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irc #wikimedia-outreach


I tried to join the #wikimedia-outreach irc channel but it redirected me to #wikimedia instead. Is the channel active, and how do I join it? or does this page need to be updated? --mikeu talk 09:21, 31 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

Hi User:Mu301 I know this is 4 years late, did you athenticate your user on irc? --Jtm-lis (talk) 14:05, 16 November 2020 (UTC)Reply
So i just tried to join, something I should of done probably before replying to your comment, but it is an invite only channel.

14:07 <-- ChanServ has kicked jtm-lis (Invite only channel) --Jtm-lis (talk) 14:08, 16 November 2020 (UTC== How to get notifications of events in my area before they happen? == Completely serendipitously I discovered there's an Art+Feminism editathon near me next month. How can I be notified of these things? The GLAM newsletter tells me what happened but not what's coming up, and this event isn't on next month's calendar. --Valereee (talk) 12:38, 12 November 2019 (UTC)Reply

Hello? Anyone here? This says it's the one discussion list to rule them all, lol...Valereee (talk) 14:05, 20 November 2019 (UTC)Reply
@Valereee: Hello and welcome. I've also found that GLAM events can be difficult to learn about. (I missed the registration deadline for a nearby conference this month.) This has been an ongoing problem as pages are scattered on multiple wikis. To confuse the matter further I've seen local groups use meetup.com or mailing lists instead of posting on wiki. I would suggest signing up for a local w:Wikipedia:Meetup though some groups are better at publicizing events than others. w:Wikipedia:Meetup/ArtAndFeminism has a page though I don't know how frequently they post news. I listed my self as the local contact at w:Wikipedia:GLAM/Connect hoping to learn more about activity in my area. I've been contacted a couple of times since 2012... --mikeu talk 22:19, 22 November 2019 (UTC)Reply

FindingGLAMs Challenge – a Wikidata competition focused on GLAMs


Dear Wiki-friends,

We would like to invite you to participate in the FindingGLAMs Challenge, a Wikidata editing competition focused on GLAMs (galleries, libraries, archives and museums). It takes place February 17th – 23rd 2020 and you can find more information here – or sign up directly here. The goal is to add as much information about GLAMs as possible, and the winners will receive prizes funded by Wikimedia Sverige and UNESCO.

Best, Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) (talk) 08:58, 31 January 2020 (UTC)Reply

Endorsements requested: Project Grant


I've just submitted a project grant that will fund our library's efforts to get faculty and researchers on board with leveraging their expertises with Wikipedia! Check it out and kindly endorse if you support it. Mcbrarian (talk) 21:28, 20 February 2020 (UTC)Reply

glam﹫wikimedia.org doesn not work?


bad email alias?



Hi all, I've made a Wikipedia stub on w:Humanities, arts, and social sciences to mirror the w:STEM article. I think there are sufficient research and commentary about HASS as a combined concept that there enough to discuss as a topic. I thought I'd flag it here, since members of this community might be well placed to chip in from an international point of view. Evolution and evolvability (talk) 03:47, 30 July 2020 (UTC)Reply

Multilingual Education in Odisha, India by Mahendra Kumar MIshra



Multilingual Education in Tribal Schools of Odisha: An Introduction Dr Mahendra Kumar Mishra Folklore Foundation


Why MLE • Many states of India have a uniform curriculum and textbooks which is not suitable for the tribal children whose home language is different from the school language. • Denying children from their mother tongue education lead to serious intellectual damage which blocks learning of the children • Research has shown that children do better when they are taught in their mother tongue. (Thomas and Collier).Children competent in the mother tongue can do better in other tongues. • It is essential to sustain cultural and linguistic bio-diversities to promote human knowledge which is a part of intellectual property. Culture and language should be the foundation of education especially in ethnic minority and linguistic minority communities to make education context-specific. • Multilingual education is a reality and it is a resource. Research says that the mental development of multilingual children is better than monolingual children.


1. Ensure equity and quality education to tribal children to explore the world around them and use their resources meaningfully for their livelihood. 2. Empower the tribal children with reading and writing skills to acquire knowledge and information in their mother tongue as well as in-state/ national and international language 3. Develop a socio-economic status in comparison to others through literacy. 4. Develop self-respect in/for their language and culture and enrich human knowledge. 5. National integration is not threatened National Curriculum Framework 2005

     NCF 2005 envisages for language education and has mentioned that 

1. Language teaching needs to be multilingual not only in terms of the number of languages offered to children but also in terms of evolving strategies that would use the multilingual classroom as a resource. 2. Home language/mother-tongue of children should be the medium of learning in the schools. 3. Second language acquisition through basic proficiency and development of language as an instrument for abstract thought and knowledge acquisition through literacy. 4. The aim of English teaching is the creation of multilingual that can enrich all our languages; this has been an abiding national vision. English needs to finds its place along with other Indian languages in different states... 5. Learning to Read and write

     The authentic place of mother tongue in the educational domain is not meant to be subtractive but additive which fosters healthy multilingualism and ensures the growth of all languages. 

Setting the Goal: PLANNING: Out of 30 districts, 17 districts belong to Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) and 13 districts are in Special Component Plan( SCP). Convincing that tribal is not in social isolation and always are with the nontribal across the ages, tribal education was spread over 30 districts of Odisha and Tribal Coordinators were in a position to plan and implement on tribal education along with the education of Dalits and religious minorities like Muslims and Christians. 1. Initial Language Education Plan Orissa Child census 2005 Data: Government of Odisha conducted a mega programme entitled Odisha Child Census 2005 to enumerate the children of 6 – 14 age in 72 000 villages. The reason for such a big survey was to track the children’s data and know their status of enrollment, retention, achievement level and enumerate out of school children. The aim of this survey was also to enumerate the linguistic background of all children irrespective of tribal or nontribal. While collecting data in OCC -2005 total of 17 tribal languages were selected that covered the majority of tribal language speakers in the state. These are Santali, Munda, Oram, Kishan, Koya, Kui, Kuwi and Saora, Bonda, Juang, Banjara, Bhunjia, Ho, Birhor, Bhumia, khadia, Lodha, Gadaba, and some other tribes. 2. Linguistic Survey and Mapping: A sample survey was conducted in 25 thickly tribal populated Blocks where the percentage of tribal population is more than 50 Percent. The purpose of the study was to assess the level of exposure of tribal children in state language and the teachers level of exposure to understand the children’s language. The level of parents in home and society were also enumerated to know whether they are exposed to state language or academic language. It was evident from the survey that though the parents are partially exposed to state language, school children in those areas are not exposed to school language. Based on the above information, schools were identified with tribal children with monolingual/bilingual situation. Linguistic Diversity in Schools of Orissa: From the Child Census 2005, it was inferred that there are 11749 schools in the state with at least 20 plus children in each school with linguistic diversities. These schools are located in 11 districts where the rate of dropout /never enrolled tribal children with a substantial gap of home language and school language. There were 3400 schools in the state with 100 % tribal children in the schools speaking their home language. The majority of monolingualism of monitory communities was a major challenge to the state since these languages were historically neglected and the children were the victim of learning deficit for decades. Either teacher was nontribal and they were intended to teach in the state medium of instruction to mainstream the children. Use of children’s language was not promoted until 1997 in Odisha. Orissa Initiative on MLE Planning: In October 2005, Govt. of India, in collaboration with NCERT, CIIL and UNESCO conducted a National Seminar in Mysore on Multilingual Education in which many states took part in it. Government of India took a decision that multilingual education will be introduced in the states of India where the gap of home language and school language is high. The states were responsible to adopt the programme depending on their state political will, beurocratic support and academic initiation. Based on that Orissa took up MLE in April 2006 as a systemic programme. Child Census 2005 and Linguistic Survey helped a lot to envision the MLE in the areas where they need for mother tongue-based multilingual education is necessary. In July 2006 State Tribal Advisory Committee(TAC) headed by Mr Naveen Patnaik, the Chief Minister, Orissa decided to adopt ten tribal languages as the medium of instruction and to start with, introduce schools with 100 % tribal children, so that the mother tongue of the children could be given due space in the classroom and Odia would be the second language to be taught in class II. The TAC decided to adopt ten languages for multilingual education. The languages adopted are Santali, Saura, Koya, Kui, Kuvi, Kishan, Oram, Munda as major languages. Juang and Bonda as endangered languages.TEH responsibility was assigned to Odisha Primary Education Programme Authority ( OPEPA) in which Unit of Tribal Education was in operation since 1995. Criteria of selection of Schools: Schools were selected based on the following criteria: 1. Where the gap of home language and school language is high 2. Number of tribal children in the school belongs to 100 % monolingual 3. At least it should be a primary school with five classes and five teachers 4. At least one teacher from mother tongue to teach in tribal language

District MLE Steering Committee was formed in the districts. The  Collectors the Chair Person along with education officers and public representatives to identify such schools and approve the introduction of MLE in government schools.  

Status of Pilot Schools

     During 2006-07, 277 schools were adopted under the MLE approach in ten tribal languages. Additionally, 100   schools with  Santali speaking children in Mayurbhanj district were also adopted. In 2006-27 schools were  adopted as followings: 

District Language NO of schools in 2007-08 Class I No of schools in 2008-09 Class I No of school in 2008-09 class II Gajapati Saura 20 20 20 keonjhar Juang 10 10 10 Mayurbhanj Munda 10 10 10

	Santali 	-	100	 

Malkangiri Bonda 5 20 5

	Koya 	20	20	20

Sambalpur Kishan 19 17 19 Sundargarh Oram 20 20 20

	Munda 	10	10	10

Rayagada Saura 4 10 4

	Kuwi 	20	20	20

Kandhmal Kui 20 20 20 Total 158 277 158

Preparation of Curriculum, Textbooks and Teacher Training Module: Curriculum and instructional materials were made from July 2006 to May 2007. The teachers were selected from respective tribal communities. They were trained on MLE approach. A significant component of any multilingual education program is the provision of instruction in the first language, second (or third) language—the language of more advanced education. Since second language instruction and learning are well-established academic traditions, there is plenty of research and numerous models to draw from in developing curricula for this area. National and International Resource persons provided their academic support on the MLE approach. The principles of thematic approach in the curriculum were adopted and accordingly theme web was prepared from the cultural themes of the respective tribal communities and subsequently based on these themes materials were prepared. Teachers from ten tribal communities and 8 DIET faculties in charge of MLE were trained on the MLE approach and engaged in material preparation. The two-track method BICS ( Basic interpersonal communication skill) and CALPS ( Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency Skill) were taken in the preparation of curricular themes /textbooks ( alphabet chart, alphabet book, number chart, number book, for CALPS and Big Book, Small Book, listening story, story chart etc. for BICS). Thirty-week theme web is administered in a calendar year in the MLE school. Each week contains a set of books for the children to read. Thus there are more than 90 books in class-I and 90 Books in class II. In addition to this listening stories, experience stories and story chart are used by the children for innovative self-reading. For class II Oriya was introduced as a second language and therefore second language acquisition skill was adopted as the bridging strategies for language education and word web, alphabet book, Big Book and small Book in Oriya ( both in MT and L2 ) were prepared. Teacher Training Module was also prepared based on the basic theories of MLE. Theories and methods of MLE, content and process, subject areas, the importance of the use of TLM, classroom transaction, inbuilt evaluation are in the module. The best practice that was developed in MLE Orissa was that teachers from the tribal communities were engaged in curriculum design, material production and preparation of teacher training module.

Transition plan from Mother's tongue to Second language acquisition:

Mother tongue in Class I as a subject and as a medium adopting cultural content from class I to class V Odia as the second language is introduced in Class II until Class V and beyond English in Class III to V and beyond

  • Math From class I to Class III in mother tongue and then in class IV and V in Odia as a school language

Environment science from Class I to III in Mother's tongue and in class IV and V in Odia.

Training of

teachers of Pilot MLE Schools: It is widely acknowledged that good teachers are important to a good education. Most countries have established teacher-training institutions to supply teachers to their schools. However, these institutions are normally structured to prepare teachers to teach only in a/the language of wider communication. Multilingual Education or mother tongue-based education is adopted, but it is hard to get resource institutions who can deliver the goods based on the principles of language education. Therefore, teachers and DIET lecturers were trained as Master Trainers on MLE in the curriculum development and material development programmes. A fifteen days teacher training programme is prepared for class I and another 15 days training programme for class II teachers by the state MLE resource group. The training module is sound in terms of spelling out the basics of MLE theory and practice. Monitoring and Assessment of MLE Schools: The monthly resource day meeting is held in the Block involving the pilot MLE teachers to discuss the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process of the children. Detail documentation of teachers experience and reflection of classroom transaction on children’s performance are captured. This helps in improving the teaching and learning process. A monitoring team is constituted at the district /Block/CRCC level to assess the day to day schooling of MLE pilot schools. The BRCC and CRCC are oriented on how to monitor and assess the classroom transaction effectively so that the children can learn meaningfully. Besides, reading and writing, fluency of children, exposure of children in discussion and dialogue with the peer group, updating weekly writing files, and reading of Big Book and small Book are monitored. Documentation Process documentation of all the workshops related to MLE is available in OPEPA web sites. MIS unit of SSA Orissa contains the details of language speakers. (www.opepa.in) Problem faced:

 Issues :

Engagement of mother tongue teachers in MLE schools Engagement of BRP for MLE in clusters to monitor MLE schools. Study and research on MLE

Future Direction 1. Orissa aims at scaling up 1000 schools with linguistic diversities through adopting MLE approach over a period of five years 2007-08 to 2012. So the schools will be opened cumulatively 2. Regional Resource Centers for Tribal Education( RCTE) will be opened in three DIETs ( Baripada, Sambalpur and Jeypore ) for north, west and south zones of Orissa to provide a knowledge base to teachers serving in MLE. The RCTE s will conduct research, develop curriculum, train teachers and evaluate and monitor. 3. Alternative Bilingual/multilingual approach to be adopted for schools with more than one language to teach them a second and third language simultaneously. 4. ECCE in Pilot schools is to be taken up for language education to bridge the language gap of pre-primary and primary education. 5. Setting up a knowledge hub in the country involving the international agencies and National agencies on concretizing tribal education in the country, and create an interstate network for MLE 6. Community ownership and involvement in curriculum design is a better sign which can gradually help the project to make it a bottom-up approach, thereby empowering the tribal communities to own the school knowledge, as their knowledge system.

( Besides MLE, Srujan is another programme which is adopted in Orissa for retention in schools by supporting children with creative learning through child-friendly activities like storytelling, traditional games, and running community resource centres and use of folklore in material development.)


Commons Property


Hi All,

I've proposed a Wikidata property to help distinguish between different GLAM-related images like paintings, drawings, photographs, objects, etc. Please share your thoughts in the discussion. --Adam Harangozó (talk) 08:56, 28 September 2020 (UTC)Reply

GLAMorous issues?


Hey, I don't know if this is the right place to give feedback on tools, but GLAMorous isn't showing all the images in a given category under "file usage details." Rachel Helps (BYU) (talk) 17:06, 28 July 2021 (UTC)Reply

Migrating the newsletter to Meta


Sorry to see the newsletter go but if the goal is to have enhanced visibility, wouldn't it make sense to post the newsletter here and at Meta? They aren't mutually exclusive. Koavf (talk) 07:18, 11 November 2021 (UTC)Reply

FYI in case anyone is looking for the discussion about whether to migrate Outreach and the GLAM newsletter to meta, it's here: meta:Requests_for_comment/Outreach_migration#Discussion. - Fuzheado (talk) 18:08, 4 January 2022 (UTC)Reply




JSTOR has a section for images called ARTSTOR which has many images released under public domain. Some or all of these are not on Commons. Examples: [1], [2] Could someone do a batch download/upload of these images to Commons? That's beyond my skills but I think it would be great.

Best, --Adam Harangozó (talk) 11:46, 15 February 2022 (UTC)Reply

Is there a team I can consult to approach GLAM's?


I want to approach the Bank of Korea's Money Museum but I don't speak Korean, is there perhaps a group I can directly ask to help with approaching them? Or should volunteers do all of the approaching themselves? -- — Donald Trung (talk) 20:16, 27 August 2022 (UTC)Reply

Number of visits on Commons?


Hi, can any of the tools listed analyse the number of visits of individual images uploaded in the same category to Wikimedia Commons? Richard Sekerak (WMCZ) (talk) 18:18, 24 January 2023 (UTC)Reply

Does anyone have a connection with the Frick Art Reference Library


I saw a small exhibition of work by Albert Wainwright (Q96657484) at the Wolfsonian-FIU (Q2178180) in Miami. I see that Wainwright died in 1943, & the UK has life +70 copyright laws, so his work is in the public domain. I see that the Frick Art Reference Library Photoarchive (Q5503389) has an example of his work. They probably have other items. I would like to get these on Commons, & was wondering how best to contact the Frick to work out some sort of arrangement. Peaceray (talk) 16:02, 10 December 2023 (UTC)Reply