Education/Newsletter/July 2015/Wikipedia Education Collaborative is changing. Be part of the movement!

Snippet: WIkipedia Education Collaborative is changing toward more openness and more productivity, and we invite new program leaders to join.
The Wikipedia Education Collaborative is a group of experienced program leaders who have been running successful education programs for a considerable period of time. The group aims at helping other program leaders, educators and other program volunteers achieve their goals easier by providing the needed guidance and model programs. During the last year and a half, Collab members were trying to discover the best areas of need they can fill by their volunteer activity. This month, a new plan is deployed which aims at making the Collab work clearer for the members and more transparent for the wider Wikipedia community.
Joining the Collaborative is now easier and possible for any program leader who meets the membership criteria. The mailing list involving all member discussions is now open for anyone to join, follow updates, comment and share any thoughts with the group. There is also a new page that lists all tasks members are currently working on. Having this list will help members define clearer goals to work on achieving. Any member can add new tasks to the list as well as assign themselves any open task listed there.
Days after the new plan was announced to the members, they started to contribute to the new task list as well as a number of program leaders applied to become new members. The education Collaborative is happy to welcome four new members who joined this month: Alex Hinojo from Spain, Vassia Atanassova from Bulgaria, Sarah Mortsell from Sweden and Roxana Sordo from Uruguay.
- Call for volunteers
Wikipedia Education Collaborative is inviting every program leader who finds her/himself meeting the membership criteria to join the Collaborative by adding their request to this page. Contributing to the Wikipedia Education Collaborative will help the Wikipedia Education Program around the world grow, expand and develop. Let's work towards a world where every student is able to edit Wikipedia and every professor assigns their students to edit it.
Read more about the Wikipedia Education Collaborative here.
Request membership to the Wikipedia Education Collaborative here.