GLAM/Newsletter/April 2013/Contents/Hungary report
Article writing contest about statistics and related sciences
When it comes to statistics, people are mostly thinking about numbers (especially sports statistics) but there are much more beyond that. Statistics are actually heavily bonded with sociology since many stories that can be told through the numbers are having a sociological and/or historical and/or a cultural background, thus filling those numbers with a lot of life and history. Statistics are the backbones of most of the economy related articles as well; without them, writing about the economy of a county, a region, a city or and industry would be much harder. Statistics can be powerful, just think about the US unemployment rates and its sometimes heavy effect on the US stock market and politics. The same applies to the rest of the world as well.
The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (Központi Statisztikai Hivatal or simply KSH), its library (KSH Könyvtár) and Wikimedia Hungary signed a three side agreement to conduct an article writing contest in statistical sciences (about famous people from these sciences, Hungarian censuses, general terms, etc.) starting on May 1 and finishing on June 30 on the Hungarian Wikipedia, as part of the International Year of Statistics.
The library will give free access to all of its contents for the participants for the time of the contest, while the office took on the job of advertising the event and reaching out to those high schools and universities where these sciences are being taught. Wikimedia Hungary took the responsibility to create a separate page and coordinate everything on the Hungarian Wikipedia.