GLAM/Newsletter/June 2014/Contents/UK report
Free Culture; Image releases
ByFree Culture Weekend

As part of the build-up to Wikimania 2014, a "fringe" Free Culture Weekend was held at the Barbican in London on 7-8 June. A number of GLAM topics were discussed. There is an etherpad with notes from the event.
Jewellery pictures
Andy Mabbett secured a donation of over 17,000 images of jewellery, silverware and other items, from Fellows, a Birmingham auction house. These were kindly uploaded by Fæ.
National Library of Scotland

The first three batches of digital content from the National Library of Scotland’s collections have been successfully uploaded to Wikimedia Commons this month! This follows the acceptance in March 2014 of a library-wide policy that places all NLS-generated metadata under a CC-0 licence; digital content will be released under either a CC-0 or CC-BY-NC-SA licence.
This is extremely exciting and is the result of a combined effort from the NLS and Wikimedia UK; hopefully it is just the first in many projects of this type both at the NLS and at other Scottish organisations!
See the released content here:
Wikimania 2014
The program is largely in place, registrations are flowing in, we have sufficient interest for a GLAM breakout session venue tbc.
See for an overview of GLAM sessions during Wikimania the Wikimania report.
Equipment donation
The Natural History Museum has donated two Epson Expression Model 10000XL flat bed scanners to Wikimedia UK which we can then lend out to cultural institutions to enable them to digitise their collections and release them under an open licence.
Other news
Andy Mabbett gave a talk on QRpedia at the "CAKE", (Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange) Morning, an event at the University of Birmingham's "Digital Humanities Hub", for the cultural sector.
The link to the Jewellery upload is going through to a deleted page - is there an alternative? Hchc2009 (talk) 07:33, 12 July 2014 (UTC)
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