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Education/Wikipedia Education Collaborative/Tasks

From Outreach Wiki

This list has been used as a task management system for the Wikipedia Education Collaborative members until all tasks were moved to the Collab Project on Phabricator.

No Task Category Task description Goal! Claimed on Needed by Suggested by Claimed by Progress Helpful links/info
1 Education-related Learning Pattern Learning Create/encourage other program leaders, ambassadors or educators to write a learning pattern to help with a challenge related to WEP. The creation of 1 education-related learning pattern in the span of 3 months. 31/7/2015 31/10/2015 Samir Kippelboy


Learning Patterns Library

T111348 on Phabricator

2 Syria program mentoring Mentoring Give a good introduction about WEP to Lamees Elmawselly, an engineering student from Syria who is planning to start courses by the beginning of the new academic year using video calls, voice calls and/or written chat. Goal: +1 hour of helpful mentoring. Getting Lamees to a good understanding of What is Wikipedia Education Program and how it works. It is unneeded at present that she knows more details about how workshops work in detail, courses, grants, etc. ... ... Samir Reem Contact Samir to get connected to her.

T111349 on Phabricator

3 Newsletter posts for the next issue Communications Write/encourage other program leaders, ambassadors or educators to write 2 newsletter posts that share experiences for others to learn from. Writing two high-quality newsletter posts for the education newsletter about experiences that others can learn from. e.g. successful events, educators, students, etc. ... ... Samir Roxana Newsroom

T111350 on Phabricator

4 Closed!
See archive
5 Translate Editing Wikipedia brochure Resources Help translate/assign others to translate the "Editing Wikipedia" brochure to languages that were not translated/not complete till now. This task is suitable for several number of people to work on everyone's language or even more than one person/language pair. Translating 1500 words/person of the "Editing Wikipedia" brochure. This job is not easy to be done by one person. It is recommended to involve others to be able to get the whole brochure translated in a good time. ... ... Samir ... Link to the brochure

T111351 on Phabricator

6 Create a FAQ page for WEP Resources Create and/or encourage others to create and develop a FAQ page about Wikipedia Education Program. Creating an easy to read-to-read page on Outreach Wiki about Wikipedia Education Program answering a good number of questions usually posed to the education team, program leaders, education-l list, education@wikimedia.org, etc. ... ... Anna Example FAQ page

T111354 on Phabricator

7 Internationalizing the WEP Dashboard Extension ... ... ... Anna Sage (Wiki Ed)? Link to Phabricator project board and tasks

T111355 on Phabricator

8 Partnership MoU templates Resources Share templates used to formalize partnerships with local organizations and instructions/tips for localization ... ... ... Tighe Jami (Wiki Ed)? T111357 on Phabricator
9 Update Collab mentoring page Resources Collab mentoring page on Outreach is in {{draft}} form. It needs info about the type of help that can be asked for, and who to ask. The mentoring group has already fleshed some ideas out offline but they need to be fleshed out some more and transferred onto wiki. A clear and informative page on Mentoring, what it is and who to talk to about what. 10/7/2015 10/10/2015 Anna Reem Mentoring page

T111358 on Phabricator

10 Translate Instructor Basics: How to Use Wikipedia as a Teaching Tool Resources Translate Instructor Basics to languages that were not translated/not complete till now. This task is suitable for several number of people to work on everyone's language or even more than one person/language pair. Translating 1500 words/person of the "Instructor Basics" brochure. This job is not easy to be done by one person. It is recommended to involve others to be able to get the whole brochure translated in a good time. 8/7/2015 8/10/2015 David Lilit and David (translate to Armenian)



Link to the brochure

T111362 on Phabricator

Armenian: T111364 on Phabricator

11 Translate the "Education program" system messages into Bulgarian Resources Translation of 611 (82%) remaining system messages in BG with the prospect to include the extension to BG WP 30/7/2015 30/10/2015 Vassia Vassia Doing... T111366 on Phabricator
12 Guide for involving new volunteers Resources Writing a resource on using a strategy about starting committing volunteers with a simple task and building that into more and more deep involvement Writing a learning pattern about it 31/07/2015 30/09/2015 Kippelboy Kippelboy T111368 on Phabricator
13 Evaluation Rubric for the Education Program in Egypt Resources Developing an evaluation rubric for students and ambassadors in the education program in Egypt. Developing an effective evaluation rubric 03/8/2015 3/11/2015 Reem Al-Kashif Reem Al-Kashif T111370 on Phabricator
14 Translate Wikipedia en el Aula booklet from Spanish to English Resources To make available to more users a non-English resource and set up the infrastructure for translation to other languages Provide additional materials for teaching and learning about Wikipedia in Education ... ... Anna Link to booklet

T111372 on Phabricator

15 Translate Wikimedia na Sala de Aula booklet from Portuguese to English Resources To make available to more users a non-English resource and set up the infrastructure for translation to other languages Provide additional materials for teaching and learning about Wikipedia in Education ... ... Anna Link to booklet

T111373 on Phabricator

16 Translate Wikipedia de A a Z booklet from Portuguese to English Resources To make available to more users a non-English resource and set up the infrastructure for translation to other languages Provide additional materials for teaching and learning about Wikipedia in Education ... Anna Link to booklet

T111375 on Phabricator

17 Mark education portal pages on Outreach wiki for translation Resources To make Education Program portal content available to more users in more languages Prepare for translation pages in Category:Education Portal and Category:Wikipedia Education Program ... ... Anna Note: See also Task #18. This should probably be done first.

T111383 on Phabricator

18 Improve existing Education Learning Patterns Learning Improve, or encourage others to improve existing education-related learning patterns. Improve at least 1 education-related learning pattern. ... ... Anna Link to category

T111384 on Phabricator

19 Categorize education portal pages WikiGnoming To make education program resources and documentation more findable Whether manually or with some magical wiki tool (or bot), please add categories the same categories to all education portal pages. ... ... Anna Category:Education Portal

Category:Wikipedia Education Program

T111388 on Phabricator

20 Closed!
See archive
21 Closed!
See archive
22 Managing the WEP Facebook group Communications As group admins, take care of the WEP Facebook group.
  1. Post +1 helpful post to the group every week.
  2. Reply to +80% of posts added to the group by members.
  3. Delete any spam/irrelevant posts added to the group in less than one day.
  4. Approve new members as requests come in.
29/7/2015 Ongoing Floor Vojtech, Shani and Roxana Doing... Facebook group

T111397 on Phabricator

23 Closed!
See archive
24 Recruit a Collab member from Asia Mentoring Recruit a WEP program leader from an Asian country to actively participate in the Collab At least one Asian WEP program leader joins the Collab by the end of 2015. 2/9/2015 31/12/2015 Anna Koval (WMF) (talk) 15:14, 1 September 2015 (UTC)[reply] Filip Maljković Doing... Link to the ESEA Hub Community Yellow Pages on Meta

T111401 on Phabricator

25 Recruit a Collab member from India Mentoring Recruit a WEP program leader from India to actively participate in the Collab At least one Indian WEP program leader joins the Collab by the end of 2015. 31/12/15 Anna Koval (WMF) (talk) 20:03, 2 September 2015 (UTC)[reply] Link to India's WEP page

T111404 on Phabricator

26 Locate and link all translations of the online trainings Resources Locate and link all translations of the online trainings and improve this stub page here: Education/Trainings/Translations A comprehensive list of all complete and partial training translations to date and a new page or category to link them. Anna Koval (WMF) (talk) 23:40, 2 September 2015 (UTC)[reply] Helpful links:

A ... B ... C ... D ... E ... F ...

T111406 on Phabricator

27 WMF blog post about new Wiki-TAU course Learning & Resources reporting about a new elective course that focuses on contributing to Wikipedia that will be available to all BA students at Tel Aviv University. 09/09/2015 10/10/2015 Samir Shani. (talk) 13:54, 9 September 2015 (UTC)[reply] Doing...
28 Full statistics of WEP in Egypt from 2012- 2015 Resources Run a full statistics of WEP in Egypt from the first term in 2012 till the sixth term in 2015 which include numbers of created articles, featured and good articles, featured portales and lists. Full statistics of WEP in Egypt from the first to the sixth term 2012-2015 to be a good reference to anyone which interested to know the progress of the program. This statistics will be updated two times per year. 17/09/2015 26/09/2015 Walaa Walaa YesY Done Link of Full statistics of WEP in Egypt (2012- 2015)

T112903 on Phabricator

29 Updating WEP honor board page on Ar.Wiki Resources Updating WEP honor board page in Egypt on Arabic Wikipedia (2012-2015) which includes featured and good articles, featured portales and lists. Updating WEP honor board page on Arabic Wikipedia (2012-2015) to help anyone who would like to see the excellent content and the progress of the program in Egypt . 24/09/2015 24/09/2015 Walaa Walaa YesY Done Link of arabic wikipedian content of premium content of WEP in Egypt (2012- 2015)

T114070 on Phabricator