GLAM/Newsletter/June 2017/Single
Campaign #1lib1ref in Buenos Aires, new material donated and guidelines for cultural institutions
#1lib1ref in the National Library of Argentina
During the month of may and june we did the campaign #1lib1ref in different cultural institutions of Buenos Aires. One of the biggest lectures was in the national library of Argentina. In that workshop we met with 40 librarians from different areas of the library and we explained the importance of Wikipedia and the Wikimedia Foundation, the project #1lib1ref (1 librarian 1 reference) and which are the steps to add reference the Wikipedia articles.
Guidelines for cultural institions

We created a manual for cultural institutions, the purpose of this guideline is to clear the doubts and avoid the classic mistakes from first editions.
Idazlezainak: librarians as writers' curators
Liburuzainak: taking care of writers
The Basque name for librarian is Liburuzaina, which literally means “book curator”. With a little word play we have created Idazlezainak, which literally means “writer’s curator”, the person who takes care of writers. The idea of this project is quite simple: to gather a group of librarians in order to create or improve articles in Wikipedia and other sister projects about basque creators. A group of 15 librarians are working in Donostia in this project and are gathering every Friday to edit about writers, books, illustrators, translators...Basque living heritage.
A Wikimedian in Residence for the writer's voices
Leire Cano started working as Wikimedian in Residence in March 2017 and she will be there until December. Her mission was to get free license for a number of book covers, images… and especially, get in contact with writers in order to interview them, record their voices, record them reading pieces of tales. Many Basque writers have already passed by the library which means an important milestone for the library itself.
The Catalan connection
Basque → Spanish → Catalan → Spanish → Basque
Basque and Catalan librarians are working together to showcase their writers. It is a double direction translation contest which uses Spanish as a bridge language. 25 for 25 authors whose work has been translated into Basque or Catalan, but whose Wikipedia articles do not exist in the other language. The process is quite easy: articles on Basque authors will be created and completed by Basque librarians, translated into Spanish, as their are bilingual. Catalan librarians will take those articles and will translate them into Catalan. Alternatively, Catalan librarians will create and draw up articles on Catalan writers, and translate them into Spanish in order to have Basque librarians translate them into Basque.
GLAM seminar Sharing is Caring
Sharing is Caring - Brussels Extension

On 20 June 2017 we organised as the closing event of the project Wiki Loves Art 2016, the photo contest in museums and heritage libraries to get more images of artworks, historic museum pieces and the exterior/interior of institutions itself on Wikipedia. In July-August 2016, anyone interested could go to the participating museums and heritage libraries and take photos for on Wikipedia and beyond. We organised the project to get better Wikipedia articles and more online visibility for the participating institutions, and to have extra attention for the Belgian cultural heritage on Wikipedia. Wiki Loves Art also has been organised to show cultural institutions how easy it is to work together with Wikipedia and Wikimedia, and that collaboration is possible.
Sharing is Caring is a conference platform focused on collaboration and sharing in the cultural heritage sector, bringing together practitioners, researchers, and users of culture. In analogy to the TED conferences and local TEDx extensions, the format is spreading from the core-event in Denmark to other countries, where local extensions address the topics that are close to their heart and their community. After the first extension in Hamburg, Wikimedia Belgium and PACKED vzw framed their closing event for the Wiki Loves Art 2016 within this platform as ‘Sharing is Caring – Brussels Extension: Opening up with Wikimedia’.
The ’Sharing is Caring – Brussels extension’ conference introduced the Belgian heritage sector to the possible applications of the various Wikimedia platforms for opening up digital collections. The conference showcased examples from museums, libraries and archives from Belgium and abroad. Besides showcasing Wiki-GLAM cooperations, the goal of the conference was to find motivated individuals and institutions with whom to organise content donations, promote reuse and remix.
At the seminar we had speakers from multiple fields in the GLAM world sharing their experiences and best practises with Wikipedia and Wikimedia. Visitors at the seminar came from various parts of Belgium and from the various GLAM fields. More information about the seminar can be found at the page WMBE: Sharing is Caring Brussels 2017 and the website. (photos)
Presentation about Open Data Formats
Presentation about collaboration, inclusing Wikipedian in Residence
Catch 22
Bulgarian GLAM activists were awarded with the "Friends of the Archives" Award

On June 9, Bulgarian Wikipedia obtained the "Friend of the Archives 2016" Plaquet for the collaboration with the Bulgarian Archives State Agency that has been maintained for already six years. On behalf of the Wikimedian community, the award was received by two of the longterm editors and contributors within the collaboration, Spasimir Pilev and Vassia Atanassova.
The recognition came on the International Archives Day, which is celebrated for the ninth subsequent year, and this year is running under the motto "Archives, Citizenship and Interculturalism". This is also the theme of the forthcoming ALA-ICA annual Conference 2017, organized in November 2017 in Mexico.
2017 is the first year when winners are awarded in the newly defined "Friend of the Archives" category. The plaquet and the diplom were awarded to Wikipedia for "contribution to the popularization of archival documents of individuals and events from Bulgarian history, and for the fruitful cooperation with the Archives Agency". Journalists, historians and university professors who attended the ceremony, expressed vivid interest in this collaboration.
The partnership itself has produced some really impressive results: already more than 9000 handpicked and digitized archival images, that have served to illustrate more than 1500 articles in Bulgarian, and more than 1850 articles in 75 other sister projects plus more than 370 entries in Wikidata. The rate of distinct images used is close to 20% and the number of new articles created thanks to this digitized content is more than 140 (see [4]). Apart of the individual digitization efforts of the Bulgarian Wikimedians, these numbers are result of the support of the international wiki community that got actively engaged in the Archives Challenge in 2015 and in 2016. As of 2017, the collaboration has been fostered with a portable scanner and a microfilm scanner, funded by the Wikimedia Foundation.
It is noteworthy that the received "Friend of the Archives 2016" plaquet is not the first award for the Bulgarian version of Wikipedia. In 2009, special award for overall contribution to the development of the Bulgarian webspace was awarded by the "BG Site" Foundation.
- [bg] Press release on the website of the Bulgarian Archives State Agency, 9 June 2017
- [bg] Blogpost in the blog of the Bulgarian wiki community, 10 June 2017
- [en] Community digest: Wikipedians in Bulgaria revive their history through the Archives Challenge, news in brief, 5 December 2016
- [en] Presentation about the Archives Challenge at the national conference WikiLive 2017 of Wikimedia Serbia, 8 April 2017
Strategy discussion with GLAM partners

Prepared during May, the Cycle 2 meet-up with GLAM partners was held on 11th June 2017 at the Francophonie headquarters, one of our key GLAM partners. The main purpose of this discussion was to have new insights regarding the future of Wikimedia future from the perspectives of various experts whose voices are not always associated with the strategy process.
Introduction to the Wikimedia movement and its strategy discussion
The meetup started at 9:30am with a joint presentation made by Donatien Kangah, chair of WCUG-CI, and Samuel Guebo, vice-chair and Strategy coordinator for the French-Speaking communities. They focused their presentation (PDF) recalling what Wikipedia and its sister projects are about. Afterwards they insisted on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy discussion.
A cycle 2, following a cycle 1
Participants familiarized themselves with the cycle 1 discussion in which WCUG-CI took part. They learned more about the 5 main themes generated from the cycle 1 discussion and were given the chance to ask questions.
Discussing the 5 themes
WikiCity Litovel
WikiMěsto Litovel

Czech: Účastníci WikiMěsta Litovel před budovou Městské knihovny.
Ve dnech 9.–11. června 2017 proběhlo čtvrté WikiMěsto v České republice, tentokrát v moravském městě Litovel. Cílem akce bylo rozšířit a zkvalitnit informace o městě a jeho okolí na české Wikipedii. Celkem patnáct wikipedistů pracovalo ve třech skupinách. Encyklopedisté psali články o těchto tématech, fotografové pořitovali snímky významných objektů, památek či přírodních rezervací a to ze země i pomocí dronu ze vzduchu, a tým GLAM jednal s místními kulturními institucemi. Součástí akce byla i setkání s veřejností. V pátek proběhla přednáška "Jak funguje Wikipedie" a o víkendu editovali wikipedisté ve stanu na náměstí a podávali informace zájemcům.
Do oblasti GLAM je možné zařadit několik aktivit: Prostory nám poskytla Městská knihovna v Litovli v renesančním Domě soukenického cechu. Měli jsme k dispozici také veškerý knižní fond. Byli jsme přijati v Městském muzeu v Litovli, kde nám pracovníci věnovali několik desítek souborů historických pohlednic města. Mluvili jsme také o dalších možnostech spolupráce mezi muzeem a wikipedisty. Díky spolupráci s Turistickým informačním centrem jsme mohli pořídit fotografie litovelského podzemí během plavby po Nečízu. Centrum rovněž umožnilo wikipedistům návštěvu památek a akcí festivalu Hanácké Benátky. Nabídli jsme centru i možnost využívat QRpedii pro informování turistů o městských pamětihodnostech. Také projevili zájem o fotografie pořízené během Wikiměsta, z nichž některé by rádi použili na svých propagačních materiálech.
WikiCity Litovel
The 4th Wikiměsto (WikiCity) in the Czech Republic took part from 9 to 11 June 2017, this time in the Moravian town of Litovel. The aim of the event was to broaden and improve information about the town and its surroundings in Czech Wikipedia. Fifteen Wikipedians were working in three groups. The encyclopaedic team was writing articles on topics connected with the town, the photographic team was taking pictures of important buildings, sights and natural reserves from the ground and also from the air using a drone, and the GLAM team was dealing with local cultural institutions. Meetings with the public were also a part of the event. On Friday a lecture "How Wikipedia Works" took part and during the weekend some Wikipedians were editting in a tent on the square, giving various information to anybody interested.
Several activities fall into the GLAM area: editting took place in the rennaissance building of the Litovel City Library. We had all their books at our disposal. We also met some people from the Litovel City Museum, who gave us several tens of scanned historical postcards of the town. We spoke also about further possibilities of cooperation between the museum and Wikipedians. Thanks to the cooperation with the Tourist Information Centre Litovel we could take photographs of the Litovel underground during a short cruise on the stream Nečíz, flowing under the centre of Litovel. The Tourist Information Centre also allowed the Wikipedians to visit the sights in the town and events of the festival Hanácké Benátky (Venice of Haná). We offered them a possibility to use QRpedia to inform tourists about city sights. They were also interested in our photographs taken during the event, some of which they would like to use on their materials to promote the town.
Summer school about photographic collections
BaltHerNet summer school about photographic collections
From June 26 to 29 BaltHerNet summer school took place in Rõuge Parish in southern Estonia, in the same location where first summer school was held in 2007. BaltHerNet is a non-profit organization focusing on the history and heritage of Baltic people in exile (Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians). This year's summer school had presentations about the photographic heritage of the Estonian diaspora abroad and collections about diaspora in the Estonian public collections (mostly in the National Archives, in the Estonian National Museum and in the Estonian Literary Museum). According to Piret Noorhani, the president of BaltHerNet and the main organizer of the event, all the larger Estonian diaspora communities were represented. Among other presentations, Vahur Puik (Estonian Photographic Heritage Society, WMEE) spoke about the rights related to images and about using digital tools to describe photo collections and also about geotagging pictures on the crowdsourcing platform he is the manager of. Ivo Kruusamägi introduced the Wikimedia Commons and different ways of contributing to Wikipedia. A topic that was discussed more was identifying the persons depicted on old images and ways of capturing the data. During the summer school Vahur conducted an experiment with two free (but not open source) software tools – Picasa from Google (not anymore in development, but still usable) and Apple Photos (part of MacOS by default) and processed a collection of more than 10000 photographs from the portal of Estonian cultural history Kreutzwald's Century.
The summer school reminded how much and what kind of cultural heritage of our countries and cultures may be located outside of the country and how the digitization of these collections can help in joining it into our shared cultural heritage and memory.
Conference for Archives of Gironde
Conference for Archives of Gironde
As part of international archives day, local Wikimedians were invited on 9th of June for a conference in order to introduce Wikipedia to archives' visitors. Around 25 people gathered to discover how to contribute. This was a first step towards a partnership with this institution. More to come next year.
"Wiki Loves Music" project features musical instruments from two museums, and more
Documenting art and craftsmanship from the Renaissance to today

From 22 to 25 June, about 30 Wikipedians from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland gathered in Hamburg to improve Wikipedia's coverage of musical instruments as part of German Wikipedia's "Wiki Loves Music" project. The project was hosted by the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, which published 100 professional photographs of historical musical instruments from its collection under CC0 through its "online collection". Image donations also came from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, and from contemporary musical instrument makers such as Yamaha.
The editathon focused on the museums's collection of historical keyed instruments, while photographers created closeups of wind instrument mechanics and experimented with videos featuring professional and amateur musicians demonstrating key techniques. The programme also featured two concerts of classical music, tours of two museums, and a visit to Hamburg's new Elbphilharmonie symphony hall. A documentation of the project outcomes can be found on German Wikipedia, the photos are currently being uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. The next step will be to insert the photos into Wikipedia articles in various languages.
Photographing a flautist.
Photographing instrument details.
A harp by Sébastien Erard, London, 1826.
Stroh violin, London, ca. 1910.
Cembalo by Christian Zell, 1728
Player piano, Oldenburg, 1910.
Hurdy-gurdy, Jenzat, 1880.
Animation demonstrating the celesta mechanism.
Modern French horn.
Video of a trombone glissando.
Edit-a-thons & libraries
WikiDonne Edit-a-thons
1-30th June, WikiDonne online editathons following themes: Women in MET (Metropolitan Museum of Art) collections, Wiki Loves Pride 2017 and women lived before XX century. Organizer: Camelia Boban.
Wikimedia Italy - AIB agreement
In April 20th AIB (Italian Libraries Association) and Wikimedia Italy have signed a two-year agreement with which they are committed to collaborate to promote free knowledge in Italian libraries and among industry staff. In June this agreement was published and widespread by media. The two Associations are aimed to work together to promote initiatives that encourage the spread of open licenses and the free re-use of digitized works of Italian libraries.
Acta Eruditorum and BEIC

The BEIC digital library uploaded to Wikimedia Commons 330 illustrated pages from the Acta Eruditorum, one of the first scientific journals and the first literary journal of the German lands. Published for an entire century from 1682 to 1782 and written in Latin, Acta Eruditorum was intended to keep up to date on the latest scientific discoveries and literary reviews across Europe.
Edit-a-thon at Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina

Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina is an ethnographic museum in San Michele all'Adige (Autonomous Province of Trento). On June 17, 2017 it hosted an edit-a-thon. After a guided tour Wikipedians and staff worked together to create new articles on Italian Wikipedia and improve existing ones, including La frontiera nascosta (The Hidden Frontier), uomo selvatico (wild man), segheria (sawmill), scritte dei pastori della valle di Fiemme (writings of the shepherds in Fiemme Valle) and Giuseppe Šebesta. The Museum has also donated several image to Wikimedia Commons.
Wikisource at the Philosophy Library of Sapienza University
In the month of June the Philosophy Library of Sapienza University, in collaboration with the students of the high school Liceo Giulio Cesare in Rome and with Wikimedia Italia, started a project aimed at digitalizing a book on the italian edition of Wikisource. The students worked at the proofreading of the text (a rare italian translation of Plato's dialogues by the philosopher Francesco Acri) from July 6th to July 23rd, and the result of their efforts is now completed and on-line. More informations (in Italian) here.
New GLAM project at Trento Municipal Library
On May 1st, 2017 Trento Municipal Library in cooperation with Servizio Civile Universale Provinciale and Wikimedia Italia has started a new GLAM project: Geografie del mondo antico (Geographies of the Early modern period). The aims of the project are:
- to digitize some documents and post-product already digitized images of old maps and cartographic prints from the Early modern period (XVII-XVIII century);
- to increase Wikimedia Commons heritage with public domain images (around 600 new files);
- to create links between Catalogo Bibliografico Trentino (bibliographic catalog) and Commons images and vice versa.
The work, started by the Wikipedian in Residence Francesco Serra, will continue until April 30, 2018.
GLAM project at Pistoia Municipal Library
On June 8, 8 and 13 begun at San Giorgio Library the GLAM project on Pistoia with the first training initiative on Wikipedia. On september/october will be held two more courses on Wikipedia for library users and for librarians and a training initiative on Open street map.
New collaboration of GLAM Macedonia user group with the City Library in Skopje

Wikipedian in Residence at the City Library "Braka Miladinovci" - Skopje
The agreement for collaboration between GLAM Macedonia user group and the City Library "Braka Miladinovci" - Skopje was signed in March 2017. On 9 June 2017 we sent the first Wikipedian in Residence at the City Library, which is the first collaboration with the Libraries in Macedonia at all.
Wikipedian in Residence at the Library has to serve as liaison between the Library and the Wikimedia community.
Some of the results after one month of WiR duty are:
- First organized Wikipedian tour through the City Library "Braka Miladinovci" - Skopje took place on 22 June 2017. The Wikipedian in Residence at the Library along with the official employees from the Library had a tour through the Library for Wikipedians. Wikipedians were introduced to the work of the Library.
- Wikipedian in Residence held an edit-a-thon and workshop for group of Wikipedians.
- Wikipedian in Residence gave a workshop about adding and usage of references.
- Three new users, employees of the Library and one student, educated by Wikipedian in Residence.
- Five new articles created by Librarians, and more than 10 existing articles edited.
- More than 70 references added to the existing articles on

Staro Nagoricane Municipality meeting
On 15 June 2017, 6 students, all members of the Wiki Club in Staro Nagoricane, were guests on the meeting with the officials and with the Mayor of the Municipality, Milovan Stojkovski, along with the Chair of UG GLAM Macedonia, the coordinator of the Wiki Club in Staro Nagoricane and the principal of the school were is held the Wiki Club.
On the meeting, the Mayor gave a lightening talk about the Municipality cultural heritage. The students were introduced with the main features of the Municipality. At the end of the meeting, the Mayor gave to the students brochures with the texts and photos from the Municipality cultural heritage.
Workshop children's books, Sharing is Caring Brussels, short WiR period at Utrecht University Library & Preparations medieval image donation
Workshop childern's books and youth literature, Amsterdam, 22nd June 2017

On 22nd June 2017 the Dutch Foundation for the History of children's and youth literature (SGKJ), the KB and the public library of Amsterdam organised a workshop themed around childern's books and youth literature. The workshop was attended by 9 persons. This was a follow-up activity for a recent image donation of 187 historic children's picture books.
Presentations: Sharing is Caring, Brussels, 20th June 2017
On 20th June 2017, various active Dutch GLAMwiki staff and volunteers participated in Sharing is Caring Brussels X 2017. Tim de Haan (NA, National Archives of the Netherlands) and Olaf Janssen (KB, national library of the Netherlands) spoke about the collaboration of the NA and KB with Wikimedia over the last 5 years. Sandra Fauconnier talked about Wikidata collaborations with the ModeMuseum Antwerpen and Flemish art collections. Olaf's slides are on Commons and on Slideshare. The ModeMuseum and Flemish art collections presentations are on SlideShare. Photos here
Brief Wikipedian in Residence period at Utrecht University Library
In May and June, Sandra Fauconnier spent 8 days as Wikipedian in Residence at the Special Collections of Utrecht University Library. This short residency is a part of the UNESCO Memory of the World Wikipedian in Residence project that takes place this Summer.
Sandra worked together with enthusiastic staff and with the talented intern RianneM. The residency included a two-day course on Wikimedia projects (Wikipedia, Wikisource, Wikidata and Commons) and many chats with staff about various aspects of the University Library's collections in relation to Wikimedia. Rianne wrote several Wikipedia articles on Dutch and English Wikipedia about highlights from the Special Collections' manuscript collection and executed an upload of 84 scans from these manuscripts to Wikimedia Commons. Together, Sandra and Rianne also performed a pilot of describing the manuscripts on Wikidata. The residency was concluded with an internal report with recommendations (still in draft) and will probably be followed up by a Wikipedia component in an art history course at Utrecht University, and a public activity in September.
In July, Sandra spends 6 days as Wikipedian in Residence at Zeeuws Archief, Middelburg, the Netherlands.
Codex Boreelianus, UBU Hs.1, page with decorated initial
Book of Hours, UBU Hs. 5 J 27, illumination
Postilla in Prophetas, UBU Hs. 252, illumination
Pontifical of St. Mary, UBU Hs. 400, detail of initial
Boethius, De Consolatione Philosophiae, UBU Hs. 1335, illumination
Preparations large image donation medieval manuscripts, May-July 2017
After the image donation of the Beyeren armorial the KB will upload over 400 other manuscripts to Commons in the course of 2017. Most of these will be richly decorated, so-called illuminated manuscripts, coming from the website Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts. In addtition, medieval works from the digitized collection highlights will be donated.
WikiProjects of students of Petrozavodsk State University
This is a short report about works of PetrSU students in WikiProjects during 2016-2017 academic year.
Wikiversity and Wikidata
In 2016-2017 academic year, PetrSU was the first university in the world where students learn Wikidata. Students study to write SPARQL requests in order to extract data from Wikidata and to visualize results.
History. Since 2012, students of Petrozavodsk State University (PetrSU) under the guidance of the teacher (Andrew Krizhanovsky) study the subject "Internet Mathematics" in Karelian Research Centre of RAS. Students work in Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikinews and Commons. Since 2016 students work with Wikidata and Wikiversity.
The published wiki manual for students and teachers[1] was used as a basis for the course in Russian Wikiversity. This is the course Work on the wiki-like environment. At first, students select a chapter from this manual, then they copy-paste the text to Wikiversity, format text written by teacher with wiki-markup. And the most interesting part of this work ‒ students formulate questions in the form of quiz to the reader of this chapter. During lectures students play with quizzes prepared by other students.

Brave new course "Программирование Викиданных" (Programming Wikidata) started in Russian Wikiversity. This new course was written and translated by PetrSU students to the English Wikiversity course "Research in programming Wikidata".
In the course "Programming Wikidata" several dozen Wikidata objects were offered to students. They had a wide range of choices: from "natural disaster" and "protected area" to "subjects of Russia" and "programming language". There are 14 tasks on the course page (in Russian). The students had to complete all these 14 pieces of work. A completed study on the selected topic (section of the course) is the result of the work.
13 chapters were written. Some of these chapters are full-fledged research papers. Success can be explained by (1) indicating an exact deadline for each of assignments, (2) students who missed deadlines were awarded a penalty assignments. Early notification of deadlines helped responsible and hardworking students to organize their time better, it helped them to follow the course continuously during the semester, so everything is not all jammed up and submitted in the last week. Their less conscientious teammates do not take into account any deadlines (15 out of 25 students finished this course in the university).

During this research work students together with the teacher wrote almost the same text in several formats:
- an article with wiki-markup in Russian Wikiversity;
- a translation of this article in English Wikiversity;
- this article in LaTeX at site Authorea, the result text is HTML page (see list of articles written by PetrSU students at Authorea).
- this article in LaTeX compiled to PDF and submitted to the site Nauchkor (Science correspondent), see list of articles written by PetrSU students at Nauchkor.
Thus, new project Research in programming Wikidata was created in English Wikiversity. Surprisingly that the students translated their articles into English very well. Students, who were previously studied in schools of karelian cities Kostomuksha and Kem, and in Derzhavin Lyceum at Petrozavodsk, show greater English language skills.
There are good reasons to use Wikidata in education:
- Specialty of our PetrSU students is "Information systems and technologies", therefore Wikidata programming is an interesting challenge for students.
- Wikidata SPARQL service is a query language, a database, and a visual interface. It is a complex and mature system.
- Wikidata is ready to use tool with zero installation effort.
Also Authorea was used by students. It is an online system for collaborative writing of research articles in Latex. And like Wikidata, Authorea do not requires installation and maintenance of software.
Therefore, two new courses Work on the wiki-like environment and Programming Wikidata were created in Russian Wikiversity in 2016-2017. PetrSU students contribute for the most part of edits in Russian Wikiversity during this academic year. Both these projects could be usefully exploited in education over many years.
Russian Wikinews
During the fall semester 2016, there were three attempts to write an article in Wikinews related to science and technology. Teacher and editors of Wikinews did not understand these students texts and these attempts failed. However, the students had to submit some work, and the teacher proposed to prepare material with the music of their favorite group in the format WP:NFCC. Thus, wonderful musical fragments appeared in the articles of the English and Russian Wikipedia: Infected Mushroom and Machinae Supremacy.
Russian Wikipedia

From 2012 till 2015 PetrSU students translated featured articles related to computer science from English to Russian Wikipedia. One article for one student. And in 2016 it was an attempt to make a teamwork translation. But it was failed. Only two translation stubs were written.
Students proposed to make an audio article as an alternative work. Thus, the article of the year Russian language in Russian Wikipedia was selected. Five dictors recorded spoken version of this article. The total playing time is one and a half hours. Also, the student Denis Chechko recorded spoken version of the featured article Astrarium.
Students Kir Kulev and Osolotkin Ilya prepared subtitles and Russian audio track of the video on Open Access[2].
- Karelian Research Centre of RAS
In accordance with the task Bio, students significantly expanded the articles devoted to biographies of scientists and chairmens of Karelian Research Centre of RAS. In chronological order these articles are Aleksandr Polkanov (the article extended by student Kir Kulev), Vladimir Ermakov (Denis Chechko extended the article and recorded the spoken version), Valentin Lopatin (by Osolotkin Ilya), Ivan Gorsky (by Darya Sukhanova), Vsevolod Dadykin (by Valery Denisova). In accordance with Bio task students added as much as possible information to Wikidata about these scholars.
The article about Karelian scholar Pyotr Borisov was extended by student Alexander Kurbeev. This article was awarded by the promising article status ().
- Petrozavodsk State University
From 2014 PetrSU students write about our university in Wikipedia. During this academic year Darya Sukhanova wrote in the article Петрозаводский государственный университет the section about sports and recreation center PetrSU in Shotozero. Denis Chechko recorded spoken version of the section about Botanic Garden of PetrSU in the same article in Russian Wikipedia.
In English Wikipedia in the article Petrozavodsk State University the same duet Kirill and Ilya wrote two new sections "Foundation of the University" and "Founding and development of PetrSU during 1950s-1960s". These are translations from interwiki article in Russian Wikipedia.
Students Vadim Sidorkov and Stanislav Remnev created video about Petrozavodsk and our university. For the first month, this video scored 5 thousand views in the social network Vkontakte.
See also
See the next story about our students: The first students of Russia with diplomas of Wikimedia and Petrozavodsk State University (2018).
- ↑ Krizhanovsky A. A. "Laboratory practical work on the wiki-like environment on the example of Russian Wikipedia (for students and teachers)" // Petrozavodsk: Petrozavodsk State University, 2015. 115 p. (in Russian)
- ↑ This work was mentioned in the report prepared by Daniel Mietchen Russian version of the PhD Comics video on Open Access // GLAM, Newsletter, December 2016
Wikipedia and the Museum of Málaga
Workshop at the Museum of Málaga

What is Wikipedia? Who and how can you upload content? What is a Wikipedian? How can we upload cultural information? How can we share museum collections in Wikipedia? What is a GLAM project? These and other issues were discussed in a session held at the Museum of Málaga on June 14. The event was framed in the reflection line that is being carried out on the use of open data in the Open Heritage Laboratory (Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage, IAPH) and in the course "Culture and Cultural Management. The Cultural Project", organized by the Association of Cultural Managers of Andalusia and the Public School of Cultural Formation of Andalusia.
The session offered several tips on these topics to arouse interest and offer the possibility of participating in Wikimedia community, having as an element of union the public collections of the Museum of Málaga. First we participated in a guided visit of the museum and finished the day with a workshop on Wikipedia and how to share the museum's collections thanks to the Wikimedia projects.
MoU with the Ministry of Culture
In 2015 we signed up a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. This allowed us to collaborate with the network of state museums; in this two years we have organized several edit-a-thons, writing contests, workshops, talks and have uploaded images of their collections. We have now renewed this MoU and we can continue collaborating with these 17 state museums.
Connected Open Heritage; Wiki Loves Earth; Water data on Wikidata
Connected Open Heritage
First batchupload of images from Kulturmiljöbild completed
In the beginning of June we completed the first batch upload of 8288 images from The Swedish National Heritage Board's photographic database (Kulturmiljöbild). The focus of this first upload were images which depicted listed buildings or archaeological monuments in Sweden. Since the metadata specifies exactly which object is depicted these can easily be included in either Wikipedia articles or on Wikidata items. Go to this category to start exploring the images.
This is the first of several batch uploads from the Kulturmiljöbild collection, in the coming months we will upload more images from both their Swedish and international collection. The images contained in the collections spans from documentation from excavations, item/building photography, hand made drawings to areal photography.
Ales stenar in Skåne.
A drawing from the 1800s of the Drotten ruin.
Areal photography of the Eketorps fortification.
Restoration work being performed on the Rök runestone.
Wikidata migration
The amount of cultural heritage data on Wikidata is steadily increasing as we continue to work on processing and migrating the Wiki Loves Monuments database. We have now uploaded all of the Swedish monuments along with the Danish archaeological monuments. You can explore the Danish data through this map.
Wiki Loves Earth
In June Sweden participated in Wiki Loves Earth for the first time. Over 1000 images were uploaded as part of the competition and the jury are now starting the hard work of deciding a winner amongst these. There are still some images which don't say which place they are depicting, if you want to help out with sorting these out get in touch on T169762.
As part of the preparation 3000 items were created (and another 1500 were updated) on Wikidata based on the official data from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. If you would like to explore the competition contributions why not combine it by making sure the images get used by the corresponding Wikidata item? If you want to help out get in touch on T169762.
Water data on Wikidata
June was the last month of the year long collaboration between Wikimedia Sverige and the Kalmar County Administrative Board focusing on importing environmental data for water bodies to Wikidata. Under the Water Framework Directive all member countries of the European Union are obliged to report on the environmental status of their water bodies to the European Environmental Agency. This data is all structured and standardised and thus a great fit for Wikidata.
The aim of the project was to created a framework which can be used for importing water data from any member country that reports under the Directive. This included both writing the code for doing this and mapping the existing data to Wikidata and suggesting properties where new ones are needed. We also imported a subset of the data available for Swedish water bodies and started the discussion about the need for more of the member countries licensing their data under CC0. For more details read our final report.
Water bodies in Sweden coloured by their Ecological status (interactive map)
Water bodies in Sweden coloured by their River Basin District (interactive map)
Summer of data
Data on all 4147 hillforts in the British Isles have been imported into Wikidata from the newly-launched Atlas of Hillforts. This is a great leap forward as only about 400 of these sites had Wikipedia or Wikidata entries up to now. This allows us to identify hillforts that lack an article in Wikipedia, tag hillfort photographs in Commons, create customised maps with Wikidata queries, and create draft list articles with ListeriaBot. w:en:Wikipedia:GLAM/Oxford/hillforts is the project page co-ordinating the activities improving and using this dataset.
Digital Humanities
Martin Poulter, the Wikimedian In Residence at Oxford, gave a one-hour masterclass at the university's Digital Humanities Summer School. This mainly covered Wikidata as a tool for combining databases and visualising data, with Wikisource as a platform for turning books into structured data. The presentation was also about how Wikimedia projects work together as a structured environment. Slides and Twitter reactions are at wmuk:Oxford Digital Humanities Masterclass 2017. The Bodleian Digital Library blog hosted a guest post about Wikidata's role as a knowledge base and global authority hub.
Sharing images in print and digital
Winning Photos Exhibit Makes Another Stop
After presenting the exhibition of award-winning photos on joint Wiki Loves Monuments and Wiki Loves Earth awards ceremony in Kyiv in December 2016, Wikimedia Ukraine declared it available for touring. GLAM institutions and volunteers were welcomed to invite or organize display in other cities of Ukraine.
Until June 2017, 34 images (from 21 authors) toured to 5 more cities and were showcased in photography museum, three municipal museums, and library. In June this list was enriched by a medieval fortress. Top-10 photos and winners in so-called regional nominations were exhibited in the hall ofState Historical-Cultural Preserve Medzhybizh Fortress in Khmelnytsky Oblast for 3 weeks and were seen by many tourists visiting Fortress complex summer days.
Exhibition building
Documenting Eurovision Song Contest in Kyiv
The ESC is a pan-European, annual TV song competition held, primarily, among the member countries of the European Broadcasting Union. Two experienced event photographers and Wikipedians were accredited and covered many events in two weeks producing 664 pictures. Among other results, at least 30 articles about the artists got their first illustrations in Ukrainian Wikipedia. Preliminary and fringe events were also covered.
Salvador Sobral, photo is used in 80 articles of 71 Wikipedias
Francesco Gabbani, photo is used in 37 Wikipedias
Lucie Jones, photo is used in 38 Wikipedias
Fan zone on the city square
Wikimedia Ukraine invites newsletter readers to disseminate photos throughout even more Wikipedia pages! Check Eurovision Song Contest 2017 category on Commons.
June is bustin' out all over
In the News
User:Ser Amantio di Nicola was named as one of "The 25 Most Influential People on the Internet," by Time Magazine.
Susan Barnum, of the El Paso Public Library, was interviewed in "Librarians Who Wikipedia:"
AfroCROWD at the Allied Media Conference
AfroCROWD held a meetup at the Allied Media Conference, in Detroit Michigan, June 18, 2017. Afrocrowd/AMC
Smithsonian Wikidata Training

Andrew Lih and Wikimedia DC sponsored a Wikidata training session for the Smithsonian Institution on June 29, 2017. The noontime lunch was sponsored by Wikimedia DC at the Smithsonian Institution's offices and had more than 30 participants from the Smithsonian, National Archives and other DC-based entities. Andrew walked through the basics of Wikidata, SPARQL and example projects previously discussed with the Library of Congress earlier in 2017. The hands-on training consisted of updating Wikidata items related to individual Smithsonian museums and entities.
Slides and video of the session are available.
Oak Spring Garden Foundation Edit-a-thon
Wikimedia DC and the Oak Spring Garden Foundation held an Oak Spring Garden Foundation Edit-a-thon, in Upperville, Virginia on June 30, 2017. Oak Spring Garden was the home of Rachel Lambert Mellon, an accomplished gardener and collector. The Foundation maintains Mrs. Mellon's extensive library of botanical illustrations and related biographies. Attendees used available reference materials to improve articles associated with women botanists and botanical illustrators.
Wiki Loves Pride 2017
Wikipedia LGBT, Wikimedia NYC, Black Lunch Table, and the Museum of Modern Art held Wiki Loves Pride 2017, on June 22, 2017.
Wikiconference North America proposals open
Wikiconference North America, which is scheduled on August 9-10, 2017, in Montreal, as a pre-conference to Wikimania 2017, is open for talks and panel proposals.
Wikimedia NYC has organized Wikimania Takes Manhattan II, a scenic train trip, to Montreal, prior to Wikimania.
Proposed GLAM user group
There is a user group for GLAM forming, Wikimedia GLAM User Group
The Met Open Access Artworks Challenge is over; collect your prizes.
The Connected Open Heritage Challenge has begun; edit often, win prizes.
Wikipedia + Libraries Project Updates - ALA in Chicago, Survey, and Recruiting Volunteers
Wikipedia + Libraries is at the WMF grant midpoint (but only a third of the way through the project).
The project team attended the American Library Association annual conference this year in Chicago. Successes include:
* Increased visibility of existing library involvements in Wikipedia at ALA Monika Sengul-Jones presented at an ALA Conversation Starter, the OCLC Research update, and a LearnRT for library staff trainers. The conversation starter "Leveraging Wikipedia for Libraries" was well attended. Speakers included Theresa Embrey (Chief Librarian at the Pritzker Military Museum & Library), Scott Walter (University Librarian at DePaul University) and Aaron Shaw (Assistant Professor of Communication Studies at Northwestern University and a Faculty Associate of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society, moderator and respondent). Panel emphasized that success with Wikipedia has special meaning for libraries: panelists successes included reaching new audiences for their collections, improving reliability on the internet (#1lib1ref was mentioned more than once), staff training, WIR positions and internships scaffold meaningful engagement, and libraries as institutions need strategies and staff buy-in in order to learn Wikipedia's organizational culture. Embrey highlighted ways the Pritzker uses page views driven by Wikipedia editing to measure outcomes and recently published an article about her successes. Walter described the variety of ways Wikipedia has been a part of the DePaul library community, including recent successes with the Wikipedian in Residence Cassandra DellaCorte. These presentations all made visible that libraries have been involved in Wikipedia for years, and modeled what other libraries can do.
* "Yes,I <3 Wikipedia!" Librarians at ALA say they read -- and <3 -- Wikipedia. In general, audience reception and informal conversations were positive. Most attendees the WIR spoke with (unscientific tally = 100+) were curious and enthusiastic about Wikipedia. Some were open that they had tried editing before, and were not successful. There were multiple requests for training and community-building specific to k-12 libraries and higher ed libraries. Questions included: What is GLAM? What is WikiED (does it have resources for university librarians or K-12 libraries). How does Wikipedia protect editors in cases of harassment? This interest suggests the time is right for more tailored training programs for all the different fields of librarianship.
Survey about Wikipedia for library staff
GLAMs, spread the word: the Wikipedia + Libraries team is conducting a short bench-marking survey. Open through the end of July. The main purpose of the survey is to help guide the curriculum design. At ALA, 70 surveys were administered! [Citation needed] stickers were given to respondents at ALA and will be mailed to respondents upon request - email jonesm at oclc dot org for details. Results will be shared with the project evaluation.
Librarians Who Wikipedia feature series continues
Hip hip hooray Susan Barnum! Know a librarian who Wikipedias? Sengul-Jones continues interviews.
Seeking volunteers for WebJunction online training program
GLAMs, are you interested in collaborating and sharing what you've learned about Wikipedia with public library staff? The Wikipedia + Libraries project team is seeking volunteers to be on hand to field questions, shepherd small groups through electives/special topics in Wikipedia editing culture, and more. The course will run between Sept. 13 - Nov. 15. Email jonesm at oclc dot org for details.
Technical Code of Conduct
A code of conduct for Wikimedia technical spaces community policy is now in effect for Wikimedia technical events, presentations, and virtual spaces. Other projects are encouraged to "adopt and adapt" the code. See discussion at Technical Code of Conduct in The Citation, a volunteer newsletter digest that also summarizes Wikimedia-related news inside and outside the movement.
Requesting your input; news from MySociety
Special report: New ways to contribute
You can always help, just by editing Wikidata, but here are some other things you can now do:
- Tell us your favourite tools using Wikidata
- Help us build the program for WikidataCon!
- match the data donated by Giphy, in Mix'n'Match
- New Wikidata Game: Wikidata Guessr guess the locations of random Wikidata items
- COH Challenge: in July, add pictures from the Connected Open Heritage in Wikidata
- New Mix’n’match catalog: Irish National Inventory of Architectural Heritage
Special report: MySociety
- MySociety (Q10851773) completed publishing a "five part series examining how to use Wikidata to answer the question: 'What is the gender breakdown of heads of government across the world?'". Here is the full set:
- I use Wikidata for multilingual names, by MySociety's 'EveryPoliticianBot'
GLAM news
- We reached 500,000,000 edits!
- ORCID Mania (in response to this call for a tool to automate the addition of ORCID iDs to Wikidata)
- Data donation: following the WikiCite conference, our friends at DBLP (Q1224715) began to donate data, with >4,800 values in the first batch, including >1,300 DBLP ID (P2456) plus assorted aliases, and values for VIAF ID (P214), GND ID (P227), ORCID iD (P496), ACM Digital Library author ID (P864), zbMATH author ID (P1556), & Google Scholar ID (P1960).
- a dataset of 48,000 English questions have been mapped to Wikidata
- Sitelinks for the new Kabiye Wikipedia (kbpwiki) can be added
- beaTunes 5’s new Album Info pane is powered by Wikidata
Further reading
- Wikidata, WikiCite, and the "bibliography of life"
- Wikicite 2017, and the 7 features Wikidata needs most
- Querying OSM + Wikidata from a single RDF database intro (YouTube video)
- The Role of Librarians in Wikidata and WikiCite, by Katie Mika
- Resource discovery and Wikidata
- Where the streets have known names - Academic paper on OSM & Wikidata
- Extracting scientists from Wikipedia - Academic paper
- Wikidata as authority linking hub (PDF). Presentation by Joachim Neubert (ZBW) and Jakob Voß (GBV) at the ELAG 2017 conference in Athens
- Building communities of knowledge with Wikidata, by Benjamin Good of the 'Gene Wiki' project
- A Wikidata workshop was conducted in Bangalore
- Facto Post newsletter, first issue with comments on Wikidata.
- There was a hackathon for election data in Ulm, Germany (some documentation in German)
- Blog report about the second Wikidata workshop in the Czech Republic (in Czech)
- ¿Sabes cómo usar la base de datos Wikidata? by the Cervantes virtual library (in Spanish)
Tech developments
- Wikidata Diff, a tool to compare the basic properties of two Wikidata items
- OSM ↔ Wikidata matcher, new tool for OpenStreetMap mappers, to match objects in OSM to Wikidata items, using the wikidata= tag in OSM
- You can now query the Mediawiki API from the Query Service (documentation)
- Your feedback is still welcome on the prototype for editing Wikidata from Wikipedia
- Constraint statements on items now sit in a separate section (example)
- OpenRefine 2.7 has been released, including the Wikidata Reconcile service
- Wiktionary sitelinks have been enabled
New GLAM-related properties
- Latvian Protected Nature Territory URL
- WFD Ecological status
- official Facebook page
- shield image
- Bavarikon ID
- Early Aviators people ID
- RKY national built heritage environment ID
- Semantic Scholar paper ID
- Semantic Scholar author ID
- Giphy username
- Australian Statistical Geography 2011 ID
- Vimeo username
- SlideShare username
- Ustream username
- The Arabidopsis Information Resource Accession
- USL player ID
- dimension
- danskefilm animated film ID
- danskefilm TV series ID
- DFB datacenter player ID
- ADW taxon ID
- Pinakothek artist ID
- Cullum number
- DNCI work ID
- Google Scholar paper ID
- Latvian Protected Nature Territory ID
- PLU Code
- Hungarian NGO ID
- reviewed by
- Mastodon address
- Shironet artist ID
- Shironet song ID
- field of view
- South Australian Heritage Register Database ID
- Danish List of Lights and Fog signals ID
- biography ID
- artist ID
- album ID
- ESBL athlete ID
- emulates
- therapeutic area
- Sandbox-Tabular data
- SIMC place ID
- Sandbox-Geographic shape
- Ukrainian regulations base ID
- institutional ID
- Norwegian List of Lights ID
- Irish Sites and Monuments Record ID
- FINESS medical facility ID
- Irish National Monument ID
- Zemereshet artist ID
- Wikia wiki ID
- Czech Monument Catalogue Number
- racer identifier
- Pizmonet ID
- SKIP code
- Theatres Trust Database ID
- Biodiversity Heritage Library creator ID
- image captured with
- HFC NPS unit ID
- MyAnimeList people ID
- MyAnimeList character ID
- MyAnimeList anime ID
- MyAnimeList manga ID
- Irish National Inventory of Architectural Heritage ID
- Global Terrorism Database ID
- Biodiversity Repository ID
- Irish Grid Reference
- Australian Statistical Geography 2016 ID
- Australian Standard Geographic Classification 2006 ID
- Principal Galaxies Catalogue ID
- RePEc institute ID
- MuseScore ID
- BVMC place id
- metrically compatible typeface
- parliamentary group
- Zemereshet song ID
You are invited to comment on all open property proposals.
Welcome; Documentation Update; Other updates
Welcome Sandra Fauconnier for Structured Data on Commons
Sandra Fauconnier (User:Spinster/User:Sfaucconier) has started working on the Structured Data on Commons project, with the main focus as being the Community Liason for the project. However, her deep expertise and support of GLAM-Wiki projects over the last few years, means that she will be also working on supporting GLAM needs in both Wikidata and the Commons as part of the project.
Documentation Update
Last month, Alex announced working on the documentation for GLAM-Wiki. Though originally planning to run a categorization drive for the This Month in GLAM archive, that tactic has been put on pause, do to several concerns about the usefulness of that data. We are reevaluating the workflow and process, and hope to have an update soon.
Additionally, the new portal for GLAM case studies and models has been updated.
Other updates
Alex supported a number of other projects, including:
- Uploads to Wikimedia Commons for the collaboration with
- Submitting a book Chapter for an OCLC book on Wikipedia and Libraries
- Supporting the development of a GLAM user group
- Consultations from Wikimedians in the United States, Canada, and Brazil.
- Continued support of the Structured Data on Commons planning
- Response to this RFC on ENWiki
July's GLAM events
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