files are ready, please fill in the documentation table, describing the collection method, and send the contacts file to Beat Estermann (beat.estermann﹫bfh.ch).

Structure / content of the contacts files

Column Name Content
InstitutionID Use the following format: AA-nnnnnn, whereby "AA" stands for the ISO-country code of the country in question and "nnnnnn" for a unique number for each institution (please assign to each heritage institution exactly one InstitutionID). It is possible to use several e-mail addresses per institution in order to achieve a higher response rate among institutions. In this case, provide the e-mail addresses on different lines, using the same InstitutionID (double responses per institution will be filtered out based on a random mechanism). For test users, enter the word "Test" instead of the number.

Examples: CH-000100; IN-000007; NL-Test

InstitutionName The name of the institution, usually in the local language
InstitutionType The type of the institution. Use the following types: "archive", "museum", "library", "combination", "other".

This information is used to calculate response rates for each institution type, independently from the institution type indicated by the respondent when filling in the questionnaire.

InstitutionType2 (optional) If you want you can add a more granular typology of institutions. This information can also be used to calculate response rates or to run more detailed analyses distinguishing various types of institutions. A proposal will follow.
Country Use the following format: AA, whereby "AA" stands for the two-letter ISO 3166-1 code of the country the institution is located in.

Examples: FR, DE, ZA, GB

Subdivision (optional) Use the format of the country's ISO 3166-2 subdivision codes; mostly AA-AA or AA-nn.

Examples: CH-AG, IN-AP, IT-34

Subdivision2 (optional) Use this field optionally if ISO 3166-2 specifies several types of subdivisions for your country (e.g. 20 regions and 110 provinces in Italy).

Example: IT-VR

ZipCode (optional) Use the country's zip code format, without prefixed country code.

Example: 3000

Municipality (optional) Add the name of the municipality; this can be useful to distinguish between institutions with the same name (e.g. Natural History Museum)
Language (multilingual countries only) Use this field to indicate the institution's language if you are going to send out survey invitation messages in different languages according to institutions' language preferences. If a value is provided in the "Language" field, the survey participants will see the survey in the specified language (as opposed to their preferred language specified in their browser). Participants will always be able to switch between language versions using the language menu.

Use the following format: AA, whereby "AA" stands for the two-letter ISO 639-1 code (the survey tool requires capital letters).
Examples: FR, UK, FA (for "French", "Ukrainian", "Farsi")

Email The e-mail address of the institution or of a contact person within the institution