GLAM/OpenGLAM Benchmark Survey/Coordination/Translation Guidelines
Translation of the Questionnaire
[edit]What you should know before getting started
[edit]- Translation Process: Throughout the following instructions we assume that you proceed for the translation of the questionnaire along the following steps:
- 1 translator translates the questionnaire directly in the online survey tool (Qualtrics) - Draft 1
- 1 or 2 other translators review the translation directly in the online survey tool - Draft 2; points for discussion are noted in an online document (e.g. Google Docs)
- the translators agree on the points for discussion and enter the agreed version in the online survey tool - Draft 3
- the translation is exported to a Google Doc (or similar), and several external persons are invited to review the translation and to comment on it
- the translators discuss the reviewers' comments and finalize the translation - Final Version
- The online survey tool contains the texts for both the online and the offline version of the questionnaire - the end result can be seen here: online version / offline version (English, not localized, currency: Euro). This means that some of the text in the online survey tool appears in double and that you will find in the online tool also all the instructions needed for the offline version.
- The online survey tool contains the information for all the countries involved in the survey; this means that the items which are country specific, such as the link to the country specific PDF file and question A-8, which contains the local currency, appear multiple times in the tool. This also means that all the optional questions appear in the online tool - whether or not your national team decides to include them in the survey or not. If you are translating into a language that is used across several countries, you should translate all the optional questions, regardless whether your country is going to include them in the questionnaire or not. If you are translating into a language which is used only in your country, it is up to you to decide whether you want to skip these questions or whether you want to translate all the questions for documentation purposes.
- We are translating the final version of the questionnaire; so we won't make any major changes to it. If you find any mistakes or ambiguities in the English version, please report them in the Google Doc containing the final version - the translation process is a good opportunity to spot any mistakes or weaknesses we haven't identified yet.
Step by step instructions
[edit]1. Appoint a translation coordinator and get the login information for the online tool
- Contact Beat Estermann for this (beat.estermann
- Contact Beat Estermann for this (beat.estermann
2. Produce the Draft 1 translation (translator 1):
- Log into the online tool
- Click on the Survey "OpenGLAM 2014". - You should now see the translation interface with the English version on the left hand side (source language) and another language version on the right hand side (target language). If the text hasn't been translated into the target language yet, the English text appears in red in the target language window.
- Change the language on the right hand side to your target language. - Don't edit any other languages!
- Optional: Use the auto-translate function (Google Translate) to pre-translate the text into your target language by clicking on the translation progress field in the top right hand corner of the translation pane (a red field with the text "0%"). The auto-translate function is quite handy, as it preserves the formatting of the questions and shows which text needs to be translated.
- Translate the text into your target language (while preserving the original formatting) and save it. Don't translate the labels of the items (displayed in bright red boxes, as for example in question A1). Refer to the Translation instructions and report any translation-related issues that may be relevant for translation into other languages on the wiki.
- Repeat the preceding two steps for all the questions of the survey. If you want to jump to a specific question in the questionnaire, you can do so in the "Translation Overview" by clicking on the specific question in the column of your language. Set up a Google Doc to document any translation issues that come up during the process.
- Log out. Your work has been automatically saved as you moved from one question to the other.
3. Produce the Draft 2 translation (translator 2 and possibly translator 3):
- Proceed as in point 2 (except for the auto-translation); correct mistakes in the translation and report issues for discussion in the Google Doc.
4. Produce the Draft 3 translation (all 2-3 translators)
- Meet in person or online to discuss all open translation issues; update the questionnaire accordingly.
5. External review:
- Copy the survey and give it a meaningful name (e.g. "OpenGLAM 2014 - Preview YourLanguage") - The 'forking' allows you to print the survey; don't work on this version!
- Hit the "Print Survey" icon, select the language(s) you need, and print your questionnaire to PDF - If you don't want to puzzle your reviewers with text that does not need to be translated, you may first remove the questions that don't need to be translated into your language (unneeded PDF versions; unneeded currencies).
- Distribute the PDF (in English and in your target language) to your reviewers and ask them to review the translation. - You may want to use the same Google Doc as above in order to collect the reviewers' comments. Unfortunately, there is no easy solution to export the questionnaire to a Google Doc. The PDF contains the text for both the online and the offline version of the questionnaire - if you want to give your reviewers separate access to the online version, share this link with them; it allows them to access all the existing versions of the questionnaire online.
- Discuss the reviewers' comments and update the translation accordingly.
- Delete your copy of the survey.
6. Layout:
- Make sure that the target version is in exactly the same layout as the source version. - If you have to fix some of the layout, it is recommended to edit it in HTML view. An overview of the formatting (and related html tags) used can be found here.
7. Final Quality Check:
- Carry out a final check in order to make sure that all parts have been translated and all the necessary changes have been applied. - Note: This quality check is very important, as the questionnaire will be forked into an online and an offline version. Especially changes in the offline version are very time-consuming.
- If you want to be on the safe side with regard to unwanted edits by other translators: export your translation and save it locally.
- Make sure that the e-mail messages and text strings for the online tool have also been translated and reviewed (see instructions below).
Translation issues and instructions
[edit]The table below contains issues and instructions regarding the translation itself (please add any additional questions in the section below the table):
Question | Comments |
Intro Text | "galleries": in the context of this survey, "gallery" only refers to "art museums", and not to "art shops". If this use of the word "gallery" (e.g. National Portrait Gallery) is not common in your language, just use the word "museum". |
Only translate the parts that relate to countries in which your language is used; for all the other countries: copy the English version | |
A1 | "Archive / records office": some languages may use the same word for "archive" and "records office"; in this case it is perfectly fine to just use one term.
"Museum / gallery": see the remark for the "Intro Text". For many languages, it will be perfectly fine to translate this item as "museum" (without specifically mentioning galleries). |
A2 | |
Early Exit | |
A3 | |
A4 | |
A5 | |
A6 | |
A7 | |
A8 | |
A9 | |
A10 | |
B1 | |
B2 | The items are exactly the same as in B1 (translate them only once!) |
C1 | |
C2 | The items are exactly the same as in C1 (translate them only once!) |
D1 | The items are exactly the same as in A3 (translate them only once!) |
D2 | |
D3 | |
D4 | The items are exactly the same as in A3 (translate them only once!) |
D5 | The items are exactly the same as in A3 (translate them only once!) |
D6 | |
D7 | |
D8 | |
D9 | |
E1 | |
E2 | (optional question)
Some of the items are identical to those in D7 (translate them only once!) |
F1 | |
F2 | |
F3 | |
F4 | |
G1 | (optional question) |
G2 | (optional question) |
H1 | (optional question) |
H2 | (optional question) |
J1 | |
End |
Further questions and translation issues
[edit]- Translation Issues (Chinese)
- Translation Issues (French)
- Translation Issues (German)
- Translation Issues (Spanish)
- Translation Issues (Ukrainian)
- Please add any further issues here.
Translation of e-mail messages and text strings used in the online tool
[edit]Please translate the following e-mail messages and text strings directly in this wiki (by clicking on "Translate this page" and selecting the appropriate language):
- Survey Invitation Message
- First Reminder Message
- Second Reminder Message
- Text strings used in the online tool
Translation Quality Check
[edit]@Translation coordinators: When all the translations are done for your target language, please carry out the translation quality check by referring to the Checklist.