GLAM/Newsletter/June 2014/Contents/France report
Round table in Brussels; Video at Sèvres; 70th anniversary of the D-Day
ByRound table in Brussels
On April 23rd, Jean-Frédéric participated to a roundtable in Brussels on « Mass Digitization and Open Access to Cultural Heritage ». The event was organized by Wikimedia movement and UNESCO.
During the partnership with Sèvres (see previous coverage) our volunteers have produced a reportage on the Mill workshop the Manufacture nationale de céramique de Sèvres in France. This video was shot in April 2013, and released in April 2014. It took almost a year to validate and post-process: the validation process of this partnership is really important as it shows accurate ways of producing Ceramic.
For the 70th anniversary of the D-Day, the Musée de Bretagne (museum of Brittany) welcomed on June 6th wikimedians and Friends of the Musée de Bretagne. During this workshop, Wikimedians from the Non-Cabale de l'Ouest (the local Wikimédia France group) explained how to contribute to Wikimedia projects. The museum contributed by uploading 58 images from its collection related to WWII on Wikimedia Commons. This workshop is the first step of regular workshops and uploads.
CROTOS − search engine of artworks in Wikidata
Semanticpedia is a collaboration platform between the French Ministy for Culture, research institute Inria and Wikimédia France, which aims at developing reuses of semantic data extracted from Wikimedia projects (see previous coverage). Earlier this year was organised a contest for apps, and the winners were announced in April.
Wikimedian Benoît Deshayes won in the category “valorisation of cultural and linguistic data” with CROTOS, a multilingual search engine of artworks using Wikidata (including a contibution mode to filter some missing properties).
- See CROTOS homepage
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