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Attention! The Community Programs Team needs new case studies! Submit your case study and get featured in a new brochure. [[<tvar|lm>Case_studies</tvar>| Click here to learn more]].
- Saul Hoffmann, Wikipedia in Teaching: Improving Autonomy in Research, Critical Sense, and Collaborative Abilities in Students, Making Them Contribute to the Free Encyclopedia, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2016: «students enjoyed the assignment and found it very interesting and useful for their future academic careers [...] a beneficial activity for both improving specific subject learning and Wikipedia literacy».
- Copyediting、アメリカ合衆国 Adrianne Wadewitz
- Definitions, James M. Lipuma and Davida Scharf, United States
- Write an article, Juliana Bastos Marques, Brazil
- Write a Featured Article, Jon Beasley-Murray, Canada
- Translation (Spanish), Leigh Thelmadatter, Mexico
- Translation (Arabic), Dalia Mohamed El Toukhy, Egypt
- Photos, Jiří Reif, Czech Republic
- Illustrations, Bruce Sharky, United States
- Videos, Jennifer Geigel Mikulay, United States
- Extend a Stub, Edis Kittrell, United States
- Research and edit, Lila Pagola y Cristina Siragusa, Argentina
- Creating local content, Lila Pagola y Pablo Género, Argentina
- Internship, Edward Galloway and William Daw, United States
- Writing DYK/Good Articles, Piotr Konieczny, Korea
- Content, Anne McNeil, United States
- Milestones, Robert Cummings, United States
- Reflective papers, Michael Mandiberg, United States
- Five criteria, Rochelle Davis, United States
- Peer reviews, Shamira Gelbman, United States
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